Archivist Notes:
Originally called "Manifestation Made
Right", listening to Kiri and Treebeard talk
about how they can see the same waveforms Omal
does, it made sense to link all the
conversations under a single topic. They speak
of seeing waveforms from their perspective on
a higher dimension, a perspective have access
to only with a dedication to seeing auras, not
an impossible goal and certainly a worthy one
to pursue. Until then, we have to use other
senses to detect the waveforms around us with
many able to do so subconsciously. This
channeling session certainly made it feel
anything is possible.
Kiri's assessment of how
the Hades Base news website has evolved is how
she gets this session started but soon goes on
to what she she was there to talk about,
coercion and the mental processes taking place
during the influencing of someone's mind. She
had previously explained all the other aspects
of how coercion works but she broke new ground
by giving us an insider's look at the
intricacies involved from a master coercer
able to see the wave patterns of the subject
being coerced. Before wrapping up she goes
over some the key markings of a coercer, the
main one of course, confidence. Treebeard
follows after and those not familiar with
Treebeard have to understand his primary
language is Sirian and not English so his
phrasing will be in more of a broken English.
What comes across though is a very informative
lesson of reflexology and why manipulating
certain parts of the body create corresponding
physical reactions in the body. The Base
commander expands on Kiri's topic of waveforms
using his go-to skill on how they are the end
product of the physical manifestations he
makes appear out of thin air. Omal then
finishes up side one by clarifying that the
waveforms for living beings is completely
different than that of an inanimate object.
After finishing up
due to prior commitments, Omal makes way for Karra
who was advised to relax by her doctor and so we
can see the effects munching on one of the blue
flowers can have on a person. She is professional
enough though to draw upon her skill at nursing to
help expand on how reflexology can be used as a
stand in for a local anesthetic in extreme cases
when that is all you have available. The opposite
use of the pressure points on the body is brought
up with how they can be manipulated through
martial arts to harm if not done gently as is done
with healing. She explain how reflexology works by
affecting both the nerve and blood flows before
wrapping up with a quick status on the conference
and some of the races to be invited to
participate. It's Lyka's turn next and we get some
first hand knowledge of some of the survival tips
used by the Sirian Defense Force. The storage of
food for hard times is the topic and she tells us
about ocean beef or beef that has been stored in
brine. We go over other items of food suitable for
preservation before she hands off to Tia who gets
us up to date with the goings on in Russia. From
her we can guess where Omal was going as this was
the day Vladamir Putin was installed as the acting
prime minister by Boris Yeltsin, a very crucial
event to be reviewed for its future implications
we can see the results of today. She gives us her
take on things and how Russia was poised between a
couple of different paths it could go down. As
usual, the unique perspective of her duties of
data analysis gave her the ability to observe
things objectively. She end the session
dramatically as she is getting reports of pitched
battles taking place during the War of Dagestan.
Part 1 Listen to this
episode (RIGHT
Duration: 40:41
min. - File type: mp3
Part 2 Listen to
this episode
Duration: 35:55 min. -
File type: mp3

(Kiri starts the session out
as ring mistress)
Kiri: we are gathered
here to mourn the loss of the body, or should I say
dearly departed?
Russ: the body’s not
Kiri: okay.
Russ: the inhabitant’s
been taken a vacation for a few hours here.
Kiri: uh-huh, sixteen
give or take a few minutes.
Russ: uh-huh.
Kiri: okay, where are
we? Okay we’re up here and you’re down there hmm, now
why does that seem so familiar?
Russ: can’t we change
that around, you come down here and we’ll go up there
just for once? How about next week?
Kiri: yeah, no problem.
Skip: then we can use
your computer babe.
(everybody laughs)
Kiri: (sings) I know
what’s wrong with it, I know what’s wrong with it.
Russ: why don’t you
tell him?
Kiri: because there’s
nothing he can do about it.
Russ: oh.
Kiri: the modem is
Russ: we’ll have a
memorial service and bury it in the yard.
Kiri: uh-huh. My idea
is junk the modem, well junk the whole entire computer
and get a real computer.
Russ: right but in the
Kiri: but you guys
don’t have access to real computers. Now that we’ve got that out
of the way, the webpage, I like that. What did I say
last week though Russ, what was one of the things that
I said?
Russ: well you
basically said that all the parameters you needed.
Kiri: uh-huh but what
did I say, what was the one big thing that I said that
I wanted?
Russ: that you be
Kiri: uh-huh, impress
Russ: that’s right.
Kiri: impress me with
your creativity and believe you me, it takes a lot to
impress me. I’ve seen a lot in my 60 odd years.
Russ: yeah but you’re
just a the grand scheme of things.
Kiri: in my counting
yes but in yours no, eh-eh.
Russ: no I know but I
mean but good God, think of where you're going to be
at in another 200 years?
Kiri: hey, I’ll still
be a nymphomaniac. Okay, now let’s get down to
seriousness for the moment. Okay, let’s sidestep
issues of horniness, let’s sidestep issues of
projects, let's sidestep webpages and go straight to
something that should be entertaining for all of us.
Okay, that is coercion…..
Russ: ahh.
Kiri: and your coercion
Russ: what coercion
exercises? Oh yeah right.
Kiri: Skip, is it my
imagination or does he have the attention span of a
Russ: I scored twice in
two days on that so I’m doing good.
Kiri: uh-huh………(Skip
starts laughing)…… I impressed?
Russ: I was impressed
Kiri: okay, you want to
see coercion, you want coercion huh? Okay let’s have a
closer look at coercion and the purposes and what
we’ve covered so far in all our years of inane
Russ: well, basically
the differences between positive and negative coercion
would be the biggest things we’ve covered and gone
over and over and over.
Kiri: uh-huh and also
the morals.
Russ: yeah the morals
of course.
Kiri: and the reasoning
why you should and should not use coercion in certain
Russ: right.
Kiri: we’ve also covered how to coerce.
Russ: oh yeah.
Kiri: we’ve also
covered why to coerce.
Russ: yeah.
Kiri: okay now then,
let’s look at something we haven’t covered, the actual
mental process. I’m not talking about the how-to, I’m
talking about what actually happens in the mind. The
mind of the person that you're coercing, how do you
make the brainwave patterns alter? Okay we can talk
about energy fields and things that you wouldn’t
understand or maybe you would. Do either of you guys
know what the energy waves are that are produced by
the subject’s mind?
Russ: well we’ve gone
over it before with various speakers.
Kiri: uh-huh, but not
in coercion, that’s one thing we haven’t covered.
Russ: hmm.
Kiri: okay the way that
the mind……..the wave patterns of their mind, the
subject’s mind works, is that in actual fact you can
tell when somebody’s being coerced if you can see
their mind waves or brainwave patterns. As long as you
can see patterns and know that they’re not natural
patterns, you can tell that the person is being
Russ: yeah but the
person that I’ve seen be able to do that that though
is Treebeard and our little Bunny.
