- Age- 28
- Occupation- Data Process Analyst and
Astral Traveler
- Home Planet- Durondedunn
- Hobbies- Being a Mother, Hunting,
Flower Arranging and Running
- Tia is a five foot two humanoid with
pointed ears, cat like eyes, strawberry blonde hair
and an athletic build that includes three extra
vertebrae in her back which makes her very flexible.
Her home planet has a matriarchal society descended
from felines that developed space faring
capabilities even though many generations of clan
warfare had kept them at about our 20th century
standard. Significant unification within their
infrastructure brought them to their current level
of technology and progress. Durondedunn exists in
the third dimension as do we but through a nearly
fatal accident of fate, Tia found herself on sixth
dimension with the residents of Hades Base and this
has subsequently led to a radical change in her
outlook on the meaning of life.
- She has three wonderful cubs named
Minerva, Diana and Athena. She loves teaching them
to hunt in the traditional ways she was raised by,
which on her planet have special religious
significance. Often they can be found hunting big
game in a virtual reality simulator in which they
use only their hands to bring down game. Once in a
while they head up to the base's mountain to hunt
rabbits in a more natural setting but refrain from
killing them until the cubs get older in maturity
and can understand the symbolic nature of life and
- Tia's two main psychic skills are
astral projection and psycho-kinesis. Recently she
worked with the base's other children to develop
various teaching programs that are now used to
advance out of body skills within a classroom
setting. Her other claim to fame is the patience she
shows by being Ring Mistress for our weekly
channeling sessions. She does an excellent job as
the coordinator who arranges the guest speakers in a
format that helps blend learning with lively
discussions on just about everything under the sun.