Archivist Notes: This is one of if not the only three
part session we did in a single night filled with a
record number of speakers who provided some incredible
information for us to chew on. Far too much knowledge
was provided to do it justice in such a small space
but the drama amid the humor made it a memorable
session indeed.
41.27 min. - File type: mp3
46.10 min. - File type: mp3
43.51 min. - File type: mp3

(Tia gets this marathon session started)
Tia: hello,
greetings and welcome.
Russ: yeah hello Tia, what are you
talking to or who are you talking to?
Tia: I'm talking to Minerva.
Russ: oh, what's up with Minerva?
of the triplet daughters of Mark and Tia)
Tia: oh, she wants to sit in the
Russ: well, let her.
Tia: no, she gets all interruptive and
Russ: oh.
Tia: okay, hello greetings and welcome
to November the 5th, 1996 channeling session live
from Hades Base. Tonight present we have John and
Russell Alan greetings.
Russ: greetings.
Tia: did I get it correct?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: okay.
Russ: well tell Minerva I said hi.
Tia: she's sitting patiently outside.
Russ: Uncle Russ says hi.
Kiri: she goes.......(speaks
to someone on the base).....put those away, thank
you. Okay, kind of like that, she's sitting.
Russ: oh.
(speaks some
Tia: oh I see. Okay, questions.
Russ: well, politics and the
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: your viewpoints on it and how
we's looking now that we have come
up to the end of this for predictions and how it's
all working out?
Tia: okay, government's going to come
to a standstill in the next two years.
Russ: okay.
Tia: that is not a prediction. What is
going to occur is going to be quite messy.
Russ: now does it work better if the
Republicans have maintained control of the Senate
and the House?
Tia: if they control the house, if
they do not, then we go to level II.
the Defcon
discussions from back then)
Russ: okay.
Kiri: uh-huh. If not, then we maintain
on level III but we're hovering close to level II.
Russ: and you say it's going to come
to a stop mainly because of conflicts between the
President and the Congress or if they were
all.....if the Congress had turned Democratic and
the president turned Democratic.....
Tia: then we would've automatically
have gone to Defcon two without a shadow of a doubt.
Russ: okay, what would cause
government to stop though?
Tia: I'll give you a clue, "not guilty,
are pardoned, you are pardoned."
Russ: well that's a nice out then if
that came in the first place.
John: how could that possibly shut
down our government?
Tia: because the people would get
upset, because these people have been convicted and
indicted of embezzlement, all sorts of things,
misappropriation of funds. The question remains is,
as I've stated in the past, is he really that thick
to not know what was going on around him?
Russ: well according to what you say,
yes he was, Hillary was the whole thing behind it.
Tia: uh-huh, but he cannot be held
John: yeah but the American public
knows that already that he's guilty of all that
&^%$^& and they overwhelmingly voted for
Tia: overwhelmingly?
John: overwhelmingly.
Tia: only 8% difference,
overwhelmingly? That's not overwhelmingly,
overwhelmingly would be 20% difference.
John: well the electoral vote at least
was overwhelming.
Tia: just 8%. That's not that big,
it's not a landslide.
John: that's the popular vote, that's
half our population voting.
John: half of the
voting population decided to vote, half of the
voting population decided not to.
Tia: uh-huh so therefore it is not a
landslide victory, 50% of the population that can
vote did not, why?
Russ: they knew Clinton would win?
What's the point?
Tia: no, they don't care anymore.
Russ: now, there is a chance in your
odds and calculations that Clinton will not pardon
Tia: uh-huh?
Russ: and what if that does not
Tia: he's still going to get into a
lot of trouble. Anything that he does that involves
possibly shutting down any investigation, any
stopping of wrongdoing or prosecutions of
wrongdoings is going to upset a lot of people in the
government. Ethically, the White House at this time
has more people indicted, more people under
investigation, more people mysteriously dying than
all the other White House's put together. So what is
wrong with the situation, what is wrong with the
Russ: nothing's wrong with it, it's
perfect, it fits in to the
exact pattern that we're supposed to be
Tia: that's right, the ones that we
have discussed for so long and the predictions or
scenarios that we have worked out.
Russ: right so there's nothing wrong
with it, it's the beginning of our next evolutionary
advancement process.
Tia: the way to look at it is,
whatever happens, you guys have got to survive it
Tia: to learn the lessons.
Russ: and to pass on the lessons.
Kiri: pass on the lessons, correct. It
doesn't matter if the house in the next elections in
two years turns totally Democrat and the Senate
turns totally Democrat, the
house will probably turn totally Democrat. Now the
problem I have, and this is not related, is I can't
understand why that a group of individuals that are
for want of a better word morally bankrupt right? I
mean you would not commit adultery would you?
John: not at all, that's all relative.
Tia: yeah, but for power?
John: no.
Tia: you would not sleep with your
boss's wife so that you could get a better position
by her saying, "yeah, this guy's a real good guy,
let's bump him up a bit".
John: no, I don't think I'd do
something like that.
Tia: what about you Russ?
Russ: well the fact that I have
committed adultery doesn't count since it was with
Karra I guess, I suppose not.
Tia: so but yet these people are doing
it all the time.
Russ: well that's politics, neither
Johnny nor I have anything to do with politics. We
don't care about all that stuff, that's all third
Tia: okay another way of looking at it
is this oriental gentleman, Young or whatever he's
called. The one that disappeared for close to a
month? The White House knew nothing of where he was.
John: I don't even know what we're
talking about.
Tia: the Lipo
investigation? To do with money going into the
Democratic party from Indonesia?
Russ: oh yeah him, right.
Tia: yeah. Now the White House said
that they had no idea of where he was correct?
Russ: I suppose, I didn't hear that
part of it.
Tia: yeah but the FBI, no the Secret
Service logs confirm that he talked to the White
House nine times in that time that he was
Russ: 27 times.
Tia: 27 times, thank you, he visited
nine times.
Russ: he visited nine times.
Tia: isn't that a little bit odd when
the White House is saying that they don't know where
he is but yet he's visited?
John: yeah, they do that
&*^*&^ all the time.
Russ: a lot of people visit, maybe
they just lost track of a guy. A lot of young people
go missing.
Tia: very likely, very likely,
in my voice.
Russ: well Tia, last week we......I
brought this whole thing up with you on the fact
that it doesn't matter what happens......
Russ: as the fact that it is for our learning
Tia: yeah.
Russ: but me and you got off into it
and all kind of stuff and this week you're agreeing
with me.
Tia: no I'm not agreeing with you. I'm
saying that...
Russ: you just said that it won't
matter in two years whether the house turns.....
Tia: well there is nothing that we can
do about it. What I would like, is something to
change. The fact that I know a lot of what's going
to come, you don't. I want things to change, I would
love them to change, it
is important to create change. I really do want them
to change, I'm just......I cannot believe that
people would fall for this......
Russ: well look at the alternative, Dole?
John: yeah Snow?
Russ: God, what a waste. I mean you
give us somebody that we can believe in and want to
vote for sure, I'll change parties in a hot second
but this guy was a waste.
Tia: okay let's.....he's not very good
at talking to groups of people but, he is a
networker, he is a political person. More than
Clinton is, much, much more. Clinton is a showman.
Russ: right.
Tia: Dole is a doer. Everything that
Clinton has ever done has been for show.
John: yeah but he won the election, so
what difference does all this make? Snow is retired,
he's not going to do another %$&*&% thing
for the rest of his life. Clinton is the president
for the next four years or until he gets impeached.
Tia: don't underestimate Dole, don't
underestimate him.
John: he's done, he's in his 70's he's
in his.....
Russ: well Strom
Thurman is 93 and he just got reelected.
Tia: okay let's look at it this way
Johnny, okay let's say Clinton gets impeached right?
Who's next in line?
John: well Gore of course, the vice
Tia: Gore gets dragged in, Clinton
implicates Gore right, who's next in line? The
speaker the house is next.
John: yeah I'm well aware of our
political system and how it works.
Tia: okay so there's going to
be a need for a vice president if Newt Gingrich
becomes president. I don't think Newt Gingrich is
going to accept the nomination for the presidency. I
think that he would nominate somebody that has some
experience. Now it is unlikely that Gore will get
dragged in but Gore will not get reelected because
Gore is......Gore has a problem, a very serious
problem that became visible in his last speech. Now
what is your impression of Gore when he makes a
Russ: friendly, good-natured....
Tia: very stiff and formal.
Russ: reaching out the people.
Tia: very stiff. That is the
reputation that he has has been very stiff and
Russ: okay but Tia, isn't personal
enlightenment and advancement more important than
what the president is doing?
Tia: yes but there are other ways to
achieve this goal. Certainly they're longer but the
fact remains that basically the double standards are
speeding things up. What is going to happen is going
to happen whether it is in two years or six years,
there's no stopping it but the fact remains
that somebody that is a liar and a cheat and a
murderer is given free reign.
Russ: so you don't think he has the
best interest of the country at heart?
Tia: no, he has the best interest of
one person and one person only.
Russ: but doesn't that follow suit
with the best interests of the country?
Tia: no.
Russ: if the country falls to pieces
than so does he. Now why would him....
Tia: not necessarily.
Russ: why not?
Tia: if the country falls to pieces,
he's the guy that tried to stop it.
Russ: no he goes to pieces with
everybody else first before anybody else.
Tia: no, he would never let that
Russ: yeah he would, because he would
get blamed for it.
Tia: no he won't. I mean.....
Russ: I disagree.
Tia: that's your choice to disagree,
but the thing remains that this person has been
given, he's been exonerated from everything. He's
been exonerated from murder,
he's been exonerated from adultery, not just once
but many, many times. He's been exonerated from drug
dealing, from laundering money, you name it,
he's done it that's illegal. What sort of standards
does this set for the recovery?
Russ: he won't be part of the
recovery. Like I say, he'll be the first up
against the wall.
Tia: but his actions made it longer
and harder, it's a moral thing.
Russ: well okay, I don't want to get
into the moral grounds with you except for this
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay and I'll try not to do it
ever again but for this once I'm going to stand up
for the president and not for what he's done or what
he's going to do but to what it's going to lead to.
Okay now I'm going to take us back in a time a
little bit back here to 1974.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: Richard Nixon, okay?
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: elected to the presidency and at
the time he was looking like a great white hope.
Tia: he was elected in 1972.
Russ: '72 okay, two years later
problems coming up. So we're talking Whitewater I
Tia: Watergate.
