LIFE FIGHT- Channeled (Recording Date Unknown)

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2015 Archives

Archivist Notes: This session like so many of them started by unwrapping a tape and slapping it in the tape recorder just as the session started. We would then label them (or not sometimes) at the end of the session. This was one of the ones where it was missed. Because of references in the tape, the date had to be before July of 1998 or so due to the Pope's intervention in a Texas execution and last month's podcast.
    Tia takes us down memory lane to start off with as we revisit the Clinton presidency and she points out how international events always seem to pop up anytime investigations are ongoing. She also runs the gamut of ways to improve on getting the astral body free of the physical one. Omal takes up the rest of side one by going over why emotional outbursts take place and goes straight into how the sacrifice of a life without a worthy reason actually deserves a fight to the death with death. Sananda's time as Jesus is used as an example of meeting one's maker by leaving an immortal lesson. 

    On side two, Karra and I go over whether Sananda could see how his actions would affect the present day but have to give up the effort as only guesses. Lower dimensional being such as ourselves are left with only conjecture from there but personally I'd place a wager at the casino on such a scenario. Leah gives us some valuable advice on how to boost the mind's processing power by using a robotic arm as a visual aid. Bunny wraps up things with a recounting of how she was able to resolve the relationship issues between her sister Leah and Lyka. Return visitors to the site will remember the first time the problem was relayed by Leah at the time of "The Bunny Monster" podcast. The link provided should take you right to her conversation.

TIA Ring Mistress MARK (Channel)
OMAL RUSS (Archivist)



2.)(16:18)- Leah looks at how to increase the mind's thought processing ability from an engineer's point of view.

3.)(34:49)- Bunny/Huna explains how she uses her past lives to base her decisions on and the sexual healing she did with Leah and Lyka.

 Part 1 Listen to this episode (RIGHT CLICK AND OPEN IN A NEW TAB OR WINDOW)
Duration: 43:10 min. - File type: mp3

Part 2 Listen to this episode (RIGHT CLICK AND OPEN IN A NEW TAB OR WINDOW)
Duration: 46:04 min. - File type: mp3



(Tia breaks out the whip and chair to take on her Ring Mistress duties)

Tia: oh, he left did he?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: okay, let's amplify the field so we can see you on the holographic projection. Okay, wave. Good, okay stick your finger on your nose or your thumb on your nose and twiddle your fingers. Okay good. Stick one finger in one ear and another finger on the top of your head and say red backwards.

Russ: der.

Tia: good. okay, business, business, business, business. The market and its continued erratic behavior. 8,200 and goodness knows what at the moment. It's climbing and this is due partly to the way the government is tied up. Now, something that I've noticed and it's very entertaining to watch, is whenever there are political woes in the White House or in the Senate or in the House, the stock market does what? It climbs. And it's not just because of the positive figures that come out, it's due to the fact of that plus the fact that the government cannot interfere. Now most of these people involved in these scandals actually have stocks and shares and bonds and dividends and commodities and so on, futures, all in the stock market. So, why does the stock market climb whilst the political turmoils go on? Well this is because investors see it as the government is not able to interfere as much as normal when it's tied up with all its woes. Talking of woes, just a few weeks ago there was a crisis, major, major, major crisis and it was the Lewinsky tapes. Now it seems to be taking more of a backseat to other woes going on in the Middle East, Iraq mainly. Now it's funny that every time there are woes in the White House, some international crises materializes and depending on the severity of the crisis in the White House, depends on the severity of the international crisis. Have you noticed that Russ?

Russ: well Paula Jones wasn't that much of a crisis internationally, we still have Iraq but it wasn't anything to where it is now.

Tia: uh-huh. In actual fact, there is no difference between now and the Paula Jones incidences with Iraq. It's just that now is a time to take action, to do something about it.

Russ: well it would seem that they were almost asleep during the Paula Jones one.