Kiri: uh-huh, the
little horn dog or horn rabbit. Okay now, when they
talk about brainwaves and the way that the patterns
and waveforms occur right? Now for example let’s say
you Skip are coercing Russ and you are being very
clever about it and using my kind of coercion, total
mental coercion without using speech. Now the fact
that I could look at Russ and go okay brainwave forms
yes, wait a second, those aren’t Russ’ waveforms,
those look very close to what Skip’s look like. You
see what I’m saying?
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri: that somebody
that’s being coerced, you can see that they’re being
coerced by the change in their wave patterns of their
mind. Now it doesn’t have to be in close proximity,
let’s say you’re as talented as I am, yes I am being
conceited with my coercive ability. Let’s say I am
outside and down the street but I’m focusing my mind
on the Russ’ mind, our victim. Okay so, Russ’ wave
patterns gradually change to something similar to
mine, not totally like mine because to do that I would
basically be turning Russ into an automate and he
would have totally no free will to do anything. I’d
have to regulate everything including his breathing,
his heart rate, muscle movement, digestive tracts,
everything. So to totally take over control means
basically I take possession of the body which means
that I’m totally focused in Russ’ and not my own body
and taking care of my own needs. So, most people don’t
do that. I say most, there are a few people that do it
for various reasons, some of them positive some of
them negative. But, the fact remains that the
brainwave patterns change to look very similar to mine
but not totally like mine because everybody has
different brain wave patterns just as they have
individual ribs and retinas and so on. No two people
are totally identical. Not even twins are identical in
their brainwave patterns and their retinal scans and
their fingerprints and their DNA, there is always a
little bit of a difference. So, that’s how you tell
how somebody’s being coerced, whether they’re being
coerced or not. If you can recognize the brainwave
patterns that are similar to the person coercing the
victim, then you are able to track down and narrow
down who is coercing. Now, let us say that I am
coercing something that is on a lower intelligence
level like the feline. Okay the feline’s brainwave
patterns are so radically different from mine that I
do the dominating effect. The dominating effect is
where I use sheer will power and energy for the cat to
obey. Now you’ve all seen me do that. That is sheer
stubbornness and power, raw coercive power. There’s
nothing subtle about it, there is nothing skillful
about it, it is just sheer dominating, coercive power.
Okay, got any questions?
Russ: how do we see
brainwave patterns?
Kiri: it takes a lot of
skill, it takes a lot of time. To give you the very,
very simplified version is that you get to know the
person, the way that they behave…………..this is a
three-dimensional way……… they react to certain
situations and how they would react to other
situations. Now knowing the person you know how they
react so you can watch their body language for
anything that is different and unusual. Now to
actually see the brainwaves takes a lot of skill and
practice and something that I don’t think you can do
on the third dimension but how it is done up here is
basically looking directly at the head and seeing the
auric image. Now once you can focus in on the auric
image, you can actually focus in much finer and see
the differences and the patterns within the different
layers of the aura. Now the patterns within the top
part of the aura of the head are basically like little
waveforms that you would see on an oscilloscope. They
go like this and it’s a very thin and fine and it’s
the differences in color of the aura, there is a
little line in between each one that corresponds to
the brainwave activity. Now the average person if you
focus in on the head, on the aura of the head, will
have about sixty to a hundred different shades of one
color and within each shade if you focus in tightly on
it, you’ll see a little line dividing each shade.
Those little lines are the brainwave activities and as
it radiates out, all the way around, you will see the
various waves and activities and they are fairly
constant depending on the situation and the emotional
status. For example, let’s say picking on our favorite
subject tonight Russ, let’s say Russ is in a happy,
giddy, youthful type mood. Now, by looking at his
brainwave patterns, I would be able to deduce that
he’s in a happy, giggly, boisterous, boyish type
behavior because it would very rapid lines. Now if
Russ was totally the opposite, sad, depressed, fed up,
bored, tired, you would see a much flatter waveform.
It would still be bumpy but it would be much flatter,
much more suppressed with his suppressed state of
mind. Which brings me to my next little bit of
coercive tidbit. It is easier to coerce somebody when
they’re in a lowered state of emotions, action,
activity, mood. Now when is that most common?
Russ: before sleep?
Kiri: before and during
sleep. Sleep is when an individual is the most
vulnerable because everything is switched off,
everything is running on bare minimum. So what do we
know, okay what have we covered?
Skip: brainwaves of
Kiri: uh-huh and how to
recognize when somebody is being coerced and when
somebody is at their most vulnerable.
Skip: okay, question
darling please.
Kiri: uh-huh?
Skip: my coercion is
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: by using reverse
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: I coerce people
into doing things.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: I have a question
for you.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: how do you tell
when you’re being coerced?
Kiri: well if somebody
is good, you can’t.
Russ: right well we’re
down here so….
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: how do you tell
if you’re being coerced?
Kiri: okay because
you’re doing something that you wouldn’t normally do
or you're doing something that is against your beliefs
or you’re doing something that suddenly popped into
your mind that felt like a really good idea that you
wouldn’t normally do.
Russ: now how do you
determine that, distinguish that from a wild hare?
Kiri: a wild hare? I’m
not familiar with that term.
Skip: okay, a thought
pops into your mind…..
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: by your own
Kiri: ahh.
Skip: okay?
Kiri: okay, that
boisterous side of your nature.
Skip: yeah.
Kiri: how do you would
deal with it is maybe it’s something that you don’t
want to do. Now do the erroneous thoughts that you
have occasionally that make you do wild things, most
of them are more enjoyable correct? A little bit
mischievous, you get a kick out of it.
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri: now if you don’t?
Skip: then somebody’s
put it there for you.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: what about like
say sex?
Skip: like what?
Russ: sex, you know
someone’s trying to coerce you into having sex with
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and you really
want to have sex with them but you really know better
you just can’t help yourself, you just want to have
sex with this person. It’s really something you want
to do but you know better….
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: but it’s hard to
tell if that’s you or them. I mean is it your
stupidity or their coercion?
Kiri: that sounds more
like a bit of both. I’ve yet to come across anybody
that would knowingly have sex with somebody that they
didn’t really want to for whatever reason, even though
that they really wanted to but they know better.
Somebody that does that either doesn’t know better,
doesn’t think of the consequences or is being coerced
or all three. Now it only works if it is the
combination of all three. You really want to, you know
better but you really don’t care that you know better
and you want to do it anyway and they want you to do
it as well.
Russ: hmm.
Kiri: that is when it
works most effectively the coercion because you really
want to do it but you know better but you really don’t
Russ: right or
salespeople, our best coercers down here are salesmen.
Skip: yeah.
Kiri: uh-uh.
Russ: and you really
want to buy it, it sounds great. You’d like to try
this and buy this but, "God, it’s kind of out of my
price range but I’d really like to buy this, this guy
sounds really convincing."
Russ: uh-huh.
Kiri: uh-huh, now are
you talking about people on your communication, on
your entertainment…..
Russ: no actually, just
people that walk in or that you already meet in the
Kiri: uh-huh right.