Russ: Watergate okay? Now, look at the
aftermath of Watergate, now
this wasn't probably as bad as what we're going to
be looking at in the future.....
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: as far as what happened from
Watergate but, our view of the presidency, our view
of government had all turned around 180° from when
it was before he got elected to the time when he got
post elected, when he got impeached alright? We saw
government could not function and the country could
not function with a president who was above the law
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay. Now I saw politics at that
point become a higher ideal than what it had
previously been. Now with what we are looking at in
the future, a similar thing is going to be
happening. Clinton will show the world that he is
above the law, a second Nixon okay?
Tia: no he's going to make Nixon look
like a wimp.
Russ: all right, even better.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: because at that point again
we'll see America and its people believing then that
the president has to answer to the people, not to
himself but to the people and our whole ideals of
what the president should stand for, what government
should stand for will be refreshed and renewed as it
was after Watergate only more so because it will be
so much worse than what happened with Nixon.
Tia: no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The
first part yes but the thing is that you are
forgetting certain organizations that are almost at
the point of revolution already. The Michigan
militia, all these militias are going to start
arming themselves really rapidly. Now we're
not going to go into case scenario C, not yet but if
he is impeached right and then found not guilty
right for whatever reason, right? Which has happened
before that somebody that is guilty as all hell gets
off scot-free. What's going to
happen? You are going to have a group of individuals
going to say that this is the biggest load of
codswallop ever that the political
system does not work, let's do something about it.
And they're going to take somebody that's been long
dead as their figurehead and his quote is, "a little
bit of revolution is good from time to time".
Russ: Jefferson?
Tia: uh-huh, this is where the problems
start then. If he is found not guilty, which is
unlikely but there is that possibility, then things
are going to get really nasty because the fact
remains that he is guilty, a lot of people know he's
guilty, and they're just waiting for the reason to
join the bandwagon. There's a lot of people out
there that are out for themselves, there's a lot of
people that are out there for others, to help. This
person that is in charge is going to be a rallying
call in the opposite for them. That is he will be
the focus of their hatred.
Russ: okay we're speaking of the
militias and I was talking about.....
Tia: hold on, hold on, I haven't
finished yet.
Russ: sorry.
Tia: if they join together, then the
country is in great jeopardy. There will be no
United States, it will be a very un-united bunch of
individuals. Now this is where case scenario C comes
in the play. The scenario of mass rioting, which
there will be riots coming up. With the mass
rioting, mass exodus of the population, these are
things to watch out for. Precursors for it will be
Clinton being impeached and then exonerated. An
increase in arms on the street, an increase in
violence, an increase in drug use. All these things,
and I'm not talking about a little bit of pot from
time to time, I'm talking
about coke.
John: I know what you're talking
Tia: yeah, the heavy stuff, crank, all
that stuff, that will go through the roof, then the
problems will really start. I mean you're already
close to a boiling point in the big cities anyway.
Who controls the cities?
Russ: government employees.
Tia: not the gangs? There's certain
areas that the police won't go into.
Russ: well there's certain areas that
some police won't go into but other police will. No
place is un-policable.
Tia: I'd like to see you down in
Russ: I've been in Compton.
Tia: recently?
Russ: no, how could I be?
Tia: well.
Russ: huh?
Tia: well....or East Harlem.
Russ: I mean I've been in Watts, I've
been in Compton I've been in Gardena, Hawthorne,
lived in Hawthorne, Inglewood.
Tia: but they weren't that bad back
Russ: I can't see that they'd be any
worse now, I would've heard if they were worse and
I've never heard anything different from when I was
down there.
Tia: so drive-by shootings were a
common everyday experience when you lived there?
Russ: yeah, pretty much.
Tia: people being shot everyday was
very much a common common experience, that will
spread. Anyway, I've done my dissertation, given my
monologue and dialogue.
Russ: epilogue.
Tia: as Kiri says sometimes, blow it
out your ears Russ.
Russ: (chuckles) I thought that was
kind of pointed.
Tia: don't bring my ears into this. (her
ears are pointed)
Russ: oh.
(Korton makes a rare appearance)
greetings and felicitations, welcome.
Russ: greetings Korton.
Korton: greetings Russ, greetings
Johnny, let us proceed.
Concerning Tia's predictions, Tia and her
emotions do tend to get in the way from time to time
under her emotional outbursts there is a lot of
truth in what she says. She is an invaluable supply
of reasoning, information and data. Sadly her
emotions do get in the way from time to time.
What she states and addresses is quite truthful, it
is just the way she words things, that
is her way of doing things. To understand the
upcoming events and to make them more clearer, it is
necessary to set aside political interests and to
address the problems as Tia would put it of the
moral situation. What is to come, there is no way
around it, it is coming at you
head-on. To use an analogy, it is a locomotive and
you're on the tracks,
catch it or hop out of the way. As it approaches, it
is necessary to be prepared. You are doing that,
that is good but is it necessary to put
aside opinions and views and to work together for
the common goal. The analogy of a train on the
tracks is very accurate for the same effect
for those standing on the tracks, if they are hit by
will be the same. Not necessarily death and
annihilation but certainly a wounding of the psyche.
It is necessary to be adjusted and prepared for the
transition. What is to come is necessary. Questions
Russ: yes so we are in essence then
standing on the side of the tracks watching the
train go by hitting people on the way.
Korton: no I said you are on the
Russ: oh, okay.
Korton: it is your choice on where you
stand and what you do.
Russ: I was just trying to work with
the analogy. All right now what I said about an
epilogue is sort of apt in the fact that you are
looking at an ending to this chapter in Earth's
Korton: no, this is the beginning.
Russ: okay.
Korton: it would not be
an epilogue, it would more....
Russ: introduction?
Korton: prologue-like.
Russ: prologue, all right excellent.
All right, now one of the things that I see, and we
haven't discussed this but I would like to right
now, is the group of individuals who are more
spiritually aware than others and their responses
and how they view and deal with the situation coming
Korton: uh-huh.
Russ: now with
Tia's prediction of the government coming to a
standstill, is it possible that they're looking at
now the government isn't behind us, we have only
ourselves and go within that point to find
Korton: yes, I would like to
add to Tia's comments that this current situation
started 30 years ago with Lyndon
Johnson. "Let us take care of you,
us supply you with food, housing, money, whatever
you desire we will supply. You are no longer reliant
on yourselves, you are reliant on
the handouts from the government." Does your money
that work for belong to you the government?
Russ: most of it belongs to us.
Korton: Johnny?
John: the government gets their fair
Korton: but who earns your money?
John: I do.
Korton: do you not have a right to
decide how much you wish to pay?
John: I should but I don't,
I don't have that right.
Korton: how much tax do you pay?
John: I don't know, I'd say 20%?
Russ: I figure mine at 17% if you
don't count what I pay for sales taxes.
John: yes something like that, right
in there roughly.
Korton: Russ is quite correct in
saying sales tax, everything
is taxed. The heating that you are receiving is
taxed, the lighting that you receive is taxed, the
food that you eat has hidden taxes in it. As we have
discussed in the past Johnny about hidden taxes,
things are hidden, everything is taxed. Is it right
that everything should be taxed?
John: I don't know, the way I was
taught was taxes is what you pay to live in a
civilized society and right now we live in the
greatest country on this planet.
Korton: and the greatest country is
one of the greatest debtors. If you become reliant
on yourselves and work and give what you think is
fair to the government, not what they want,
many stealth bombers does your country really need?
How many nuclear reactors does your country really
need? How many people does your country really need
to go around monitoring the quality of tree leaves?
If you are educated as you are, then you would
understand that it is wrong to pollute the air. You
would understand as you do understand that it is
wrong to pollute water. After all, you do drink the
water, you do drink the air, you do participate in
what is going on but it is wrong to say that the
government must take care of you. The government is
there to work for you. You pay them to do what you
wish, not what they want. You do not pay them to
take care of you, to make sure you do not get hurt.
It sounds more like to me a situation that occurred
eons ago before I ascended on my planet when we were
getting ready in the same situation that you were.
The planet was run by basically a organized crime as
you would call it, we called it a
government. We paid them to leave us alone, to let
us take care of ourselves. If we did not pay them,
they would come in and interfere and say that what
we did was against their law, that we had to pay
them so that we could live alone. This is what your
government is doing with its tax systems. They are
cramping your lifestyle to do what you wish with
your rights and this is creating more problems. When
you pay with sales taxes approximately 40 to 50% of
your income, then what does that leave you? If you
earned 400 of your dollars a week, you are in actual
fact only have 200 of that which means that you are
cramped in your development. To develop, you have to
have more income but yet the harder you work, the
more they tax you. Tia informed me the other day
that Mark was very upset with the tax system. I did
some research. Do you know that Mark works close to
20 hours overtime at 1.5 times his normal pay and
ended up five dollars poorer off than if he had
worked just his normal time, is that right?
Russ: nope.
John: no.
Korton: is it right that your
government penalizes you for working hard?
Russ: no but we choose that.
Korton: certainly you choose it and it
is necessary to use these analogies and to put this
tone in my voice to get the point across that your
government has become corrupt. It is wrong, it is
not just one individual, it is the whole entire
organization. By taking down the one individual that
is seen as the cause of the problem, or the worst
offender, then you are taking down the whole entire
government. Nobody will trust the government again.
This is what is happening. Do you trust your
John: no.
Korton: Russ?
Russ: yes.
Korton: I will ask you again, do you
trust your government and tell me the truth?
Russ: well maybe I am naïve, but yes I
do Korton, I do trust my government.
Korton: I see different in you Russ.
Russ: well maybe but I can't put a
finger on it what I wouldn't trust.
Korton: do you trust the Republicans?
Russ: I don't know enough about them
to know whether I do or not but....
Korton: so you distrust by your
statement, you just said you do not know enough
about them. That is distrust, that is lack of trust.
Russ: well a lack of knowledge.
you distrust half of your government which
means that you distrust the whole entire government
because you cannot distrust a half of a person or
half of an organization. Is that correct?
Russ: yeah I suppose.
I've never really studied government to know really
the difference between the two parties as far as
what one wants to do compared to what the other do.
Korton: uh-huh.
Russ: when you listen to the
politics, you hear them going off on each other
about basically the same things.
Korton: yes.
Russ: each one is doing the same thing
so for me, Republicans or Democrats, it's all one
big thing.
Korton: uh-huh.
Russ: and
when I look at it, maybe it's just media but what is
there not to trust? What are they doing that is
Korton: that would take too long to
get into. However, there is somebody that is trying
to do something about it. (Ross
Russ: okay.