Tia: there was the thing going on with the inspectors and everything but it was more along the lines of well, "sanctions, let's do sanctions, let's talk about it, let's see what we can get Saddam Hussein to do, let's move a few more troops into the area" but there wasn't the discussion on whether or not military action should be taken. Now there is a discussion on military action, what should be done, "should we assemble a coalition of forces to go in there and attack and do something about it?" And looking at how the two incidences in the past run together and the severities, makes me think that this time the crisis in the White House is major. Because now evidence is coming to light of not just the promiscuity which is totally irrelevant and it's up to the individuals involved on what to do but the fact of tampering with evidence and lying, perjury. Tampering with evidence and perjury are two major, major no-no's. And what is happening with these......and you've got the kettle going?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: okay. What is going on is a sign that the situation in the White House is very dangerous. So, by diverting the attention away to this major crisis in the middle east which is no worse than anything else that's happened in the past is diverting everybody's attention from what is going on. It's funny how that happens isn't it? It's almost like manipulation which it could be, could very well be. It's more than coincidence that every time that there is investigations going on, that something international happens.

Russ: well what's going on with Whitewater?

Tia: Whitewater? That's still being investigated.

Russ: yeah but what was happening internationally while Whitewater was being investigated?

Tia: nationally I believe there was the......

Russ: internationally.

Tia: internationally? I think and I'd have to pull up my notes which I don't have with me, I wasn't expecting you to ask me that question.

Russ: oh. I don't remember there being any international crisis' at the time.

Tia: well there were actually a few not so much crisis' but things going on. There was the planning and getting ready for the international summit on global warming, there was the women's meeting. Because the Whitewater investigations have gone on for so long, we could actually sit down and pick out numerous international events and crisis' that were going on.

Russ: well it's hard not to just say those were normal part of our presidential kind of thing and not actually manipulated into taking attention away from Whitewater.

Tia: but they were big headlines.

Russ: okay.

Tia: uh-huh, they were big headlines that kind of pushed the Whitewater investigations to the background however......kettle's boiling so let's pause.

Russ: all right, want some tea?

Tia: okay now, Whitewater has been dragged out so long and the investigator Kenneth Starr is still active. Now let's look at these supposed leaks. First of all, who is Kenneth Starr's boss? Do you know Russ?

Russ: he's an independent prosecutor, he doesn't have a boss.

Tia: that's where you're wrong, he does have a boss. Who is head of the judicial investigation in your country?

Russ: Supreme Court.

Tia: who's in charge of the Supreme Court?

Russ: that's the legislative branch of the government which would be the.........I don't know how that works.

Tia: who's in charge of the legislative side? Follow the chain up.

Russ: well the president's in charge of the executive.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: Congress in charge of the Congressional side.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and legislative side? It's not the president again is it?

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: it is?

Tia: yeah, he's in charge of even the Congressional side. He is the top man, he is the elected representative by the people, all the people. So it goes all the way to the top. He is the final person that has say so, he has right of veto.

Russ: so you're saying the president is Kenneth Star's boss?

Tia: correct. It's like if you look at the structure of up here. Okay, I'm a department head right?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: I report to a member of a Council.

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: and that member of the Council for Hades Base reports to whom?

Russ: Omal.

Tia: correct. That's the way it works. He is in actual fact if you use the terminology that we have, he is the president. So these leaks coming out of Kenneth Star's office if indeed that is the case, looks very bad for Kenneth Starr. Now the fact that Clinton is asking for Kenneth Starr to be investigated because of these leaks makes me think that he's trying to divert the attention again. If he was to fire him, people would jump all over him for firing Kenneth Starr and say there is something going on here. But the fact that these so-called leaks are coming out of supposedly Kenneth Star's office, looks more like the fact that that there's somebody that's been loose mouthed in there and is blabbing when in actual fact that might not be the case.

Russ: well it might be case but it might be somebody the president put in there in the first place to do such a thing.