Russ: like the other
day who sold me big time but I got what wanted, she
got what she wanted but she was a hell of a good
Kiri: uh-huh okay now,
those people work one-on-one, I would say that they're
good coercers, they’re not great, not by the standards
on your planet.
Russ: right.
Kiri: now who are the
great coercers your planet?
Russ: politicians.
Kiri: that’s right, a
lot of them are politicians.
Russ: sure, and that’s
another one where you really want to vote for these
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: even though they
don’t stand for a few things that maybe you do……
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: but….
Kiri: they talk hell of
the storm.
Russ: they talk a hell
of the storm and they really got great charisma and
they’d make a great whatever they want to run for.
Kiri: uh-huh. Now would
you say that I have great charisma?
Russ: sure.
Kiri: okay, would you
say that I carry myself with a lot of confidence?
Russ: oh yeah.
Kiri: would you say
that I am, I have great poise?
Russ: no.
Kiri: you wouldn’t?
Russ: no.
Kiri: what makes you
say that?
Russ: because I’d
compare you to Karra, Karra has great poise.
Kiri: uh-huh but Karra
gets flustered.
Russ: yeah but she has
great poise.
Kiri: uh-huh but she
gets flustered, do I get flustered?
Russ: I don’t know.
Kiri: uh-huh, I do get
flustered but not very often.
Russ: I don’t know, see
I don’t deal with you except on just the channeling
sessions so it's not quite the same. All I know is
comparing you to somebody I do know who has great
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and against her,
yeah you don’t have great poise.
Kiri: oh great poise?
When Monka and Ashtar was here, “umm okay we will
proceed, ummm….” No, I don’t call that great poise, I
call that being a little bit, a little bit nervous and
jumpy. Great poise is being able to walk into a room
wearing a backless, braless dress, full-length and
know that everybody is going to turn and look at me
and whether or not my headlights are on, I’ve got to
walk upright, proud and smile. You’ve seen me do that.
Russ: hey you’re the
ring mistress for that session weren’t you?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: I can’t remember
what happened, how was your poise that night?
Kiri: did I get
Russ: can’t remember.
Kiri: no, I did not but
you remember the inauguration ball?
Russ: yeah, yeah I was
Kiri: how I walked down
the stairs and everything and I was wearing a very
nice dress, a little bit short in the front but very
nice. No straps, no bra.
Russ: I don’t know, I
was watching Karra.
Kiri: uh-huh but poise.
Russ: well yeah like I
Kiri: confidence….
Russ: I have to take
your word for it.
Kiri: yes confidence,
poise, keeping a cool head, being a little bit
conceited knowing that yes, I am good. Those are the
key markings of a coercer, confidence. Confidence is
very important. Poise, not being able to get flustered
because you have to be focused if you’re coercing. If
I wanted, I could run for an office just on my poise,
my confidence and my lack of flustability alone. The
fact that it doesn’t appeal to me is something that is
irrelevant, I could do that. Okay, more questions?
Russ: no that's it.
Kiri: Skip?
Skip: well I was going
to give you a case in fact that happens here not too
long ago…
Kiri: okay.
Skip: about your sex
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: oh yeah right,
right, right.
Skip: well a gentleman
that's father to my grandson’s buddies….
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: got coerced into
doing sex with a married lady that’s got kids of her
own and after it happened she yelled rape.
Kiri: that’s not good.
Skip: no but he got
coerced into it.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: how did he know
Skip: huh?
Russ: is it possible it
wasn’t the little head talking?
Skip: no, he went over
to get his money because he works for her husband and
she told him to come in and when he walked in and she
threw the covers back and she was completely nude.
Kiri: hmm.
Russ: I still say that
could be the little head talking at that point.
Skip: you haven’t seen
this lady.
Russ: oh well, like you
say yeah, I don’t know.
Skip: okay?
Kiri: yeah.
Skip: but that happened
and he went to jail for it.
Kiri: but that’s
something that needs to be looked at on your planet
because it does happen too often.
Skip: yes it does.
Kiri: I mean I could
come down to your planet and decide that I needed a
good drilling and enjoy myself tremendously and then
turn around and scream rape and kick up a hell of a
storm and the person who did it would go to jail on my
word alone.
Skip: yep because it’s
your word against theirs.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: well that’s the
thing, you have to know when you’re being coerced and
if you are, I mean good shielding will help you but at
some point you’re going to have to be able to exert
control over that coercion and you have to recognize
that you’re being coerced.
Skip: well it’s all
three points that came up, you want to, you know
better and stupidity.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: okay?
Kiri: "but who gives a
damn, nobody will find out?" Okay, any more questions?
Skip: no thank you.
Kiri: any more
comments? Okay……
takes Kiri's place)
Treebeard: greetings.
Russ: greetings
Treebeard: well are you
Skip: just fine.
Russ: excellent.
Treebeard: that is of
Russ: uh-huh and
Treebeard: I am a
little bit you would say dormant but not totally.
Russ: hmm okay, we'll
keep it short.
Treebeard: what would
be the word?
Russ: tired.
Treebeard: ahh yes,
eyelids being of heavy.
Russ: understand.
Treebeard: even though
it being only of early up here. But still, when my age
then sleep is something you of earning.
Russ: Treebeard?
Treebeard: yes?
Russ: can you try an
experiment for me?
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: Karra and I are
working on a little experiment this last few minutes
here that I thought you were the perfect person to ask
about this.
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: we’re trying to
practice on reflexology….
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: and finding a
certain point in the hands that will bring alertness.
Treebeard: you want me
to demonstrate?
Russ: absolutely.
Treebeard: hold hand
Russ: okay.
Treebeard: under.....okay…..let me…..okay.
Russ: oh, that’s it. Oh
thank you.
Treebeard: you may
being of wishing to explain for tape what just
Russ: oh right,
Treebeard pushed into my hand somewhere just to the
right of the center lower quadrant.
Treebeard: with hand
face up.
Russ: with hand face up
right, with fingernail or finger point.
Treebeard: finger
point. You felt like little jab?
Russ: yeah.
Treebeard: you are
being active now?
Russ: uh-huh, ahh good.
Treebeard: there is
another spot as well, that is being here?
Russ: oh, to the other
side of that?
Treebeard: yes, pushing
Russ: all right.
Treebeard: try it
Russ: working on it
now. Okay, I see it yeah.
Treebeard: uh-huh,
there are several within hand.
Russ: oh okay.
Treebeard: main one
being just off-center is quick stimulation.
Russ: ahhh.
Treebeard: the one on
heel of hand, is that correct?
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: is more
longer, it is more stimulation.
Russ: excellent, you’ve
picked up quite a bit of knowledge in your many years.
Treebeard: it is
something that I needed of doing when dealing with
Russ: really, why?
Treebeard: when
planting lots of plants in limited of time….
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: you have to
be aware all the time.
Russ: oh.
Treebeard: so have
short window of time to work so go without sleep to
get things being of done.
Russ: I see.