Korton: unfortunately
he did not get very much of the vote. The person
himself is not suited for the job, that is why they
did so poorly but his concept is very, very good.
Russ: so with a different figurehead
and more support, he could be a true challenge or
that party could be a true challenge?
Korton: that party could be the
Russ: hmm.
Korton: their ideas
are very sound, they are a very moralistic bunch of
individuals however sadly it is a little too late.
There is nothing that can be changed,
emotional facts remain the same. People will be
upset, people will cry, trouble and storms are
coming. More questions please.
Russ: yeah...oh, go ahead Johnny.
John: well instead of dwelling on
politics and what we already know, what else can we
do that we're not doing to prepare for the storms
and the train?
Korton: there is not much more that
you can do, you are proceeding as we have suggested
in the past with caution. It is necessary for you to
watch. Now is the time to be quiet about your
preparations and to be ready.
Russ: okay, so don't address
them on the Internet if it comes up on a channeling
Korton: we will leave that to your
discretion, situations do change and individuals do
become a part of things going on. Last question from
each of you.
Russ: okay well we brought up earlier
the New Age movement and how with the change in the
government and its failure to the people, people
will be looking toward their minds now. Where do we
go as far as with our teaching to push this on at an
accelerated pace?
Korton: if you go on an accelerated
pace, then you cause more harm. It is necessary as
has been stated in the past and will be stated
again, caution, take your time. If the lessons are
not complete, they will find other ways of
completing their lessons. Do not accelerate. I have
told you in the past, never hurry things, they will
get there soon enough.
Russ: okay.
Korton: young man?
John: I'm going to abstain right now.
Korton: okay, thank you.
Russ: thank you Korton.
John: thank you.
(Tia comes in to do the hand-off )
(Tia says hi in Durondedunn)
Tia: okay.
Russ: hi Tia.
Tia: okay, any more questions for me?
Russ: we'll work on it.
Tia: okay.
Russ: how's your emotions doing?
Tia: (says
something in Durondedunn)
(Karra comes on in her turn)
Karra: hello and
Russ: hi Karra.
Karra: greetings.
Russ: I think I just got sworn at in
Karra: I think she should never have
told you what it meant.
Russ: well I think just the way she
says it, you don't have to
know what it means to know what she's saying.
John: yeah the tone.
Russ: the tone is there.
John: the tone does a lot.
Karra: uh-huh. If she was to spit her
spit out as she said that, it would eat into things.
Russ: okay, that editorial,
we've gotten lots of comments back on it.
Karra: yes it seems like it was a
raving success.
Russ: that was, from now on you get
the co-byline on this one darling.
Karra: oh thank you.
Russ: well you write half of it.
Karra: well it is a team effort.
Russ: but that last part was truly
Karra: uh-huh, as I said at the time,
I think that Mark's changing of the wording was a
little bit of a good idea.
Russ: yeah I agree.
Karra: looking back on it
retrospectively, I don't think it would've worked
quite as well. It would've worked well but not quite
as well. It gave it that little....
Russ: yeah more of that, it takes you
back in time kind of thing.
Karra: yes.
Russ: nostalgic.
Karra: well people do like nostalgia.
Russ; uh-huh.
Karra: so
how's it going Johnny?
John: good, how's things with you?
Karra: oh, couldn't it be better,
could not be better.
Russ: well sweetheart, what are we
doing about Christmas? I don't think the Jeep idea
is going to work.
Karra: I'm not really sure on how to
proceed with something like that.
Russ: I don't either.
Karra: it's been a long time for me.
Russ: well I'll think of something.
John) I'm trying to think of Christmas presents for
the kids. I was up on the base working
with her..
Karra: yes

(Karra picks up
from where she left off)
Karra: I said at
the time, that would not be a problem,
fact that it would get used by all the other
children as well would be the problem.
Russ: that's true.
Karra: it is more of an
exercise issue.
Russ: well.....
Karra: I mean if you give them a
little Jeep to drive, you might as well chop their
legs off.
Russ: yeah I know you brought that up
and I have to admit you're right.
Karra: Kiri's handcart for Leonedies,
that is a tool for him that he uses less and less.
Russ: hmm, well what have
they been getting into lately that we could inspire
them to get into more?
Karra: there's all sorts of things
that they're doing in the crèche at the moment. I
really should spend more time down there you know.
Russ: I should too.
Karra: they're making mystical animals
at the moment is the main thing that they're making.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: so it's
really hard to say what is the right thing for them.
on the 10th they will be at a little birthday party.
Russ: oh they will?
Karra: uh-huh, maybe we'll get some
ideas then.
Russ: okay, we'll shoot for that.
Karra: okay.
Russ: good. How's life going otherwise
than that, how's your work doing?
Karra: you know as well as I do how
that's going, I know you have to ask to
fill in the tape.
Russ: I know.
Karra: and patience Russ.
Russ: you have lots of them?
Karra: I know you're trying to use
humor tonight.
Russ: okay, let's work on the
shielding that I taught to Desiree.
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: okay, that's
a rather new form that we're working on there.
Karra: yes ummm.......
Russ: now is that a weakening form of
shielding we're doing but workable for someone who
doesn't need real strong shields or what?
Karra: it's more of a quick, easy
Russ: okay.
Karra: something that is quick and
easy to throw up, it does not have great strength.
You notice that.......
Russ: there's too many weak points in
Karra: yeah. You notice how Mark's
coercive ability is......she wouldn't last five
seconds against Mark.
Russ: no I agree. But okay, how about
this? Okay we gave her a bridge......
Russ: okay? And
now we're going to like cover it with more substance
as we go along here.
Karra: that's an idea Russ,
you get that?
Russ: you mean as reinforcement?
Karra: no, no you didn't get it.
Russ: no I'm thinking on another
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: well maybe we should say it out
Karra: no, not at this time. Okay
in the meantime, we will continue working on it with
her shields......
Russ: okay.
Karra: we need to continue working on
getting her safe. Have you and Mark discussed when
to start her working on transcribing and stuff?
Russ: yeah Mark wants to start her on
the security stuff as soon as possible.
Karra: okay, that's
Russ: and
then I assume the webpage stuff will come along
after that.
Karra: uh-huh yeah.
Russ: okay.
Karra: okay, when is the date
Russ: Mark wants to start with her
this next week.
Karra: okay, so we'll work on that.
John: yeah.
Karra: do you have questions?
John: nothing right offhand, you guys
have jumped around, Christmas presents, Desiree, I
am at a loss.
Russ: start a new one.
Karra: uh-huh, okay in that case, Russ
do you have any more questions?
Russ: no darling.
Karra: okay, all will become clear in
a few.
Russ: well that's good, it's all mud
right now. Bye.
(Tia returns as ring mistress)
John: clear as mud huh?
Tia: I would love a cup of tea.
Russ: well go up and get some. (teasing
Tia: I was about to say can you pause
the tape and put the kettle on?
John: should I pause it?
Tia: yeah.
John: all right we're back online.
Tia: okay good, good, good, good,
good, good, good. How long is that tea going to be?
When it starts boiling correct? I know you only just
went and got it.
John: yeah it will be a another.......
Russ: 10 minutes?
John: five, 10 minutes?
Russ: it's got to steep first and all.
Tia: okay, okay do you have questions
for me?
Russ: well do you want to
work on the news tonight, right now or you want to
save that for later on in the session?
Tia: we'll save that for later on.
John: would you like to suck on
a teabag while you're waiting? Just an
Tia: Tia sticks her
tongue out.
(Nazreal jumps in as the next speaker)
Nazreal: yo
Russ, dude.
Russ: who is this?
Nazreal: three guesses dude.
Russ: hi Kiri.
Nazreal: I do not sound like Kiri.
Russ: oh.
John: no you don't.
Russ: Lyka?
Nazreal: I do not sound feminine. Last
guess buddy. Mr. Co-pilot that
Russ: oh, hi Nazreal.
Nazreal: yo.
John: who?
Russ: Nazreal, Karra's son, my ex-pilot
buddy kinder dude. How's it going dude? Close but
there we go.......
Nazreal: I'll just hold it stationary
Russ: dude. Good to see you man.
Nazreal: thought I would drop by.
Russ: ahhh well cool. How is your
piloting going?
Nazreal: fine, shuttling okay.
Russ: what about search and rescue,
still doing that?
Nazreal: yes, as well.
Russ: oh, well that's good.
Nazreal: introduce to your friend
Russ: Nazreal, this is Johnny. Johnny,
this is Karra's son Nazreal.
Nazreal: it is a pleasure of your
acquaintance to meet.
John: yeah, the pleasure is also mine,
is the first time we've met.
Nazreal: I apologize that my English
has slipped badly due to no one to talk with.
John: well why don't you talk to Russ
more often?
Russ: I don't get up to the pilots off
place too much anymore. I know, I know, I should get
back there once in a while to say hi to the old
Nazreal: just once in a month would be
nice. Once in two months would be nice.
Russ: just stop by the house more
often and say hi to us.
Nazreal: I spend long time out on
ships search and rescue picking up missing pilots,
picking up others.
Russ: were you involved in that big
thing over Russia a while back? (BATTLE REPORT 10/10/96)
Nazreal: I picked up very excited and
confused pilot.
Russ: oh, from Siberia? I don't know
if I congratulated you but I certainly will now.
Nazreal: well, I have
friend with me tonight that will help.
Russ: oh okay.
Nazreal: I have a friend with me
tonight that will help.
Russ: good. Is this our other copilot?
Nazreal: negative.
Russ: ahhh, how is she?
Nazreal: she is happy.
Russ: good, good.
Nazreal: she
is also asleep.
Russ: oh, are you guys going to have
children soon?
Nazreal: have? Had.
Russ: had. Good.
Nazreal: yes.
Russ: oh, you did, that's right I
forgot. I've had so much going on.
Nazreal: see what happens when someone
professes friendship and then sees you no more.
John: yeah, yeah I can see Russ doing
Nazreal: my child is six months old.
Russ: sorry.
Nazreal: you did not come and see
Marta when she was large.
Russ: no, I've been kind of slacking
off going up on the base a lot lately unfortunately.
Nazreal: yes, thank you.
Russ: thank you. Nazreal, hold on one
second and I'll be right back.
Nazreal: I will, we talk?
Johnny: sure, so you're a pilot?
Nazreal: not the kind that I wished to
be when I first learned how to fly,
I want to be hot dog pilot.
John: so you'd rather be a fighter
pilot then doing search and rescue and.....?