Tia: correct, at the appropriate time when the situation became bad enough.

Russ: uh-huh. Well for example, Lewinsky wants immunity.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: Kenneth Starr denied immunity.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: now he subpoenaed her.

Tia: uh-huh which means she has to appear and there will be negotiations and there is the possibility that he may offer her immunity depending on what transpires. Now this is a little interesting thing, why now are there so many leaks? Because the investigations are starting to touch the facts.

Russ: well the point is, who are the leaks to?

Tia: the press.

Russ: which press? There's a lot of press.

Tia: oh cricky, I don't know offhand, it just seems to be all over the place.

Russ: well let's say for example it's the Washington Post as opposed to the New York Times. The Washington Post is a liberal, democratic newspaper opposed to the Times which is a Republican, conservative paper. Whichever one got the leaks would say who was actually in charge of making sure those leaks got to which paper.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: if it's the Post, the president did. If it's the New York Times, that might actually have something to do with the Republicans.

Tia: might not be, might not be because what you have just said, think about it. The Democratic press right? Is liable to put the story on yeah page 2, page 3, wherever. But if you want to get a leak out and get people to be thinking, "hmmm, where's this leak coming from? It's got to be coming from the office of Kenneth Starr", what do you do?

Russ: hmmm, possibly.

Tia: uh-huh, put it all together.

Russ: well it just basically means that the president has as much power as he needs to wield at any one time.

Tia: no you're missing the point. Okay let's look together at put the international incidents together, the leak right? Or the leaks. Put those together right and what have you got?

Russ: I don't know, obstruction of justice?

Tia: got tampering with justice, big time. You've got.....not only have you got perjury, tampering with evidence but you've now got extortion and threatening behavior. Why do people do that?

Russ: scared?

Tia: why would they be scared?

Russ: got too close to the source?

Tia: too close to the truth. They're starting to get to the truth and it's a little too late in my opinion. Okay, do you have any questions?

Russ: not on this particular subject, I can't think of anything at all.

Tia: okay, what about other subjects?

Russ: on astral projection.

(Tia speaks in Durondedunn to one of the house cats)

Russ: one of the keys is designing your body to be lighter........

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: than it actually is.

Tia: kind of.

Russ: your astral body.

Tia: correct.

Russ: now, as such, you have to divorce your sensory input......

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: to nil.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: so that you can feel your body become lighter than the substance around you.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: now the problem you have is taking the sensory input and bring it down to nil.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: what you really need to do is to focus the mind on one thing to such an extent that your sensory input no longer is mattering.

Tia: correct. So basically what you're asking is how do you do that?

Russ: right.

Tia: okay, well there's numerous different ways of doing it. One is cutting down external noise as much as possible, cutting down on external lighting as much as possible and cutting down on what you feel. That's the hardest of all.

Russ: right.

Tia: okay, that one you basically don't worry about. Cutting down on the other two, the visual and the auditory right? Is simple.

Russ: that's just environment.

Tia: correct and if you're in a busy environment with lots of noise, what is a way cutting down on the noise?

Russ: close the door.

Tia: and put earplugs in.

Russ: right.

Tia: and if it is a bright sunny day with lots of light streaming in through your window, what you do?

Russ: close the drapes or put on eye shades.

Tia: or both.

Russ: uh-hmm.

Tia: now sometimes people make a ritual out of it. You know fasting, lighting candles, drawing the drapes, waiting till night. It's part of the reason why most people do a lot of astral traveling at night is because it's darker, there's less noise, there's less going on. So in doing so, it cuts down on a lot of the inputs and sensory stuff so that there's less things to do. By lighting the candles can have a hypnotic effect of the flickering of the candles.

Russ: hmmm, or a fireplace.

Tia: or a fireplace.

Russ: right.

Tia: or even soft, relaxing music.

Russ: true.

Tia: using things to focus on. It's like your entertainment........trying to look around for help. That one there, with the guy with the white gloves and the big ears.