Treebeard: so you learn
little tricks to activate of body. One that has
reverse effect but at start does not feel so is back
of neck near towards the swelling of the I think you
would be of saying cerebellum?
Russ: okay, at the base
there? Just before it goes from the hollow up to the
point where it starts to bulge out?
Treebeard: that is
correct. If you apply gentle pressure there but do not
use full pressure, you will feel a slight sensation.
Russ: oh yeah.
Treebeard: that will if
jabbed make you feel at first energy and then drained.
It is like being of tub of liquid….
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: and pulling
out cork and energy draining out.
Russ: I see.
Treebeard: other such
places being behind ears. Having noticed that head
makes one sleepy whereas various parts of arms and
hands activate. On body many different possibilities
of draining or activating depending on where and
pressure. It is something that is using of what you
would call points of pressure?
Russ: yeah pressure
Skip: uh-huh.
Treebeard: and using
right amount of pressure would being of doing either
on certain parts.
Russ: now why is our
body like that? How is it just pushing on this little
part of the hand makes you more alert or back of the
neck or others, what’s the energy connection there?
Treebeard: it is not so
much energy but sensitivity to feeling and energy
little bit. Certain parts are associated with certain
actions. For example, you use hands most when
stimulated, is that not of correct? They are more
active. Using head more when you are feeling of as I
am, word was tired?
Russ: tired.
Skip: tired yeah.
Treebeard: so put two
and two, come up with answer. So you using of head
when you are ready for dormancy but hands being used
for activity. Body other parts being used either so
either can being of used. Yes?
Skip: that would be
conducted by the central nervous system then.
Treebeard: that is
being of correct. It works like electronical network
as you are thinking of.
Skip: uh-huh.
Treebeard: wire max of
nervous systems apply pressure here, energize and
channel energy flow through main conduction. Channel
energy there and opposite effect of shutting down
occurs so it matter of body circuitry like yes,
Russ: hmm, so if you’re
staying healthy and maintaining youth, isn’t there
parts of the body you could work on on a daily basis
to bring up….
Skip: on your feet.
Russ: yeah to bring up
your health and so on?
Treebeard: if you of
applying pressure to certain parts of feet, you have
interesting sensations. If you drag nail up foot, does
it not tickle?
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: and your
toes curl in and it makes you what?
Russ: laugh.
Treebeard: uh-huh which
laughter is being of associated with?
Russ: youth.
Skip: health.
Treebeard: health and
youth, you are healthy when you are of young correct?
Russ: uh-huh, so daily
tickling of feet sessions for you?
Treebeard: not
necessarily, tickling more of massaging.
Russ: hmm, so every
day, work a little bit on the feet to stimulate your
health and maintain your youth.
Treebeard: I think Skip
has experience of that from youth when wearing green?
Russ: huh? Okay, you
guys lost me there.
Treebeard: many miles
walked, is it not nice to sit down and massage one’s
Skip: yes it is, 35
miles in one day is pretty far.
Treebeard: I am seeing
that it would be. Over many different kind of terrain
certainly would be of bruising to feet. So it would be
of relaxing so learning at young age would be best
time to know what points to use later on.
Russ: hmm.
Skip: okay Treebeard,
can I make a statement here?
Treebeard: you are
welcome of doing so.
Skip: thank you. I have
learned just the last few years of the pressure points
in the feet that controls the different organs and
systems of the body. Now I’ve noticed that they’re
putting out roller… can I say this? They're pads
with ball bearings in them to stand on to roll your
feet on to hit all the pressure points on the bottom
of your feet.
Treebeard: those are
useful and comfortable but you learn't about pressure
points and what parts are good for what parts of the
body or organs long time before reading about them but
did not know that that’s what they did.
Skip: uh-huh, you’re
Treebeard: so you had
knowing that it felt good and helped you but did not
know reasoning of why so you have both now.
Skip: uh-huh.
Treebeard: but the foot
chairs that you think of you see in computer
Skip: no in fact I’ve
seen them in the actual store…
Treebeard: ahhh.
Skip: okay? They’re
already been made and produced.
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Skip: in fact I’ve seen
them in Walmart.
Russ: seems to me that
kind of soul for your shoe, an insert that had like
little ball bearings or….
Skip: magnets.
Russ: hmm, I’ve seen
the magnets.
Skip: yeah magnets are
getting to be quite the thing down here now.
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Skip: and I don’t know
if they're all that ingenious or not.
Treebeard: I am not of
medic, what I know of pressure points I learned when
working planting to keep going. But as older as I am
getting, it seems more pressure necessary or maybe
lacking strength in hands to pressure so.
Skip: it happens.
Treebeard: okay, any
more of questions?
Skip: no.
Russ: uh-uh.
Skip: thank you.
Treebeard: thank you, I
am going off to indulge in walk back so I may be of
Russ: excellent, have a
good walk.
(Kiri returns to bring on Omal)
Skip: hi sweetie.
Russ: hello.
Kiri: uh-huh? Okay,
that was informative.
Get: yes, very.
Kiri: uh-huh apart from
he’s looking tired in fact he’s wandering off and
Lipitus is up on his hind legs boxing. I think Lipitus
will follow him shortly.
(his pet rabbit)
Russ: who is he boxing
with, Pegasus?
(a cat on the base)
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: oh.
Kiri: it amazes me that
when he’s with Treebeard he has no problems but if
Treebeard falls asleep and other cats show up then
Lipitus is in trouble but they don’t bother him down
in his area, hmmm. Okay, what do we got next? Got any
more questions for me?
Russ: not right now.
Kiri: pout, pout, pout,
pout, pout…..pout, pout……pout, pout, pout. Okay, we're
almost ready to turn over the tape as well.
(Omal shares with us his knowledge
on waveforms)
Omal: greetings Russ.
Russ: greetings Omal.
Omal: and when Skip
gets back, it will also be greetings. It seems to be
an informative session tonight do you not think so?
Russ: I totally agree,
we're definitely covering a lot of areas I’m not even
sure we were planning on covering but definitely
getting the job done.
Omal: I think Kiri
deliberately has been setting up for this waveform for
quite a while.
Russ: hmm.
Omal: yes?
Russ: well with that
waveform on that same note, it’s like I never really
got answered on the part of how do we see waveforms
more though.
Omal: she did answer
Russ: yeah, I’m just
not sure how we could put it into practical
application down here.
Omal: I don’t think
Kiri actually knows how you would do it down there.
Russ: oh, well that’s
probably why then.
Omal: yeah, it’s
something she speculated on on the possibilities on
ways to do it but she used Sirian ways that she knows
which is understandable. And after all, doesn’t
everybody use what they know?
Russ: absolutely.
Omal: yeah try to
convert it to things that they are trying to explain
to make it easier for somebody and unfortunately as
you well know, it can unfortunately blur the issue
even more.
Russ: right, now you
see waveforms right?
Omal: yes.
Russ: okay, when you
manifest, you see the waveform of the whatever
Omal: different
waveforms, greetings Skip.
Skip: Omal?