Nazreal: at heart yes. But search and
rescue no glamor or glory but very important.
John: oh there's no doubt about that.
Nazreal: more dangerous than fighter
Russ: oh way more dangerous, you've
got a bigger ship.
Nazreal: and no armament.
Russ: no armament right and nothing to
defend yourself with.
Nazreal: correct, just raw flying
talent. I do my best.
Russ: well how do you like the fact
that Mark's going to be part of the ground control
system now?
Nazreal: I have thing to say, panic.
Russ: (laughs)
Nazreal: just joking.
Russ: of course.
Nazreal: I think he will do fine.
Russ: yeah I do too, I think he's
going to commit himself to it just like he does
everything else.
Nazreal: yes, he throws his whole
being into what he does, keep up good work.
Russ: uh-huh, now maybe I can stop by
once in a while if you're ever going to be....
Nazreal: maybe? Maybe?
Russ: well I can tell we would enjoy
talking shop once in a while when I get up there.
Nazreal: once in a while?
Russ: well, more often now.
Nazreal: more often than what?
Russ: when was the last time you came
and talked to us at channeling sessions and said hi?
Nazreal: you know I do not channel.
Russ: I know, you're doing a great job
now though I might add.
Nazreal: I have help.
Russ: ah, Kiri?
Nazreal: yes.
Russ: ah, well that's good. Still you
are doing a great job and we clap. Now I will be
adding you into the web page, our Internet source of
Nazreal: I am aware.
Russ: ah, good because you've
got as much important parts up there as
everybody else does.
John: what planet do you hail from?
Nazreal: I am native of Sirius, as is
my mother.
John: oh okay, you are Sirian.
Nazreal: I was born there, my sister
not. (Alana)
Russ: no she wasn't.
Nazreal: see you.
Russ: bye Nazreal.
Nazreal: pleasure to meet you.
John: yes it's very nice meeting you.
I'll see you the next time you come around.
(Tia comes on to hand off to Katrina
and Kiri)
one guest down.
Russ: so Alana wasn't born on Sirius?
Tia: no.
Russ: where was she born at?
Tia: she was born way out somewhere.
Russ: when they were on duty or
Tia: I think before,
I think she was about five years old when they went.
Russ: wow perfect, that's a story I
hadn't heard yet.
Tia: okay, should I put the next
person on?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: okay
Russ: this might be a two taper.
John: yeah.
(Katrina makes one of her only two
sessions with Kiri as translator)
Katrina: (says
something in Russian)
Russ: Katrina.
Katrina yo.
Russ: dos vedanya.
Katrina: dos vedanya (says
someting else in Russian) you speak, I.....
Russ: we'll try it with English?
Katrina: you speak, Kiri speak me.
Russ: okay, fair enough. How are you
and Taal?
Kiri: Taal and Katrina are doing fine.
Russ: oh good.
Kiri: she's sitting very close to me,
I'm stumped on that next one.
Okay so what we're going to do is, you ask
questions, I'll translate into Sirian and then she
will answer.
Russ: okay.
Kiri: and I will translate back into
Russ: okay. Tell her congratulations
on her being an ace now.
Katrina: da.
John: so Katrina speaks Russian
because that's where she patrols?
Russ: yeah.
Katrina: da.
Russ: she speaks Russian. And she
knows she.....
Katrina: (speaks a more Russian)
Russ: right. Now she knows she got,
she's world-famous down here now.
Katrina: nyet, nyet.
Russ: yeah tell her it's on the
webpage that she....
Kiri: hold on, hold on, we're having a
communication problem here.
Russ: oh.
Kiri: I'm translating and she just
butts straight in. She goes no, as in surprise,
shock, horror.
Russ: no, no she's, she's been made
famous as her latest ace making has been made
worldwide knowledge here on earth. (BATTLE REPORT 10/18/96)
Kiri: she says do you wish her to do
victory roll over Red Square? She actually said
green square but it's Red Square I
think she meant.
Russ: yeah Red Square. No that's all
Katrina: Kremilinski.
Kiri: yes Kremlin.
Russ: yes it's the Kremlin. Let's see,
Boris Yeltsin of course is getting his operation
Kiri: he's had his operation.
Russ: yes it's very successful and
anything happening with her since then?
Katrina: nyet.
Russ: nothing, how's
the Babushka?
Kiri: the little one misses his mother
when she is on patrol.
Russ: so who takes care of him when
they're gone, both gone or does that happen?
Kiri: it happens sometimes and when
that happens........I'm not very good as an
interpreter or translator.
Russ: oh you're doing fine.
Kiri: and when that happens, yes it
stays in the crèche, the little one.
Russ: ahh okay, good. And
no more on the way I take it or planned for a little
Katrina: nyet.
Kiri: no.
Russ: yes, I figured that part out.
Yeah she didn't like being stuck
ground bound...
John: grounded, grounded?
Russ: yeah she was grounded for a
while yeah.
Kiri: close to two of your orbits.
Russ: right, she's had to do shuttle
John: oh, right, right.
Russ: which is no fun. So is she
training the new pilots at all?
Kiri: yes.
Russ: good.
Kiri: she trains very hard, fly
harder.......sounded like her.......she flies harder
than she normally would.
Russ: oh, okay.
Kiri: because she has a reputation as
being an ace, she has to be good.
Russ: okay, ask her if you could
please for something I can put in the Hades Base
News in the news section for this next week.
Kiri: I will do so. The key to being a
successful pilot is not just skill and
determination, luck and a desire to do what is
necessary to stay alive is the key. It is no good
feeling remorseful for the pilot that you engage,
they would do it to you so you must do it to them.
It is sad to have to terminate a entity's existence
but it is better that you remove one instead of that
one taking many.
Russ: hmm okay.
Katrina: da.
Russ: tell her thank you....then that
one taking....great, that'll make great copy for the
Kiri: she says bye now.
Russ: bye Katrina.
John: congratulations on your last.......last
Kiri: message from her, thanks. Is
that correct? Yeah.
John: yeah.
Kiri: thanks.
John: cool.
(Tia returns once more)
Tia: that is the hardest that I've
seen Kiri work doing coercion with Nazreal.
Russ: talking him into it, your
Tia: I set it up.
Russ: oh did you?
Tia: I got him to come down but it was
agreed that she would keep him going. That she would
do all the keeping him in place and keeping him
feeling confident and comfortable about it.
Russ: he seemed to be doing fine.
Tia: and then with....well towards the
end he wasn't, he was starting to get an adrenaline
overload. You noticed that....
John: was at the first time he came
through Mark's body?
Tia: no, second time.
John: second time.
Tia: yeah, if you notice that Mark's
feet and legs all twisted up and everything. His
toes curled and twisted, kind of anxiety?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: but....and then
translating for Katrina. Okay I'm going to put on
the next person.
(Omal shares his wisdom with us)
Omal: greetings
and felicitations. Greetings Johnny, greetings Russ.
Russ: greetings Omal.
John: greetings Omal.
Omal: and how is it functioning?
Russ: well it's nice talk to you for
Omal: yes.
Russ: kind of a familiar voice for a
Omal: instead of one shaven head,
young individual and one blonde haired, swimsuit
clad young lady.
Russ: Nazreal has a shaved head?
Omal: yes.
Russ: I didn't know that. How come,
for the pilot's helmet?
Omal: yes, he does spend a lot of time
on missions.
Russ: oh.
Omal: if, as he put it you dropped by
more often, you would know these things.
Russ: well I will be dropping by more
often. It's enough that I can get up and see Karra
right now.
John: so you're hanging out in the
pyramid munching some flowers or what?
Omal: I am sitting within the pyramid.
As for edible flora and fauna no, I do not
participate very often.
Russ: okay, so where to now from what
we talked with Korton and Tia, another move from
there or something completely different?
Omal: something completely different I
believe is in order, something
like a man with three buttocks.
Russ: now for something completely
Omal: Mr. Arthur Frampton, is it true
that you as it would say, vis-à-vis your rump, is
that seat comfortable Mr. Frampton?
Russ: yes it is.
Omal: okay now it would be easy to say
that you have a bonus in your posterior.
Russ: ah yes it would actually.
Omal: would it be possible Mr.
Frampton to vis-à-vis, is it quite comfortable
Russ: oh yes, most certainly.
Omal: it would be easy to say that you
have 50% bonus in the body region.
Russ: you could say that yes.
Omal: you obviously need to refresh
yourself on that Russ.
Russ: I haven't read it in a while
Omal: at that point you're meant to
say "oh, I've got three cheeks, an extra bum."
John: what is that, a Monty Python
Russ: yeah.
Omal: I thanked the young lady that
handed me the transcript.
Russ: that's a good one. Shot the
forward to me next time and I'll work on my end.
Omal: she is not allowed to do that,
know that.
Russ: yes I know. I mean she could
warn me and I could get it brought up you see.
Omal: okay, now that we have dealt
with the banana skin.......
Russ: yes.
Omal: let us proceed.
Russ: all righty.
Omal: are you sure that seat is quite
Russ: it's quite comfortable. All
righty then, now one thing I never got into with you
really but I will now is, what kind of news would
you want to see on the webpage there?
Omal: what I would like to see and
what actually should be there are two totally
different things.
Russ: okay, can we make them closer to
Omal: I did not say that you
are wrong in what you are doing.
Russ: right.
Omal: my opinion is totally different
from what is necessary to be on there. What is on
there is as it should be. Information for learning,
news and other information.
Russ: now one of the purposes the news
is being used is for a look at the base from a third
dimensional earth-side point
of view to show that well the base operates in much
the same way as we do. It's been a few people I've
talked to, well one in particular who feels that
when you get to sixth dimension you don't even have
a body, you're just spirit and you just operate in
the aethers and it's like I'm trying
to put forth the reality that no that's not really
the case.
Omal: okay, let us word it this way
for the news and I will go slowly so it is
easy for you to transcribe it and thus write it. I
was also try to keep it short and brief.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay, living on the sixth
dimension is not a spirit level. A spirit level is
where you no longer need a body. This happens at a
much higher dimension, in fact the first transition
to a light being or a spirit being occurs in the
eighth dimension. The reason why sixth dimensional
beings have physical bodies is because living on the
sixth dimension is obviously the next level from the
third dimension. It is necessary for people to
adjust to the spirituality and consciousness before
their bodies manifest any changes.
Russ: okay hold on for second, I want
to make sure I get this part
especially.....consciousness......getting used to
the spirituality and consciousness.....
Omal: of being on a higher dimension.