(a theater poster for the 50th anniversary for the movie "Fantasia" showing Mickey Mouse)

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: I believe that they talk about pure music in it. Pure music can give images into the mind which help to a certain extent. Softer drumming or heavy drumming can induce vibrations within the body that help to focus on that.

Russ: interesting.

Tia: uh-huh. There are many, many different ways to do astral traveling. Some people like to use an induced, altered state of consciousness. Other people like to use fasting which again is inducing a change in consciousness. Some people like to use chemical aids to induce a change in consciousness. When you astral travel, basically what you're doing is altering your consciousness. You're altering from one reality to another.

Russ: okay, the problem I've got is when I astral project.......

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: I cannot divorce the feelings and sounds coming from around my body.

Tia: well have you tried earplugs?

Russ: I've tried the different kinds of alternate sounds coming in.

Tia: uh-huh, okay do away with them, do away with all sound.

Russ: so just earplugs?

Tia: uh-huh, you will hear your internal sounds which can be concentrated on.

Russ: all right, no way are you guys going to do that one again.

(speaking to the house cats)

Tia: shredding the toilet paper?

Russ: get away from the toilet paper.

Tia: (scolds the cats in Durondedunn) okay.......

Russ: anyway, I'll try the gun muffles.

(some ear plugs I have)

Tia: yeah and probably some kind of scarf over the eyes and everything to cut down on the light.

Russ: okay.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: thank you love.

Tia: you're welcome.

(Tia says goodbye in Durondedunn)

(A very thought provoking Omal comes on)

Omal: greetings and felicitations Russ and how are you functioning?

Russ: greetings Omal, well.

Omal: okay, last week, Tia's tantrum.

Russ: hmm-hmmm.

Omal: hmmm yes.

Russ: your call.

Omal: hmmm, let's keep it.

Russ: as you wish.

Omal: now the reason behind the keeping of it is that it is showing caring and concerning in a very passionate way.

Russ: well which is the whole subject that we got into in the first place which brought it up.

Omal: correct. The fact that she got very irritated and angry with the lack of respect as she sees it for your planet, is something that needs to be understood by other people. The fact that somebody that has never set foot on your planet has that much caring can be looked upon only as a positive. Okay now, let us look at emotional outbursts. Emotional outbursts occur for numerous reasons. One is strong belief and conviction, two is fear, three is anger. Let us stop with those three. Strong convictions, strong conviction serve the purpose of holding your opinion and making other people aware of your opinion. Emotional outbursts of the strong, conviction kind, come from the heart, the heart being a phrase used to explain deep-seated belief. These moral outbursts being a sign of concern and passion on a subject regardless of what the belief are commendable because normally they are showing the person as they really are, as they think and believe. Anger, no let us look at fear first. Fear, emotional outbursts from fear derive primarily from, "I am scared, I want to protect myself, I want to push the person away or the persons away however I can." If it means appearing to be angry, then so be it. So you could say a subcategory of fear anger as opposed to just plain anger. And these outbursts are normally because the situation is out of control, the person is out of control of the situation and it can be physically threatening or life-threatening in some way. So we can put in another subcategory of fear of a life-threatening situation. And this is one of the most dangerous categories, fear of a life-threatening or physical threatening situation. People in that situation that have emotional outbursts are unpredictable and dangerous. They will do almost anything to attempt to survive. So, let us call that subcategory number three, fear survival. And that is probably the most dangerous category that I can think of. Not one of but probably the most dangerous subcategory and this is because the person is now bent totally on their survival, they will sacrifice anything to survive. No longer are they thinking in a loving, compassionate, clear way, their judgment is now totally clouded, they are running on hormones and chemicals within their own body that have no control over their thought processes. They will harm people, they will harm themselves, they will cause destruction. That is why it is the most dangerous subcategory. Finally, emotional outbursts of the anger kind. Again there are numerous subcategories involved in this and we will quickly go through the categories. There is self-anger, anger at another person. Disappointment anger and anger because of looking foolish. Now looking foolish, everybody does that from time to time. I've done it to myself. After all, if I did not make mistakes, I would not look foolish and I do make mistakes. I am not all-knowing, all-seeing as much as I would like to be, I am not, I am not perfect. It has been a long time since I have been angry. As Ashtar said, he mimics the emotion to get a point across, to get attention. So using anger can be a very useful tool if you mimic it but do not get angry. If you act out the emotion but keep yourself apart from that emotion. Self-anger, self-anger is basically where you make a mistake, you know that people have seen you make the mistake and you want to divert the attention away on a subconscious level. Sometimes it will make situations worse. Anger at somebody else because they have done something. That is a way of drawing attention to the problem and what has happened. Any questions?