Omal: yes.
Skip: oh, thank you.
Greetings to you sir.
Omal: greetings.
Russ: for example, when
you manifest you see the particles of matter coming
together in to a solid form……
Omal: and coalescing in
that form? Yes.
Russ: right. So when
they do that, do they take a certain way of doing that
or is it different for every thing?
Omal: it’s different
for each item. For example, the proverbial…..
(holds up an invisible penny)
Russ: of course.
Omal: okay, I see the
waveform of the penny.
Russ: all right.
Omal: I see the shape,
I see how it feels, I can see all the edges, I can see
it creating, I can see it in my hand. Heads or tails?
Russ: heads.
Omal: tails. But it is
a matter of seeing the waveform. Now the waveform that
Kiri was talking about is totally different.
Russ: okay.
Omal: it is a totally
different waveform. The penny is an inanimate object.
Russ: right.
Omal: a living object
has a waveform that is radically different, appears
random if you look at it for a moment but if you watch
it for longer you will actually see that there are
patterns in it that are repetitive. The penny’s
waveforms are steady, repetitive from the get-go to
the finish. A thought waveform is different, it will
be for example if we use a zigzag, it would be…..see
how it repeats whereas a penny would be very much,
very similar all the way down through.
Russ: yes but you’re
taking matter which is in a form that’s totally random
in every which way and you are turning it into a very
steady waveform.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: now isn’t that
maybe a clue toward the manifestation of a penny?
Omal: no.
Russ: you’re not
controlling the flow of the wave........?

(Omal makes a seamless transition
between sides)
Omal: …… I
am seeing the penny, the waveform comes once the
penny is formed into that pattern.
Russ: ohhhh.
Omal: it doesn’t
come first, it comes when it achieves.
Russ: there’s a
key there somewhere.
Skip: in other
words, it’s an inanimate object that has the same
waveform no matter how many different ones you
Omal: correct, as
long as they are identical. Okay now I only have a
limited time unfortunately.
Russ: oh.
Omal: as things
are starting to happen with interest. So what we
will do is go over Kiri’s comments about
waveforms, coercion and her projects which she
neatly sidestepped however, I know it was only a
joke but I must point out that that cannot happen
concerning the computers.
Skip: this was a
Omal: I know….
Skip: this was
totally a joke.
Omal: I know.
Okay Kiri’s comments on the coercion are very
useful, she again has worded herself well but has
been cautious, not to give too much away. She has
given both positive and negative uses. This is
something that we gamble on but by giving you both
the positive and the negative, you can decide
which is which even though Kiri states and the
explanation's quite clear which is which, it gives
you an idea of what to watch for in the negative
capacity. Okay do we have any questions?
Skip: no.
Russ: on the
gamble that we're taking?
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: not a real
big risk though is it?
Omal: no.
Russ: because
she’s not really pointing out anything that would
be detrimental to a person’s health.
Omal: okay, I do
not see any problems with Treebeard’s comments
apart from the fact that he was getting tired. Any
more questions?
Skip: no, I have
Russ: well we do
have the report on our conference.
Omal: uh-huh.
Runs: I don’t
know if Karra gave it to you yet.
Omal: I have
already read it.
Russ: oh okay,
I’m just going to say say I just got it two hours
ago so she's quick.
Skip: yeah.
Omal: oh she is.
Russ: all right.
Omal: okay, thank
you very much.
Russ: thank you
Skip: thank you
Omal: live long,
prosper and, I’ll be back.
(Kiri comes back on to get us over to her sister)
Russ: hello.
Kiri: yo.
Russ: yo.
Kiri: yo.
Russ: yo.
Kiri: yo.
Russ: yo.
Skip: yep.
Kiri: bite me.
Skip: not yet.
Kiri: well you
wouldn’t want to bite the host but if I was down
Skip: I can’t get
Kiri: no but if I
came down there….
Russ: I’d
probably get bit first.
Kiri: uh-huh, you
have to move pretty fast to catch me.
Russ: all right.
Kiri: uh-huh,
talking of horror stories.
(Karra joins us as the two
sisters joke together)
Karra: (sighs)
Russ: you guys
just have this little sibling thing going.
Karra: horror
stories am I?
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: hello.
Russ: hello my
Karra: how’s it
Press: fantastic.
Skip: how you
doing darling?
Karra: I’m doing
Skip: good.
Karra: I’m doing
good, I’m relaxed.
Russ: excellent.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: poised?
Karra: yes, the
doctor said that I needed to be relaxed.
Russ: good,
anything I can do to help? Well I guess I’m
already helping by maintaining a good….
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: level of
steady flow of energy lately.
Karra: yes, yes
there is the other way of helping but no I’m very
relaxed right now.
Russ: excellent
Karra: in fact if
I get any more relaxed they could put me in a
bucket of water.
Russ: all right.
Karra: uh-huh, I
was given something to munch on. (a blue flower)
Russ: oh, that’s
pretty relaxing.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: well my
blue flowered, little, relaxed person there…..
Karra: uh-huh.
reflexology, maintaining our relaxed state of mind
that we’re working on.
Karra: oh yes,
yes reflexology. Okay, what did Treebeard cover?
Russ: Treebeard
covered the points on the hand for quick
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and more
prolonged stimulation, point on the back of the
neck for….
Karra: uh-huh,
just below….
Russ: dormancy,
correct. Let’s see, Skip and Treebeard worked on
points of the feet for maintaining youth and
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: and the……
Russ: oh back of
the ears.
Karra: okay now
there are some more, there are ones that I’ve used
to immobilize parts of the body.
Russ: oh
Karra: uh-huh for
medical reasons.
Russ: right.
Karra: okay…..
Russ: that would
be handy.
Karra: there are
some pressure points on the sides of the ribs, by
applying pressure…..just let me work out…..almost
down to the bottom of the rib cage in fact right
on the bottom of the rib cage. If you run your
finger down the side about midway down in the
middle, go down to the bottom of the rib cage and
apply a little bit of pressure there and you will
feel a little bit of tingling in the backs of your
Russ: I must be
doing it wrong.
Skip: ouch.
Karra: okay let
me roll the host body, should be there.
Russ: it’s on the
very bottom rib?
Karra: uh-huh not
quite, there’s one more below it.
Russ: oh okay, I
see, second from bottom.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay got
that one.
Karra: if you
were to draw a centerline down through, it’s right
Russ: okay.
Karra: there you
go. Now if you rotate over a little bit more
towards the back in the same rib, apply a little
bit more pressure okay, you feel that in your
back? A little tingling….
Russ: oh there it
is, I got that one on the back, I can't get the
one on the legs though.
Karra: probably
not applying enough pressure.
Russ: oh all
Karra: okay now,
these again are pressure points.
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: okay they
have various different uses, the one for the legs
will paralyze the legs if you apply enough
pressure. There is a very quick way of doing it
which looks brutal and discomfiting and you put
your hands like this and beat on either side at
the pressure points. What you do is you cut off
the supply of blood to the legs as well as the
energy to legs and the legs will fold and they are
numb. It’s kind of a localized anesthetic for the
legs. That will take out both of them if you do it
on either side. If you do on one side, one leg
will be inactive and it’s the leg on that side.