The sixth dimension is a place where you learn how
to use your abilities. That is a brief explanation
on the sixth dimension.
Russ: thank you.
Omal: the seventh dimension, and you
think I would let you get off so easy Russ?
Russ: no, of course not.
Omal: is a dimension where the first
manifestations of a higher, spiritual, physical
vibrations occur.
Russ: .......spiritual vibrations
Omal: unlike lower dimensions, it is
very common for the physical bodies to have a
self-rejuvenating capability......two
John: aren't you seventh dimensional?
Omal: that is correct.
John: I thought so, why aren't you
hanging out in seventh dimension?
Omal: because I have to work in the
sixth, it is necessary for
me to learn certain lessons. Okay Russ,
understanding the fact that a body has the ability
to rejuvenate itself and in conjunction
with, W.I.T.H.....the learning of the
spiritual control of the physical body. This is the,
T.H.E., final step before the body becomes
Russ: thank you very much.
Omal: you're welcome. The eighth.....
Russ: (chuckles)
Omal: just joking.
Russ: very funny. I think that's
enough news for this week.
Omal: Russell, take your arm and go.
Russ: yeah no doubt.
Omal: okay Johnny, you have questions?
John: I was going to bring up the
seventh dimension but you covered that pretty good.
Omal: yes, I think you might've picked
up some of the leakage.
John: I think so.
Omal: having to speak slowly and think
slowly is not something I'm very good at.
Russ: you did fine. My working
with shields on Desiree this week made me a lot more
conscious of my own shields and when Tia was working
on the political aspects when she first came on I
was getting a headache and shielding wasn't seeming
to work, why is that?
Omal: I think she accidentally hit
Mark's coercive mode.
Russ: oh.
Omal: Tia wasn't coercing you.
Russ: right, just an overflow of
energy from that point though?
Omal: no, Mark's body was coercing
you, she was.....
Russ: without his conscious awareness
of it.
Omal: correct, Tia had
activated it.
Russ: oh.
Omal: yeah she
was, because we come through Mark's body, we can use
his abilities as well as our own. For example if you
take Kiri and insert Kiri's consciousness into
Mark's body, then she could astral travel in
Russ: oh I see.
Omal: not as well as Mark because she
has a limited working knowledge of astral travel and
also there would be a conflict of habitation of the
same body. Tia happened to kick in her minimal
amount of coercion which does not even add up to a
pinprick but because she was using her coercive
ability in a minute way, she happened to kick Mark's
coercive ability in.
Russ: oh.
Omal: and because she was so pumped up
emotionally, she just kicked it into fourth gear?
Russ: uh-huh, I get it because as soon
as she left no problem, I was back on track again
but boy trying to fight off that coercive mode.
Omal: yeah I think if she had kicked
it twice more she would've got into overdrive
Russ: well I assume we'd
have to leave the room at that point.
Omal: it would've stretched Mark's
ability but it would not be surprising on his
coercive level. Okay do you have more questions for
Russ: well we're getting a lot of
people coming to us for more and more answers. For
example Mark for his astral travel knowledge, me
just in gratitude for the page and that kind of
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and this is on the Internet and
I suppose taking it now to a more physical plane as
far as people that we deal with on a daily basis is
next in line?
Omal: yes.
Russ: this has been preparing us I
take it as a teaching tool?
Omal: yes it has or it is part of the
teaching tool.
Russ: that is what I kind of felt like
because my communication skills have improved. I've
seen Mark's improve drastically or dramatically
compared to what it used to be.
Omal: I think Mark's communication
skill was very good, it's just that he was lazy with
Russ: yeah, he just needed to polish
it up a bit.
Omal: I think he needed to reawaken it
would be a better way of saying it.
Russ: well I'm glad he's working on
the astral travel part, that's good for
Omal: yes.
Russ: but the chatline and stuff he's
getting much more fluid in his conversations.
Omal: I think he is overcoming his
Russ: good.
Omal: okay last question from each of
you if you so desire.
Russ: okay, umm.......
Omal: Johnny, last question please.
John: about dimensions.......
Omal: uh-huh.
John: there is an
infinite number of dimensions?
Omal: ummm, yes in essence. The way
that it works is that dimensions are an infinite
number due to the fact of there is an infinite
number of alternate realities. This means that there
are a infinite number of different dimensions. As
far as we know it is limited but our understanding
itself is limited. I could say that there are
several thousand different levels of dimensions, I
could be wrong. Russ.
Russ: okay now speaking on different
levels of dimensions, Mark and I got into this
conversation here last week and I wanted to bring it
up with you and that is concerning Tia's
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: I mentioned the fact that it
really seems from just an outward appearance which I
know is false but that there is no things to worry
about, that what we're
looking at now is something where we'll be on an
alternate dimension that bypasses scenario B and
goes straight to scenario A but a part of us will be
on a dimension that hits scenario B.
Omal: that is self-evident but
Russ: okay of course this is strictly
optimistic and kind of idealistic but what are the
chances of such a thing occurring, odds wise?
Omal: ummm it is hard to say,
I think Tia's predictions are.......I'll
rephrase that, I feel that Tia's predictions are
pretty on the mark. If you take out all her
emotional outbursts and look at the facts, Tia is
pretty much on the mark and as we are dealing with
you in your timeline and Tia's predictions are in
your timeline, then it seems self-evident that that
that is the way it would go. The biggest problem I
see between you and Mark is the fact that you are
not cautious enough and Mark is too cautious and the
two extremes are so extreme that they do not balance
each other.
Russ: hmm, I see, thank you.
Omal: you're welcome.
John: thank you very much.
Omal: live long, prosper and I'll be
Russ: farewell.
John: see you around.
(Tia finishes up this side of the
Tia: Omal has left
the building, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Russ: that means he's still there.
Tia: yeah I know he's still there, I'm
just being silly. How about that cup of tea? Omal
talking slowly has dried Mark's throat something
Russ: thanks.
John: back online.
Tia: okay we originally wanted the
channeling session to start at 7:30 at the latest
because it is going to be a long session. I told
Mark to tell you how many people were going to be
present. I think I said, or told Mark seven. We have
three more people to talk. We've already had myself,
Karra, Omal, Korton, Katrina and Nazreal. That's
six. We don't have two more people, we have three
more people.
Russ: well we'll just add more tape
Tia: yes, okay.
Russ: now what I was going to
Russ: was.......okay Korton
brought this up and Omal brought this up.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and that is now Korton says at
this point we need to be more circumspect concerning
our preparations for the future.
Tia: uh-huh, no he didn't say
circumspect, he said cautious.
Russ: I know he said cautious but I
hate repeating everybody.
Tia: there is sometimes a reason why
things are repeated.
Russ: yes but then Omal said
Mark is too cautious and I'm not cautious enough so
obviously there is a meeting point.
Tia: he also said that you were
two extremes that were unable to meet because you were
so extreme.
Russ: no he did not say
Tia: no he said that you are two
extremes that do not complement each other because
you are too extreme.
Russ: right so....
John: I think he used the word
Tia: yeah balance, I think you're
right there Johnny.
John: I believe so.
Tia: anyway, let us continue.
Russ: now so we need to get
more closer to the middle.
Tia: uh-huh but there are certain
things that I feel that Mark is quite correct in
that are extreme that you wouldn't.
Russ: but that's where we need to
reach more of a middle ground on see?
Tia: yeah but what I'm saying is that
when Mark talks about the Little
A'Le'Inn and not going there right?
Russ: yeah.
Tia: and you talk about driving around
and trying to get on to the range right?
Russ: no just to the black mailbox.
Tia: yeah to the black mailbox. Isn't
that a little bit two extremes? I feel that Mark is
quite correct in his idea of avoiding the area like
the plague at this time. Things could change where
it might be useful to go down there but at this time
with the amount of activity down there, I think it
would be better to not as it were.
Russ: and see here I'm saying well
what difference does it make because nobody's going
to know it's me and Mark compared to me and Joe Blow
from Sacramento?
Tia: earlier on you were saying that
you don't underestimate your government and now you
do. Please make up your mind, what are you going to
Russ: no I said I trusted my
Tia: uh-huh but you also said you
don't underestimate your government, well didn't say
it but you implied it.
Russ: did I?
Tia: yes, now
you are underestimating them. Okay let's say they
take a picture of you right? And they identify you
and they take a picture of Mark but they can't
identify him. Now think, what are they going to do?
Oh that's some person with Mr. Hatfield there? What
would you do Johnny?
John: well I don't know,
I mean it depends on how badly I wanted to find out
who the person was.
Tia: exactly, but you would want to
find out who it was.
John: well if I didn't want to find it
out badly, I'd find out...
Tia: think like a Special Agent.
John: well I'd find out through Russ.
Tia: yeah but say you don't know Russ
right? You've seen a picture of him, it's identified
as Russell Hatfield right? But who is the person
next to him? Now think as a Special Agent. Would you
want to know or would you just go "oh it's some
John: depends on the circumstances. I
mean you could abduct Russ you know what I mean and
try to get the information from him that you wanted.
You could tap his phone which might already be
tapped. There's lots of things you could
Tia: yeah but you would want to know
who the other person is.
Russ: I don't get it though Tia, do
you know more information about this than I do and
you're not telling me? Is that what this is or are
you telling me without actually telling me? I mean
no one's ever implied that you drive to the black
mailbox and you get a photo taken. I mean it's so
far off the base that you're not even near the sign
saying warning....
Tia: everybody that goes up there,
where do they go? They go to the Little A'Le'Inn and
then they go on the tour which happens to
Russ: the black mailbox.
Tia: think about it.
Russ: yeah well it's a tourist
destination. You get families from Poughkeepsie
coming by and checking out what the Little A'Le'Inn
and the black mailbox are all about. This is all
over the entire world that you hear about this.
Tia: yeah and you might get families
from Belyaski coming and visiting or Gorky.
Russ: so you're saying the government
takes pictures of everyone driving up and try to
figure out who they are? It sounds a lot more
X-Files than it sounds reality here.
Tia: there are some truth to the
X-Files and then there is some way out, whacked out

(Tia continues the discussion)
Tia: no, okay as I was saying before we
had to change the tape is that if you go there you
will not be able to go back because there is the
possibility that they will have your picture on
file. With today's computers right?
could have a picture right? And
then a picture taken 10 years later and say "find a
match within specified parameters". Let say ears,
eyes, nose and length of the head. That would narrow
it down from maybe let's say 10,000 people that had
visited there to maybe 10 people.