Russ: now doesn't that with the most dangerous kind of anger, survival anger........

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: isn't that kind of countered by an amount of love shown to that person?

Omal: do you mean fear?

Russ: yeah, fear.

Omal: okay. At that point there is no control over the emotion, there is no control over the emotional outburst. Let us take a situation as bad as we can.

Russ: okay.

Omal: you are in an aircraft.

Russ: right.

Omal: you have two parachutes, three people. You have your bond mate and one of your sons. Who gets to wear the parachutes?

Russ: I do and my bond mate.

Omal: what about your child?

Russ: I carry him with me.

Omal: so you throw away two lives as opposed to one?

Russ: no, parachute will carry two people as well as one.

Omal: let us say it does not.

Russ: ahhhh........then I'd give up my parachute for my bond mate and my son.

Omal: most people would not do that on your planet, you can always have more children. You can always find a new bond mate.

Russ: yeah but I don't see life as being this is my only life. I'll just come back and any show of that, it just helps my evolution anyway.

Omal: yes but it could be wrong for you to do that. You have to weigh the odds. If the emotion just takes over and you are totally in fear, then you are not thinking correctly. Survival fear has in the very wording states that there is no control. Survival fear, let us look closer at that phrase. Survival means to come through, to live through and the fear, fear is being very afraid of a situation. So survival fear is totally unpredictable, it is where the adrenaline is a stage beyond fight or flight, you have no control. You cannot make a clear, judgmental call on survival because your body is bent for one purpose and one purpose only, to survive. That is why is called survival fear. You understand?

Russ: oh yeah. I mean you saw that a lot back on Sirius when they went from third to sixth dimension and they had the 144,000 people in the pyramid and you had thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people's outside the pyramid all trying to get in. (The Sirian Chronicles, Part 1)

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: I mean their whole thing was survival fear.

Omal: correct.

Russ: but that was because they didn't wish to die at that point.

Omal: correct.

Russ: they had nothing, they couldn't look further than their own death.

Omal: correct.

Russ: which is not a sixth dimensional way of looking at things.

Omal: correct.

Russ: you have to look at it beyond your death........

Omal: correct.

Russ: and you have to weigh the odds on what your death will bring about.

Omal: okay let us look at it another way. You are skiing, you hear a distant rumble above you. You look above you, you see the mountain coming down on you. All that white, beautiful, fluffy snow. What happens?

Russ: you transcend to the next level or to the next life.

Omal: aren't you going to try and escape the avalanche?

Russ:'s moving way faster than you are.

Omal: maybe you can escape it, maybe you're far enough to ski out of its way?

Russ: if you can see it.......

Omal: Russ, don't take that approach of, "what is going to happen is going to happen. I am going to die so I will not fight it." Maybe it is part of your growth to fight and survive. Don't do that approach. That is what you are doing is, "it doesn't matter if I lose my life." That is not what it's about. If you throw away your life because you think you cannot survive, then you are not learning.

Russ: well let's take it to the next level then.

Omal: no, let us address this level first.