Now once the leg is immobilized and is numb, you
can do whatever is necessary but you have a very
limited length of time to do it.
Russ: so for a
traumatic bone break you can immobilize it, set
it, splint it….
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: have it
back up by the time the blood hits back again?
Karra: you’ve got
about a minute to a minute and a half.
Russ: no, that
ain’t going to do it.
Skip: in other
words, you’d have to move pretty swiftly.
Karra: uh-huh,
you have to get in there with your hands and push
the bone back together, splint it, wrap it and I
can do it just in a minute and a half.
Skip: that’s
tough to do.
(Russ whistles)
Skip: that’s
tough to do.
Karra: and that’s
actually getting into the bone with your hand. Now
they will feel pain but nowhere near as much as
they would feel.
Russ: go ahead
and discuss these other things.
Karra: uh-huh, but....
(Russ leaves the room for a few)
Skip: young
Karra: yes.
Skip: let me ask you a question now on this.
Karra: okay,
Skip: what you
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: is more or
less a local anesthetic.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: is
this…’ve observed our people, our 3-D people
in all states I’m sure. Is this one of the moves
or actions that a martial arts person uses on
another person?
Karra: probably
yes, probably.
Skip: that’s what
I was thinking.
Karra: uh-huh but
they have medicinal uses that are much more useful
then being harmful. It’s normally something that
you would use after using the martial arts for the
obvious reasons.
Skip: sure.
Karra: martial
arts fight you're pretty dinged up, you need
localized anesthetic, what are you going to do?
Skip: in other
words this would be included in the training of
martial arts.
Karra: uh-huh,
just as the pressure points if you've noticed that
both Treebeard and myself have always stated,
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: now if you
go to the other spectrum, let us go back to the
legs and the blow to the side on the ribs….
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: that will
paralyze the legs. The harder, the more longer and
protracted the paralyzing is. A real hard blow and
you’ve lost the use of the legs.
Skip: okay but
now let me ask you one other question, couldn’t by
exerting enough force break the ribs?
Karra: yes.
Skip: okay
because it only takes approximately 14 pounds of
pressure to break any bone in the human body.
Karra: uh-huh,
what stops it from breaking is the flexibility.
Skip: yes, yeah I
understand that.
Karra: but if you
were to hold either side, 14 pounds that’s what it
Skip: yeah.
Karra: okay,
you’re very correct, yes they are probably used in
martial arts as well but much harsher and much
different kind of focus.
Skip: uh-huh, be
a swifter more vicious blow?
Karra: yes.
Skip: yeah.
Karra: with the
intent to do harm.
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: now, the
interesting thing is the pressure points, what are
they? Okay let us look at the hand, the one that
Treebeard did on Russ first of all. If you look at
your hand right? Where he stabbed Russ…..
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: was there
a vein there?
Russ: yeah,
there’s a vein, a blue vein.
Karra: okay? When
he stabbed the palm of your hand.
Russ: here?
Uh-huh, a vein there too.
Karra: uh-huh,
what’s he doing or did he do?
Russ: affecting
the blood flow?
Karra: exactly.
Russ: hmmm.
Karra: now, I
mentioned when you hit on the side that you
stopped the flow….
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: I didn’t
say what the flow was.
Russ: hmm.
Skip: nerve flow.
Karra: nerve flow
and blood flow. What you’re actually doing is
depriving the area of oxygen. Just for a
Russ: hmm, I see.
Karra: uh-huh. So
what you’re doing is stopping the blood flow and
the nerve flow to that area and when you do that
in a healing capacity, you have a very limited
period of time. Now if you do it in the aggressive
posture, the window is much bigger and the
opportunity is there to do what you would say more
harm but it isn’t as effective for healing because
the energy flow that you need to return quickly to
aid in the healing process doesn’t happen so
therefore even though you could sit and take maybe
2 ½ to 3 minutes, that area is not healing for
that length of time. When you set a bone and put a
splint and wrap an injured area with a minute and
a half window, that’s all you have. Any more than
that and you’re going to start doing damage.
Skip: okay, okay.
Russ: all right.
Skip: that makes
Karra: because
you're robbing the area of the oxygen.
Russ: now what
about the massaging of the feet, what you doing? I
mean he mentioned a lot about being able to
generate laughter or at least good feelings......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: but are you affecting the blood flow there
or just the nerve flows?
Karra: you’re
stimulating the blood flow by increasing the blood
Russ: oh. Which
Karra: which
Russ: oxygenate
the body.
Karra: that’s
Russ: I see.
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: and by
making you laugh. When you laugh, what do you do?
Skip: you
increase your oxygen intake.
Russ: right.
Karra: that’s
right, you inhale more air.
Russ: hmmm.
Karra: questions
Russ: anyway, oh
on the dealing with the conference.
Karra: uh-huh?
Russ: now that we
have something a little more workable as far as
their discussions on it, let’s go ahead and I
guess we should start working on getting the other
channelers lined up now and get a hold of René?
Karra: yes.
Russ: okay.
Karra: okay, we
will get the e-mails out and hopefully I’ll be
much clearerheaded by the morning.
Russ: no problem,
now he mentioned the Alpha Draconis, is that the
Reptoids then?
Karra: my mind’s
a little muddled.
Russ: oh, how
about the Orion’s?
Karra: no, I
don’t think they are.
Russ: we do know
that the Orion’s would be workable?
Karra: uh-huh,
the more the better.
Russ: I don’t
know who the Orion’s are yet but okay.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: all right,
we’ll go over what the sayings are and we’ll get a
better idea.
Karra: okay,
Russ: all right,
that’s it for me Karra.
Karra: okay Skip?
Skip: no, I’m
mulling over what we've discussed.
Karra: okay.
Russ: have fun
(Kiri ushers in a pregnant oath keeper)
Russ: well she's
pretty mellow.
Kiri: yeah, I
thought it was a good idea.
Russ: obviously.
Kiri: uh-huh, she
needed it, she takes life way too seriously.
Russ: hmm.
Kiri: way too
seriously, cool huh?
Russ: so tough to
maintain that poise I guess.
Kiri: uh-huh,
flowers help. Okay, next speaker.
(Lyka gratefully sits down in
the channeling field)
Lyka: hey.
Russ: hi, is this
Lyka: yeah.
Russ: hi Lyka.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Skip: how you
doing sweetie?
Lyka: I feel like
I swallowed a melon.
Russ: what’d you
do? Oh that’s right.
Lyka: what did I
Russ: more like
who did you do?
(we both laugh)
Skip: poor baby.
Lyka: it was
worth it.
Russ: of course.
Lyka: just wish
we had more time to practice.
Russ: practice
what, making babies?
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: ahhh.
Lyka: do dry runs
Russ: oh yeah.
Lyka: just
practice, it’s a lot more fun.