Russ: okay.
Tia: now if you take into certain
other characteristics like colors of eyes, color of
skin, height, amount of hair, body temperature and
so on, you'll probably narrow it down to two or
three. So the problem is that if you go there, you
won't be able to go back. Never assume that people
that are visiting there are just happen to be
friendly locals or friendly visitors. The thing is,
believe no one in that kind of situation.
Russ: well if that was the case then
we're already dead meat anyway because if
the government is taking pictures of everyone who
drives up to see what's up with the black mailbox,
then basically everyone who starts accessing stuff
like the government conspiracy files like we do on
the Internet is already a target.
You're saying I mean that's the kind of paranoia
we're talking about here.
Tia: doesn't it fit into what I said
earlier on?
Russ: and I still say
we're talking X-Files here, it
doesn't make sense. The government does not waste
their resources in such a way.
Tia: no, they go overseas and get
money and other people to do it. Okay....
(Kornas stops in for a chat)
greetings and felicitations.
Russ: is this Taal?
Kornas: no.
Russ: no. Okay.
Kornas: your beloved should give you a
John: Leonedies.
Kornas: no.
Russ: no, and it's not soon
enough for Tanaka to show up.
Kornas: no. Hold on one second.
Russ: oh, Kornas.
(Karra pops in: I was about to say,
quick clue dear, oh
my God the boss is here. Thank you)
Russ: Kornas, duh. Sorry Kornas.
Kornas: greetings and felicitations.
Russ: greetings, it has been close to
three years now.
Kornas: yes. I need from you a
visitation to my research lab.
Russ: genetic essay?
Kornas: your appointment card is
waiting for you.
Russ: okay, it has been a while yes.
Kornas: do you astral travel in the
chair there?
John: oh, no I don't.
Kornas: oh pity, never mind.
Russ: no you're lucky, you don't get
the genetic essay, I do. All right.
Kornas: you say that with the tone of
disrespect, why?
Russ: no a tone of
Kornas: nervous anticipation.
Russ: yes.
Kornas: do you not like to visit for
genetic essay and information?
Russ: oh I like to just visit,
needle's part always get me a little bit nervous.
Kornas: does not correlate with
information stated on view screen.
Russ: oh. Well no, I will be
there and I look forward to finding out what my
genetic essay has changed to.
Kornas: remember, I am seventh
dimensional Russ, you
cannot pull the wool over my eyes as it were.
Russ: I know.
Kornas: not like Karra's or Kiri's or
other of the young people present here.
Russ: well just the last time I got my
genetic essay, I felt like a pin cushion.
Kornas: that is the purpose of getting
genetic material so that understanding and planning
can be achieved. It is not for pleasure of yourself,
it is for the bettering understanding for those that
come after.
Russ: I understand, it is a necessary
Kornas: that is correct,
in your voice...
Russ: no I'm really serious this time.
Kornas: does not suit.
John: you're not doing very
well there Russ.
Russ: well when I get to seventh
dimension I'm sure I'll do much better.
Kornas: sarcasm, yes I have heard of
Russ: well, you haven't been around
very much.
Kornas: I have been around plenty, I
have other projects, I keep an eye on
things. Certain individuals supply me somewhat
reluctantly with information.
Russ: all right, I'll be busy
tomorrow, will Thursday be okay?
Kornas: Thursday will be fine.
Russ: all right, I'll stop
in Thursday then.
Kornas: late, I will be working in my
office as usual. Your convenience at time Thursday
of your evening or Friday of your morning.
Russ: it will be probably Friday
morning because I'll be working Thursday night. All
right Kornas, it's a deal. Friday morning, bright
and early I shall see you at the lab.
Kornas: was that a tone of humor? I
have heard of that.
Russ: no, that was actually I will see
you Friday morning at your lab.
Kornas: okay.
Russ: thank you Kornas.
(Tia takes over again)
Tia: I hate it when it's that time.
Russ: yeah I do too.
Tia: uh-uh.
Russ: and it's only been three years.
John: what's the purpose of this?
Russ: genetic assays are to find out
Tia: psychic abilities and how you're
developing and if you have any genetic flaws and so
John: oh okay.
Russ: last time had it I came up with
my healing ability showing strong, my communication
ability showing strong, various other things showing
quite weak but my genetic...
Tia: essay was fairly clean.
Russ: my genes are real clean.
Tia: I wouldn't say real clean, they
could do with a wash.
Russ: well my family is pretty well, there
are not major mutations in there.
Tia: apart from you.
Russ: well hey, there's
always going to be a black sheep
Tia: yes.
Russ: yes.
Tia: okay, two more people to go.
Russ: ah we're on a roll. Well one of
them is Kiri so that'll be half........that
will be energizing more than anything else.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: bye
Tia: (says bye in Durondedunn)
(Kiri comes in but has to leave again
Russ: hi kiddo.
Kiri: yo dude.
Russ: what's up sweetheart?
Kiri: oh you know.
Russ: you're looking fit and fiddle.
Kiri: yes I've got some nice exercise
in on my vacation.
Russ: did you now?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: what?
Kiri: no, just imitating my hiking. I
had a chest harness on here with stuff packed in it,
I have my carry pack with Leonedies sitting in the
top, and then my pouches on the side of that and my
hip pouches and then I had leg pouches. It was.....
John: yeah you haven't been by to
visit much.
Kiri: oh I've been pretty busy.
John: you've been busy huh?
Kiri: uh-huh, yeah. Hold on one
(Tia fills in until Kiri is free again)
Russ: switch off, switch on.
Tia: she will be back.
Russ: okay.
Tia: yeah, her little pager went beep
beep, beep beep, beep beep, beep beep, beep beep.
Russ: who, Lyka?
Tia: no.
Russ: who, Tia?
Tia: Kiri's.
John: Kiri's beeper.
Russ: oh Kiri's beeper.
Tia: uh-huh.
John: yeah, I caught that.
Russ: I didn't, I thought it was Kiri
back in again.
Tia: do we sound so much alike?
Russ: yes as a matter of fact, there
are certain points where.....
John: there's a similarity there yeah.
Tia: I suppose because we live
John: yeah and you're talking through
a man's body.
Tia: yeah, true, true, true, true.
Russ: I mean from our point of view
Tia: there is no difference.
John: and you're talking through a
man's body with a really funny English accent.
Tia: it is funny, I find it amusing.
Anyway okay.......
John: I hope Mark finds my comment
Russ: hey babe, question for you.
Tia: yes.
Russ: I've noticed that I and probably
Johnny and you even have a certain ability to mimic
things that we're around. For example, if you
were....let's see what happened the other night? I
watched a, some kind of a movie, oh no a snowboard
magazine I was reading, Blunt. Very punk rockish and
mental deviated kind of snowboard magazine.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and I ended up.....and I was
talking like that for a while until I shook it off
and it was like....
Tia: yeah but I don't talk like that
dude. Yeah you never hear me saying things like,
it's real rad and gnarly to be here dude.
Russ: it's a total creation this
Tia: yeah dude.
Russ: but I mean, yeah we all kind of
absorb our environment from around us right?
Kiri: uh-huh, yeah kind of,
kind of. I'll be right back, I'm having a
semi-aquatic life form in Mark's throat.
Russ: oh okay.
Tia: I'll be back, keep talking
amongst yourselves.
John: a semi-what?
Russ: frog in her throat.
Tia: told you not to put it on hold, I
wasn't going to be gone that long.
John: he told me to put it on hold so
it's either do I listen to you or listen to him?
Tia: who's the ring mistress?
Russ: you are darling.
Tia: okay and don't you forget that.
Russ: I wouldn't even if
I had bothered to try to say I'm the ring
Tia: okay who's in charge of the
channeling session?
Russ: yeah you are sweetheart.
John: but Russ lives here.
Russ: doesn't matter.
Tia: I'm in charge of the channeling
session, I say who goes on, I say when the tape gets
switched off.
Russ: I'm only in charge the bills.
Tia: I wish you were in charge of
Bill. Okay now.
Russ: so you find this happening to
you then also?
Tia: no, not very often.
Russ: the absorbing of your
Tia: assimilating.
Russ: assimilating.
Tia: no not very often. Okay.
Russ: well your environment doesn't
change much anyway really. Now
Kiri's does on the other hand.
(Kiri smoothly makes the transition)
Kiri: dude it does.
Russ: it does see?
Kiri: I do it because you have a
difficulty distinguishing between Tia and myself and
Karra and myself sometimes dude.
Russ: well less Karra than you.
Kiri: there were times when.
Russ: oh well yeah there have been
times sure.
Kiri: well that's going to goof things
up. Oh well okay, you've got my undivided attention.
Russ: okay sweetheart, I'm talking
about the assimilation of your environment from around
Kiri: uh-huh, uh-huh.
Russ: and how each of us can go into a
different situation with different people and like
chameleons, change to....
Kiri: no it's more of a necessary
survival instinct to blend in so that you act in a
way that is non-threatening.
Russ: okay so, how strong is this
going to come into effect in our future?
Kiri: it depends on the situations and
the environments. Are you the majority or the
Russ: okay so if you're in the
Kiri: you try to change to be
assimilated by the bigger majority.
Russ: but hold your own views within.
Kiri: uh-huh, that is correct.
Russ: okay. Now what if those views
contradict completely what you believe? Like say we
get hooked into some militia for some reason and
have to blend in but yet the militia's into this
anti-black, anti-Jew, Christ consciousness kind of
Kiri: I don't see that you would be
involved in something like that.
Russ: oh it's just an example.
Kiri: uh-huh but that doesn't stop you
from believing your own beliefs in your heart of
Kiri: speaking the party line as it were
but that's not really my field. You're asking Tia's
questions to me.
Russ: not really, not really due to
the fact that you as a coercer would have an
understanding of this in the fact that well now you
have an ability, you have absorbed
into the majority...
Kiri: I don't...
Russ: can you change the majority mind
around back the minority at all? Do you have a
position you could actually use to your advantage?
Kiri: yes and no. It is, do you want
to endanger yourself?
Russ: well, how good are you?
Kiri: no, the question should be how
good are you?
Russ: well that's what I mean, it's a
rhetorical question.
Kiri: yes me?
I could do it, you?
I doubt very much. Mark? Maybe.
Johnny? possibly. You
no for the simple reason that Johnny knows how they
work, Johnny knows how their mindset is, you don't.
Russ: I'm a quick learner. I know, I
get your point.
Kiri: can you afford to make the
mistake? One mistake will get you severely hurt,
mistakes will get you even worser hurt.