Russ: I am, I mean but the point of the fact is, okay let's say I fight as hard as I can to stay alive.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and yet I still die.

Omal: then you have tried.

Russ: now I have tried but what's that going to do to my progression at that point? Do I then accept that.....

Omal: that is besides the point.

Russ: okay.

Omal: that is besides the point. The fact that you have tried instead of looking up and seeing the avalanche coming towards you and going, "okay, I'm dead, I will sit here and meet my maker." You are dropping out on your obligations, remember the discussion on obligations.

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: to try to survive in a situation is the important thing because you may have a role to play in the future. Let us get back to the avalanche, let us say that it happens tomorrow.

Russ: all right.

Omal: right? And you sit down and go, "okay I am to die, I will die here." But, planned in the future was a joining that would result in the offspring or a child that was to play an important role in the future of your planet that you in your waiting period had planned to give birth to or to help conceive. The young lady in her waiting period with you had planned accordingly and had their life bent on that purpose. The offspring that was waiting in the waiting period for the appropriate moment to be conceived now has nobody in the group to help focus and point in the direction. So you have now created a karmic problem. The mother of the child does not have the enjoyment and pleasure of raising that child. That child, in his waiting period, no longer has the structure that has been agreed upon. Or there is another alternative to look at. Let us say that you had agreed to meet somebody that you would give a life-changing experience to. That does not take place so that karmic debt has not been paid or that action has not yet come to pass. So by giving up and not fighting and not using that survival instinct, the survival fear to survive, then you have caused karmic damage. However, let us say you are in a situation where you are, let us take the Titanic. You are on the Titanic, you know the ship is sinking, it is the last boat. There is a child, you put the child in the boat and therefore give up your seat, your chance to survive. That is possibly a karmic experience of ultimate sacrifice. Even in the lifeboat you may die from exposure so it is not a certainty that you will live. You may live as in the avalanche however, you are now sacrificing yourself for somebody else. How you react also depends on what has been discussed in the waiting period where you agree upon certain karmic debts that need to be paid and certain lessons. Maybe if you were on the Titanic and you took a spot that was supposedly for a child and you survived, you now have to live with that guilt and that in itself could be part of the learning process. So you have to weigh the actions very carefully. You understand?

Russ: uh-huh, absolutely.

Omal: so doing the sit down and die routine is not a good way to go because you are basically opting out of your karmic lesson. Trying to survive, even if death comes your way is the obligation unless there is instinctual feeling that it is futile and you will die anyway and then there is only one option left.

Russ: well, can I ask a question though about somebody who was very highly evolved and yet chose that path out?

Omal: (chuckles) okay.

Russ: Sananda.

Omal: what was his wording on his death?

Russ: well in his wording, he shows a sacrifice.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: that he was dying for.....

Omal: "forgive me father for they do not know what they do."

Russ: right, but yet he did not fight. I mean even when Peter cut off the ear of the guard who came to take him.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: he chastised Peter and said, "this is my destiny, I have to do this."

Omal: the ear was actually cut off after the fact, Sananda had already been incarcerated and arrested at the point.

Russ: oh.

Omal: he was sitting in the courtyard and it was not a guard, it was somebody asking him. And the comment was, "before the rooster crows three times, you will betray me."

Russ: well stories get mixed up.

Omal: yes.

Russ: okay but he never fought, he never argued, he accepted his fate and went willingly to his death.

Omal: but, listen to the wording, "forgive them father for they do not know what they do." He is giving absolution. Certainly he is not fighting, certainly he is not arguing. Look at the situation, they had already planned his death.

Russ: right.

Omal: if he had died violently resisting arrest, what purpose would it have served? None.

Russ: none.

Omal: by his placid accepting of his fate, what did that do?

Russ: it taught valuable lessons.

Omal: correct and it created a myth around him. By offering absolution and standing and accepting his fate, what did that teach or what happened from that?