Skip: oh yeah,
the practice part is a heck of a lot more fun than
what you’re going through.
Lyka: uh-huh yeah
okay, I’m here to chat, answer questions.
Russ: excellent,
excellent, we have all kinds of stuff going on
right now.
Lyka: uh-huh, so
I hear.
Russ: let’s see,
I’m working on food stocks.
Lyka: uh-huh oh
yes, for sieges.
Skip: I got plans
to build a survival shelter in my backyard.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: that would
be unique. Above ground or….
Skip: below
ground, 12 x 12.
Lyka: 12 feet x
12 feet by…okay.
Russ: 12 x 12 x
Skip: yeah, yeah,
yeah but it will be 12 foot deep because it’ll be
a probably three or four foot roof over the top of
Lyka: so that
would be 2 ½ units by 2 ½ units by how tall?
Skip: 8 foot on
the inside.......or 7 foot on the inside.
Lyka: okay so
that would be….
Skip: come out
two units.
Lyka: yeah about
two units, just under. See I'm working on my
Russ: doing quite
well actually.
Lyka: yes that’s
Russ: okay, the
working on food sources….
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: how long do
canned foods last?
Skip: they'll
last until the cans rust.
Russ: okay.
Skip: now if they’re aluminum cans, they’re almost
an indefinite storage period to them.
Lyka: but there
are things that you need to be aware of.
Temperature will affect them, increase in heat
will make the item inside swell and possibly
damage the can unnoticeably but still damaged. And
once a can is damaged, you might as well open it
up to the air anyway.
Russ: hmmm.
Skip: yeah
because you’ll get botulism in them once they're
Lyka: uh-huh.
Skip: but if you
store them in what like I was talking about, a
root cellar is whatever everybody calls them, the
temperature stays consistent and your moisture
does not attack the foods.
Lyka: yes, you’ll
have to excuse me, I was told the other day that
root is a colloquialism on your planet for having
(Skip laughs)
Skip: yeah,
you’re correct, you're correct.
Lyka: so you have
a cellar for having sex? Very good idea.
Skip: no. Okay…
Lyka: I’m
Skip: the
terminology of root cellar comes from I would say
probably a couple hundred years ago. The farmers
or agricultural people all had a basement or an
underground unit that they called a root cellar
because that’s where they put all their food
because it stayed at an even temperature and no
moisture in it or anything else okay?
Lyka: my love
(Leah) is whispering in my ear something very
similar for fish that they used to have where she
grew up.
Skip: now they
also used smoke houses which are small buildings
with the siding open probably a quarter of an inch
between the slats where they smoked meat and
salted it down so it would keep. I was raised that
Lyka: oh really?
Skip: so I’m well
aware of how to store foods, how to keep meat and
so on and so forth for the long period. Now meat
Lyka: uh-huh.
Skip: but if it’s
smoked and salted you can cut the mold off and
still eat the meat.
Lyka: yes we have
a delicacy we have in the field and it is ocean
beef. Most Sirians only eat fish and vegetables
but oath keepers are allowed to eat meat.
Skip: uh-huh.
Lyka: and ocean
beef is beef that has been stored in ocean water.
Skip: oh
saltwater, yeah okay brine is what we call it
Lyka: and it will
keep indefinitely. I call it a delicacy but it’s
very revolting.
Skip: yes it is.
Russ: really
Skip: well now
it’s okay but it’s tough to get by because you’ve
got to mix it with other things to…
Lyka: oh yes.
Skip: make
it……because you store meat in saltwater, brine,
pickled pigs feet is brine okay? I’m trying to
give instances of what we have in our world okay?
But pickled pigs feet is stored in brine.
Russ: I’m glad I
follow a Sirian doctrine of eating fish and
Skip: well you
can only keep fish so long.
Russ: that’s
true, well you can jerky it.
Skip: well you
can salt it down too.
Russ: yeah.
Lyka: yeah but…
Skip: but still
you’re running into unpalatable thing here because
you've got to mix it with stuff to be able to eat
Lyka: yes I have
eaten it on its own, ocean beef a few times from
Skip: yeah,
pickled herring, salted herring okay? Man that’s
tough to handle.
Lyka: yes but….
Skip: it can be
Lyka: if you need
to it’s passable.
Russ: now you can
pickle vegetables right?
Skip: oh yes, oh
Russ: and will
they stay indefinitely like same thing with beef
like you’re talking about?
Skip: okay the
only way…..okay can I say something here hon?
Lyka: yes.
Skip: the only
way that you can keep them indefinitely if they’re
sealed like canned fruit or canned vegetables in
the jars okay? Once you can vegetables or fruit
and you pressure cook it and that takes all the
air out of it okay? And you put the lid on, as
long as the seal is not broken on the lid they’ll
keep indefinitely yes.
Russ: hmmm.
Lyka: yeah and I
think she’s getting cramped.
(her baby girl in her womb)
Russ: isn’t she
used to…..? Well you’re kind of small anyway
aren’t you? Well maybe not now but I mean…..
Skip: in stature
honey not…….
Lyka: I am taller
than Karra, taller than Kiri, I’m just skinny or I
Skip: you’re
thin, that’s not called skinny.
Lyka: well I’m
retaining water as well at the moment.
Skip: and another
Lyka: uh-huh,
anyway I'm a little uncomfortable, I’m going to……
Russ: well I have
nothing else left.
Skip: no, neither
do I.
Lyka: okay.
Russ: good night
for now.
Skip: nice to see
you again.
Lyka: you may see
one more time, maybe not, we’ll see how it goes.
Russ: okay.
Skip: okay.
(It's Kiri's last
hand-off for the night)
Russ: you look
much more comfortable.
Kiri: huh?
Russ: you look
much more comfortable.
Kiri: I do?
Russ: well, than
Skip: poor baby.
Kiri: yes she’s
being taken care of very well at the moment.
Russ: oh that’s
Kiri: uh-huh and
she’s got an exam in I think it’s less than a week
Russ: hmm.
Kiri: it’s her
ballistics exam.
Russ: oh not that
Kiri: uh-huh,
she’s got to pass it.
Russ: yeah no
doubt. Okay so we have 10 minutes left….
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: any more
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: oh good.
joins us but has a conflict to monitor as well)
Russ: hi Tia.
(Tia says hi in
Skip: how you
doing love?
Tia: yo.
Skip: yo.
Tia: I’m doing
Skip: good.
Tia: I know what
I need.
Russ: market took
a crunch today.
Tia: sorry?
Russ: market took
a crunch today.
Tia: what
happened to it?
Russ: stock
Tia: oh market,
you have to enunciate.
Russ: oh sorry,
yeah stock market just…..
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: my
imaginary stocks that I’ve got, a hundred thousand
dollars worth I lost probably a $1,000.00 maybe?
Skip: oh really?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: uh-huh, it
wasn’t too bad actually, I don’t think it was too
bad at all. Okay, let us look at some goings-on in
the markets……not the market, the world and I’ve
got to be quick because we only have a limited
length of time.