Russ: up against the wall.
Kiri: put it this way, after the
second mistake there will be no more mistakes.
That's really goofed things up.
Russ: why?
Kiri: you'll see.
Russ: okay of course.
Kiri: okay but in the meantime, do you
have any questions? As I've already been in once
tonight and chatted briefly.
Russ: well, what's the news with your
Kiri: oh he's doing fine.
Russ: yeah?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and Sarah?
Kiri: Sarah is doing extremely fine.
Russ: good.
Kiri: she said to say hello and to say
doing fine. Her implants don't hurt as much, (Put
in by the Grays.)
she absolutely adores
my grandmother.
Russ: well no doubt, sweet lady.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and life expectancy no change?
Kiri: no change.
Russ: no change.
Kiri: a year at most and she perfectly
understands and accepts that, in fact she told me
just now that she had gone shopping.
Russ: shopping?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: from a convent?
Kiri: well kind of shopping.
Russ: I guess.
Kiri: she went out in to the woods and
picked out her tree.
Russ: oh.
Kiri: uh-huh, an old wooden tree that
is almost dead that's going to be cut down anyway.
She said that she wanted that particular tree. It's
almost a white oak and tomorrow she's going to be
looking at materials and stuff.
Russ: for her burial plot.
Kiri: well for her coffin.
Russ: her coffin.
Kiri: uh-huh, she understands what's
happening, she's adjusting to it. She wanted to know
if I could get some silk for the pillow.
Russ: yeah that's no problem.
Kiri: well she wanted earth silk.
Russ: yeah that's still no problem.
Kiri: I'll get her a bolt of it.
Russ: yeah I would, Japan would
probably be your best bet.
Kiri: yeah. Well actually I was
thinking from in the heart of China.
Russ: good call there.
John: what did she say, China?
Kiri: yeah.
Russ: now does she find being on sixth
dimension on Sirius an easier transitional phase
then sixth dimensional within a fifth dimensional
space on Hades Base?
Kiri: yes, she doesn't have the
pressure on her skull that causes as much pain. Also
the medication that they're giving her is taking
away a lot of the pain and the fact that she spends
a lot of time following my grandmother around and
helping my grandmother with her chores which keeps
her active and the fact that she's outside breathing
fresh air under real sunlight, getting lots of
vitamin C. She's got tan lines finally, even though
it's only faint tan lines. She was sitting there and
I was talking to her just now and she goes, "look,
tan line". And it was sort of like, "where? I think
you should go and take a bath", which she thought
was funny.
Russ: this was on the beeper that you
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: oh good.
Kiri: yeah, she beeped me, she thought
the session was over.
Russ: oh no problem. So who's doing
the coercing now that you're gone, anybody?
Kiri: yeah.
Russ: grandma?
Kiri: uh-huh, that's where I got it
Russ: good.
Kiri: I'm better than grandmother,
much, much better. But she's got enough to...
Russ: well you graduated with honors
Kiri: uh-huh, she never went to that
kind of school. Didn't have the opportunity
unfortunately. I think that if she had, she might've
picked up the trophy just once. I picked it up
twice. Champion coercer, two years in a row. As I
think you would say, a freshman and then a senior?
John: yeah, on a collegiate level?
Kiri: no planet level.
John: on a planet level.
Russ: now Kornas asked about whether
he could astral travel up to get a genetic essay.
Kiri: he's always looking for fresh
Russ: oh no doubt.
Kiri: are you willing victim?
John: is he some kind of scientist?
Kiri: he's a geneticist
John: geneticist oh.
Kiri: uh-huh, he's liable to walk up
to you with a needle about this long and say "how
you doing?" as he slides it into your gut. Or walk
up behind you and go "Johnny, I'd like a talk with
you" and be standing right behind you and all of a
sudden you feel a very stabbing pain in the butt.
Russ: yep, that's how he got me.
John: sounds interesting, pretty wild.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: yeah I went down to go visit
Karra, here comes Kornas.
Kiri: walks up behind Russ and goes
bop and then wanders away without saying anything.
Russ: yeah lots of laughs with Kornas
there. So how's his genetic essay figure do you
Kiri: well we can't get Johnny up here
to astral travel so we can't get it into the factor.
Russ: now we've got a, we've got some
monitors on him right now.......
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: none of them will do the trick
Kiri: we need actual genetic material
or material from the astral body.
John: okay.
Kiri: uh-huh.
John: so what you're saying is that
your astral body has the same DNA as your physical
Kiri: has the information.
John: okay.
Kiri: uh-huh. Now by astral traveling
up here, you can stay in your astral form, we can
condense it and throw in molecules and stuff which
will condense into the structure that would be in
your physical body and then we just extract that by
the same sort of method apart from you would use a
larger needle with a little bit of a electrical
field to keep it stable.
Russ: much larger.
John: interesting.
Kiri: I don't think a needle this long
is larger or smaller than a needle this long.
Russ: I do, when you look at one, one
looks to be 2 feet long and one looks to be one foot
Kiri: well?
Russ: it's a perception
kind of thing, especially in your astral body which
tends to magnify things.
Kiri: oh you're scared of needles.
Russ: big giant, bloody needles like
that, hell yes. Terrifies the &@$#& out of
me. Okay, so how do we get Johnny's DNA there.
Kiri: I wouldn't worry about it at the
moment. We'll get it when the time is
Russ: okay.
John: I guess I'll go have to go up
Kiri: no, no, well take your
time, you've got plenty of time.
John: yeah I'll have to go up there
and visit Kornas.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: well Mark's working on the
astral travel stuff right now with the training
program he's working on we'll put on the internet.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: why don't you just ask
him to have you share with it?
Kiri: okay, I'm going to put on the
next person.
Russ: okay sweetheart.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: you look pretty regal like that,
you know that? Kinda reminds me of Karra a little
Kiri: okay I've got to get comfortable
(Leonedies shares his wisdom)
greetings and felicitations and welcome. Tonight
we're going to discuss important issues concerning
the evolutionary level of the mind. It is necessary
to understand the evolutionary level of the mind as
heading in a particular avenue of.....I'm sorry.
Russ: that's all right, mom called you
on that one eh?
Leonedies: yes.
is necessary to understand that the evolutionary
levels of the mind is a necessary development of the
progress of the individual. In relationship to the
greater expansion of the mind, it is necessary to
learn patience in the process to be assimilated by
the developmental level of the consciousness of the
group. The group consciousness is reflected in turn
in the individual who in turn returns the complement
back to the group by expanding the group
consciousness into a much more refined level of
understanding. The level of understanding is refined
further thus through analysis and internal debate
within the individual. The individual has a affect
on the large collective consciousness in the
development of a higher spiritual awareness.
Russ: right.
Leonedies: questions. Did you not
comprehend what I just said, did you?
Russ: no I do exactly because this
follows right along to what I was talking about with
your mother (Kiri) concerning assimilating into a
larger group where you do not, you're the minority.
Leonedies: no, it is not the same,
are talking of a hostile environment.
I am trying to explain that on a spiritual level
that an individual can from a analytic point of view
affect the larger group if it is of the same
consciousness, group consciousness. The group
consciousness works in conjunction with the
individual's consciousness to expand itself plus the
individual on a specific goal that is designed by
the group consciousness. The group consciousness is
avenue is reflected by the individual's actions, it
is a spiral that is climbing higher and higher. The
more refined and analytic the individual, the more
refined and analytical the group consciousness. The
group consciousness in turn helps to distill and
refine to a higher-level yet again the development
of the individual. The individuals work separately
but together with the group.
Russ: okay case in point, the
spiritual web chat that your father (Mark) talks
upon nightly down here......
Leonedies: uh-huh.
Russ: is this a good
example of what you're working with or talking
Leonedies: no. It is a group of
individuals with a specific goal. That from what I
comprehend does not have a specific goal apart from
the exchanging of ideas and information. It is, my
references are to a group of people aiming for one
particular point of like minds.
John: would that be like us doing the
Leonedies: yes.
John: all right, and Russ and
Mark and I working towards a survival type mode.
Leonedies: that is correct. Working on
a survival mode is something that is necessary for
an expansion of the collective. The collective of
your group of three may increase. It is necessary
for the collective consciousness of....what is
happening to the throat?
Russ: oh he's got a throat problem, it's
dried up.
Leonedies: ahh okay, I will
compensate. Okay, the collective consciousness of
the group of three may increase to a higher number.
You are working for a specific goal of survival,
enlightenment and exchanging of information for the
specific goal of achieving a higher level of
evolution. In return for this advancement to a
higher level of evolution, you pay the supplying
information service a necessary boon of other
services for the development of other groups. The
information that is given to you by the parent group
for your survival and advancement is necessary for
its own survival. The necessary levels to attain in
achieving the goals is mutually
beneficial for those purposes. The purposes in
connect........why are things slow?
Russ: umm, third dimensional.
Leonedies: understand.
Russ: okay so the parent group is
Hades Base.
Leonedies: correct.
Russ: how is it that we are helping
with its survival?
Leonedies: by your understanding and
returning of information.
Russ: why would they need our help?
Leonedies: because there are
information factors that are not readily available
to the base.
Russ: ahh, so we increase their
information as they increase ours.
Leonedies: correct, that you also
exchange points of view which are useful for them
and they give you points of view that are useful to
you. It is mutually beneficial trade.
Russ: can they measure the
consciousness of the planet from a small group like
Leonedies: no.
Russ: they need a much larger group.
Leonedies: correct.
Russ: okay. But we, by working from
our parent group, can work on that consciousness.
Leonedies: correct.
Russ: I understand.
Leonedies: by your actions within your
primitive Earth communications and everyday actions
in life and mother, be quiet.
to his mother)
Russ: (laughs) yes I
Leonedies: it is necessary for your
actions to be measured and done with the best
intent. It is no good charging into actions like
some large horned animal and smashing lots of
different little ceramic objects. You must weigh
your actions and achieve the goals that is desired
and the results will return in complement to you.
to his mother again)
Russ: okay. All right, now best point
of view for achieving that is the state that we're
working on now?
Leonedies: correct, it
is necessary for you to proceed as you are. It is
wrong for me to say do this, do that or whatever,
have to proceed what is suitable for you and is
designed by the personnel up here on the base.
Russ: because the evolution of the
mind will take place no matter what.
Leonedies: I am afraid that I would
lack the patience to guide you. The fact that I lack
experiences on a third dimensional level that are
readily accessible at this time and what I can
access is old and out of date would serve no purpose
so it's no use asking me the information that you
Russ: obviously but you are part of
the parent group.