Russ: oh yeah, a
little under 10 minutes.
Tia: uh-huh.
Okay, let us look at Russia. Russia, what can I
say about Russia? What can’t I say about Russia? I
could say a lot of things about Russia, none of
them positive. Boris Yeltsin our resident
alcoholic president and his changing in mind and
the upcoming elections. Okay this is what I see
happening, trouble, big trouble. The economy
appears to be stable, I say appears to be and for
the casual observer it is stable. But, if you look
at the markets and I’m not talking about the
financial markets, I’m talking about general
markets, the prices of food, the prices of
commodity, the prices of heating oil, oh dear. The
quote, "the ruble don’t buy what it used to buy
and there isn’t enough of it". The markets in
Russia are in turmoil, the prices are staggering.
The lack of action by the government is
aggravating to the situation. Not because pumping
money into the economy would work, what would that
do? That would increase inflation, print more
money for money that you don’t have. You do that,
you’re asking for inflationary problems and the
ruble definitely won’t buy what it used to buy, in
fact it will buy a lot less of what it used to
buy. Devaluing the ruble did not fix the problems.
You remember we talked about the devaluation of
the ruble and I said it was a temporary fix that
wouldn’t last very long?
Russ: right.
Skip: uh-huh.
Tia: well it
hasn’t lasted very long. I mentioned the winter, I
hate to think of how many people died in Russia
this last winter and it was a mild winter, mild
for Russia. If it had been a harsh winter oh dear,
if it is a harsh winter this year, oh dear. The
last time that there was a major harsh winter
followed or precursed by financial unrest,
financial difficulties, food problems, food
production problems, guess what happened?
Skip: huh?
Tia: I'll give
you a clue, it happened in November and it
happened just over 80 years ago.
Skip: eight years
Tia: 80.
Russ: is that
when the Soviets took over?
Skip: '91?
Russ: the
Tia: Russ is
right, it was the communists. 1917 November.
Harsh, harsh…..
Skip: oh 80 years
Tia: yeah 80.
Skip: I’m sorry.
Tia: 82 to be
precise. Very harsh winter in the middle of a war.
Skip: it was
right at the end of the war wasn't it darling?
Tia: another year
to go, another year to go in the first world war.
Skip: oh no,
that’s 1812 to 1814 wasn’t it?
Russ: 1815 or
1817 to 1819?
Tia: you’re both
wrong, Russ is closer but he’s off by a 100 years.
Russ: oh….
Tia: 1914 to
Skip: oh yeah,
first world war okay.
Tia: okay, okay.
Skip: I’m sorry.
Tia: that’s all
Skip: 100 years
too early.
Tia: uh-huh, 100
years too early but that started the revolution.
Financial crisis followed by massive corruption
followed by…..
Skip: Socialism.
Tia: well
actually food problems, the ruble wasn’t buying
what the ruble used to buy, people starving, civil
unrest and what does that sound like?
Skip: isn’t that
the beginning of communism per se?
Tia: uh-huh,
that’s when it started but what does that whole
entire scenario sound like?
Russ: sounds like
now.......well sounds like with Yeltsin firing his
prime minister and the cabinet and trying to get
this new guy in there….
Skip: sounds like
this country.
Russ: I don’t
think the Duma is going to agree to this new guy.
Tia: well they
agreed to the last one three months ago in May.
Russ: they had
Skip: do they
have any choice other than the revolution?
Tia: yes there is
a choice and it is kind of a revolution but it’s
not really a revolution, it’s what you would call
a bloodless palace coup.
Skip: yeah, okay.
Tia: and that’s
basically you get as many people on your side as
possible, turn around to the president and say,
“you got two choices, either you leave or we
impeach you”.
Russ: yeah, lack
of confidence in the Senate. Well Nixon went
through the same thing and had to resign.
Tia: uh-huh.
Clinton went through the same thing but somehow he
Russ: he had
enough support on one side to get through it
Tia: uh-huh we
won’t go there because I could go on about that
for a long time.
Russ: right.
Tia: okay now
Russia, remember what was said about the Asian
Russ: yeah, it
started in Japan but it spread to Russia.......
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and
everyone else in the whole entire section.
Tia: okay and
it’s also spread to South America but it’s not as
bad, I believe it was stated that it appears to be
petering out. But, Russia is in a very precarious
position. If they have a bloodless palace coup and
they succeed and Yeltsin is ousted out, then the
situation will temporarily be relieved. They will
give the new government an opportunity to prove
itself however, with the corruption that already
exists, this is just a rest period, just a
respite. It all pivots on one thing, weather.
Russ: doesn’t
Russia have huge natural resources in its eastern
section it could sell and make up the lost revenue
from the reforms?
Tia: you mean the
Russ: the
oilfields, the natural gas, all those reserves
they have in the eastern section near Siberia.
Tia: doesn’t
belong to them anymore.
Russ: oh crap
that’s right, broke up their country.
Tia: uh-huh,
that’s another thing that is irking the Russians.
Russ: that’s
right, I remember that.
Tia: uh-huh.
Skip: yeah they
totally broke up their country.
Tia: uh-huh,
they’re all independent nations.
Russ: and they’re
going to blame the current president for any kind
of problems that happen because of that.
Skip: yeah.
Tia: because he
didn't actually do it did he?
Russ: no,
Gorbachev did.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: but Yeltsin
was Gorbachev’s hand-picked successor.
Skip: he got
caught in the current.
Tia: uh-huh,
Russ: yeah, and Gennady........whatever
it is....the communist leader in the Duma, isn't
very popular as far as becoming president but
given enough circumstances he could bring back the
communist rule.
Skip: yes he
could, real quick.
Tia: uh-huh, very
quickly and all the other countries around them,
Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, all those countries aren't
very strong militarily wise.
Russ: no, a
strong military leader could take over those
Skip: they could
go right back to being USSR.
Russ: sure.
Tia: uh-huh so
easily and it would be a very popular move with
the people.
Russ: oh yes.
Skip: oh yes it
would be.
Tia: because the
majority have known nothing but communist rule.
Russ: right,
people would volunteer for the army at that point.
Tia: uh-huh.
Skip: heck yeah.
Russ: just to go
in and take over another country and take the
Tia: exactly.
Skip: huh.
Tia: so you see
the dangers of the palace coup?
Russ: teetering
on the edge.
Tia: that would
be what they would be forced to do.
Russ: that’s why
the World Bank gave them a new loan…..
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: just this
last month.
Tia: uh-huh, you
want to know something?
Russ: huh?
Tia: it’s
happening, it started.
Skip: I can
believe it, I can believe it.
Tia: there is
fighting going on right now, right in the southern
part of Russia with the province right next door
to Chechnya, they’re attacking even as we talk.
There is a pitched battle going on right now.
Russ: uh-huh.
Skip: in other
words, they could become the second major power in
the world again.
Tia: again,
uh-huh but they’ll never be as strong as they
Skip: no.
Tia: but there is
a battle going on…
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