Leonedies: in a limited way.
Russ: so you are increasing your
knowledge from your corresponding with us.
Leonedies: correct, at
this time I am the pupil even though my intelligence
is vastly superior to yours, I need your lessons to
help me to learn to return the favor.
Russ: understand.
Leonedies: thank you.
Russ: thank you.
John: thank you very much.
(Kiri takes over from her son)
John: that was heavy.
Russ: he makes a good pupil.
John: that was heavy. And the way he
started out, I mean he was just reeling.
Russ: that's the way his mind works and
a lot faster actually, he probably slowed that down
to get to our level.
Kiri: yes. If you'll notice....
Russ: mother be quiet.
(everyone laughs)
John: that was great.
Kiri: if you notice to start off with,
his mouth moved a few times........
Russ: yeah.
Kiri: that
was him adjusting.
Russ: right.
Kiri: and I let them go as far as I
could but I don't, I have put my foot down
Russ: yeah.
Kiri: I mean the fact that he told me
to be quiet three times, the fourth time he started
to think it and it was all right, no that's
it, finish up and it was sort of like no. It was
sort like finish up.
Russ: because he was learning as fast
as he could as we were.
John: feisty little guy, ain't he?
Kiri: yeah, and he talks fast as he is
Russ: yeah because I mean what we're
doing here in slow motion to him.......
John: right.
Russ: he's picking up and reading 20
million different things into it.
Kiri: uh-huh.
John: right.
Russ: but hey, his evolution is a lot
different from ours so how can we comprehend where
he's up to?
Kiri: that's correct.
Russ: now he is going to be
instrumental in our future though I have a feeling.
Kiri: uh-huh, I think he drained all
the energy out of the foot there.
Russ: it's asleep?
Kiri: shhh, can we have some water in
there? Cold, take it from the bathroom there but
yes, your question before you run upstairs and I'll
answer it loudly.
Russ: he is going be instrumental in
the future that we will have to do.
Kiri: he could become one of the
pupils, if you want to run upstairs I'll speak
loudly so you can hear. Take it from the bathroom.
Russ: I thought he was going to be
when the teachers.
Kiri: he could be one of the teachers
that will help later on through channelings and
through correspondence one way or another. It's
necessary for Leonedies to first of all learn your
earth communications, your earth thought patterns so
that he can slow himself down to be able to talk at
a measured rate which is understandable and
thank you, that is necessary for understanding.
John: that makes sense, after all he
is a super operant correct?
Kiri: correct and he does bang on
sometimes. I can say that because he's my son and
he can be very condescending and arrogant.
John: well there again I can see
Russ: he has a right to be. I mean
when he says, "I am the pupil even though I am
vastly superior in knowledge ", yeah of course?
Kiri: uh-huh. He's true but he
could've worded it better.
Russ: not really, because...
Kiri: oh Russ, that's arrogant,
arrogant and blunt.
John: he's blunt, yeah.
Kiri: no tact.
Russ: I mean look at how young the kid
is. I mean I agree Ashtar wouldn't come in and say
the same things in the same way but Ashtar has many
millennia of experience more than he does.
Kiri: yeah whereas Leonedies is blunt
and to the point.
Russ: but he won't be always.
Kiri: I hope not, I hope not.
Russ: well you've got Mark there as a
father, he's third dimensional.
Kiri: yes and Mark is totally the
opposite that he'll beat around the bush.
Russ: but doesn't Mark have, doesn't
he get lots of input from Mark?
Kiri: yes he does, a lot.
Russ: that's what I figured.
Kiri: and Mark is very strict with
him. If he starts to talk too fast or communicate
too quickly or attempt to start probing, Mark will
turn around and say, "no, stop it" and walk away and
that is the worst punishment for him because
basically what Mark's doing is shutting off his
communication source.
Russ: ahh.
Kiri: that he has to find somebody
else to talk to because he wants to learn you see?
And it is taking away that learning you see?
So he gets upset right and he's learned
to stop Mark from walking away is to behave in a
much better way but yet I bring him into the
channeling session and he behaves as if he's
Russ: reminds me of remember, Johnny Five
Kiri: "Short Circuit".
Russ: "Short
Johnny Five. "Input, I need input."
John: oh okay the......
Russ: robot.
John: the robot yeah.
Kiri: yeah exactly, exactly.
Russ: need input.
Kiri: okay.
Russ: session over?
Kiri: sorry?
Russ: session over?
Kiri: no not yet.
Russ: oh okay.
Kiri: we've got one
more speaker.
(Tia ushers in the last
Tia: okay, I'm going to
put on the last speaker.
Russ: okay, I didn't think there was
Tia: there is,
the last speaker showed up.
Russ: there is now.
Tia: yes, this
has to be a new record.
Russ: ten? Oh yeah this is definitely
a new record.
John: yeah, this is a new record.
(Alana wraps up a very long session)
Alana: hello,
Russ: hello?
John: hello.
Alana: come on.
Russ: it's not Karra.
Alana: no it's not Karra.
Russ: it's Alana.
Alana: correct.
Russ: that's what I thought. You have
your mom's way of speaking.
Alana: well I am my mother's daughter.
Russ: yes you are and your brother was
on earlier so we get the whole family on tonight.
Alana: oh he was?
Russ: yeah, Nazreal came in for a
Alana oh.
Russ: coerced horribly by your aunt.
Johnny I'd like you to meet my bondmate Alana.
Alana: hello.
John: hello, I think we've met before
haven't we?
Alana: yes we have once.
Russ: oh.
John: yeah I thought so.
Russ: I wasn't sure.
John: I thought we had.
Russ: I hate to be the antisocial
Alana: yes I thought I would drop by.
Russ: well thank you darling, good, I
have questions for you.
Alana: okay.
Russ: now I've been reading a book
written by a Earth author down here named Ann
McCaffrey called the "Dolphins
of Pern".
Alana: yes.
Russ: okay, and if you haven't got up
on the base I'm certain I can have it sent up.
Alana: uh-huh.
Russ: and it involves another planet
where Earth's colonists go to to settle down and
take some dolphins with them.
Russ: unfortunately
though they lose communication back with Earth and
in the course of some 2,500 years, forget all about
their origins and where they come from or anything.
Alana: uh-huh.
Russ: and the dolphins through this
2,500 years evolve, they were treated with something
called meta-synth which help them develop earth
languages, or English to speak English. And there
used to be dolphins and their dolphineers
which were their human counterparts that would work
with them. And in this book it shows how 2,500
years, the dolphins reestablish their communication
with man and working with them on determining
currents and various places where the fish are
thriving and this kind of thing.
Alana yes.
Russ: but I'm wondering is where your
studies are taking you to, is that a similar route
that you are going with these Sirian dolphins?
Alana: yes and no, what we're actually
doing is we are studying the next evolutionary step
for the dolphins. I communicate as best I can with
the Sirian dolphins.
Russ: right.
Alana: that is obviously verbal
communication as well as thought communication.
Russ: uh-huh.
Alana: I can tell them what to do in
Sirian, the fact that they can't respond in Sirian
is besides the point. They respond as I've
said in the past telepathically.
Russ: right.
Alana: what we're trying to do is by
introducing a population or a pod of earth dolphins
is to see how spiritually developed they are. Like
you have helped to create a Guardian race, they are
helping to create a Guardian race here. The fact
that most dolphins cannot astral travel means that
we have to get a resident population up here for
that purpose.
Russ: uh-huh, and
how are those studies coming along?
Alana: they're coming along fine. I
hadn't realized Katrina's legs were quite that long.
Russ: they are pretty long.
Alana: uh-huh.
Russ: yeah she's a very statuesque
Alana: yes she is hmm, sorry.
Russ: that's all right, little
woolgathering there I'm sure. Now as you know, or
actually I don't think you do know, in March I'll be
going down to Cancun, Mexico.
Alana: mother told me.
Russ: ahh and I will be going and
visiting dolphins for the first time in my life to
actually go swim with them.
Alana: uh-hmm.
Russ: and
I could go visit some caged up dolphins somewhere
I'm sure and get right......
Alana: no you don't want to do that.
Russ: but I don't really want to do
that, I think the vibes would be all wrong. I'd
rather go visit them in their natural surroundings
much more conducive to.....
Alana: actually when you're in the's fact what I'd like
you to do is to go with the caged dolphins
right? And telepathically try with
your mind to say that you are going to visit other dolphins,
is there any messages?
Russ: oh okay.
Alana: and then you go swimming with
the dolphins right?
Russ: uh-huh.
Alana: in the water and you relay the
feelings and the emotions and the messages and then
you go back to the ones in captivity and swim with
those and make a fuss of them and give the feelings
that you have received but it could be a two-edged
sword. It depends on how spiritually they are
Russ: hmmm, it could be a good
challenge though.
Alana: I will make myself available to
discuss this, this is something that is a torturous
question to ask and I do have other things on my
mind. I don't want to be brought down to a negative
level of thinking of this.
Russ: I understand, I understand.
Alana: she really does have long legs.
Russ: well I think it's a being you
know the half-and-half.
Sirian and half "Blue Guys")
Alana: and it's also the fact that the
way she's stretching her toes at the moment.
Russ: ah well that has probably
something to do with it. Okay....
Alana: she's got them...if
I can get the foot to that.
Russ: oh okay, very good.
Alana: uh-huh, that's a Kiri designed
Russ: ah yeah.
Alana: hmm, matches the one I've got
on. Okay sorry.
Russ: no that's all right. Now..
Alana: yes sorry.
Russ: now is it this last weekend that
was the Salmon Festival?
Alana: no it's starting this weekend.
Russ: coming up this weekend, that's
what okay..........and Karra's......
Alana: oh really, after your genetic
essay huh?
Russ: yeah, unfortunately.
Russ: Karra's making a salmon
mousse, what are you bringing?
Alana: umm, I'm going to do a stuffed
salmon with nuts and stuff and flowers. (see
Russ: oohh flowers as in THE flowers?
Alana: uh-huh.
Russ: oh ho ho, this will be a nice
little festival thanks to you.
Alana: sorry, no pink flowers are in
there, just red flowers all down the innards.
Russ: all the red ones will be quite
fine I'm sure, you'll be the hit of the party. "Get
the stuffed one, get the stuffed one up, that's the
Alana: well I'm bringing three of
Russ: oh my God.
Alana: uh-huh.
Russ: oh, yeah well....
Alana: yes
well I have plenty of tradeable
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