Russ: well the lesson passed into immortality.

Omal: correct which in turn did what? It laid down a set of principles that has lasted.....

Russ: 2,000 years.

Omal: correct.

Russ: okay, the point is though, I don't see as any incarnate being could ever go willingly to their death unless for example as you say the Titanic they were sacrificing themselves. The natural instinct of everyone is to fight for life.

Omal: correct.

Russ: I mean if the avalanche is coming of course I'm not sit down, I will fight for my life......

Omal: correct.

Russ but at some point you know you're going to die, to accept your death in a form that you have no choice in the matter......for example, if you were to be executed.

Omal: which is what was going to happen to Sananda, there was no way out of that.

Russ: right. Now let's say if the avalanche is coming, I'm going to die anyway and my friends are out of the path of the avalanche and they're watching and they see me fight and try to get out but they see that all of a sudden there is no way I'm going to get out and they see me instead accept my fate. Does that pass on into immortality as did Sananda's? No, because I don't have the same destiny as his did but yet it will teach some lesson.

Omal: yes it will teach some lessons. Where death is unavoidable, then it is better to die either appearing to try, to survive because other people will look and say, "well, he fought to the end, he was brave." If you sit down and try to avoid it, sit down and say, "okay, I'm accepting my fate." That can be looked at two ways. One, "hey, he just gave up, he might've made it" or, "he died with dignity." You understand?

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: now with the situation where it is inevitable.

Russ: yeah, like the execution.

Omal: like the execution, then it is better to go with dignity because in dignity and standing before the execution squad, let us say you are going to be executed by a projectile weapon.

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: if you stand up and they offer you a blindfold and you say, "I don't need a blindfold", that has two effects. One is that you are facing your adversary face-to-face, eye-to-eye and secondly, it portrays you as having a strong will. "I am to die, I will die with honor and dignity. I will not be lashed to a post, I will stand tall and brave." Which is basically saying at the end, "you may have captured me, you may have tried me and you're planning to execute me but you cannot take away my dignity. You cannot take away who I am........"




(Omal continues from where he left off before leaving)

Russ: the lady.......

Omal: in Texas......

Russ: in Texas correct. A person who I felt went with dignity.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: she could not escape her fate, she had come to understand Christianity and religion......

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and she never fought against the accepted role that she was to play for her final moments of life.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and even the Pope asked for clemency but yet all the way to the very end where they finally gave her the injection, she had a smile and dignity and went with grace.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: I thought it was a very valuable lesson for many people.

Omal: correct. But lastly, and this is the last statement, look at what she did. Look what troubles she had caused and what harm she had caused. For a religious leader to interfere in another country's code of ethics is wrong. Even though it was done with a good heart and good intent, it is interference. Thank you.

Russ: thank you.

(Tia's back to hand off to my better half)

(Tia says hi in Durondedunn)

Tia: Omal's dissertation on interference.......hmmm, where have I heard that before?

Russ: it could be placed actually on the Hades Base and Ashtar Command's ideas on interference in the same way the Pope interfered.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: the better thing would be the Pope not to interfere much as Hades Base and Ashtar Command don't interfere.

Tia: well we try hard not to interfere, I mean you could say that our discussion right now is interference.

Russ: ahhh because people choose to listen or they do not listen.

Tia: uh-huh. Okay, let me put on the next speaker.

Russ: okay.

(My better half takes over from where Omal left off)

Karra: yo.

Russ: yo.

Karra: hello.

Russ: hi love.

Karra: I couldn't get my voice quite right for Kiri. How are you doing?

Russ: good my dear, well I already knew you were coming anyway.

Karra: yes I know.

Russ: now the point is, that in a similar fashion, the Pope asking for her to be pardoned......

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: is the same way as Ashtar Command asking........basically interfering which they don't do........

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: and in our discussions, it could be called interference but people listen or not. In the same way, the Pope asking, people go, "well the Pope asked, well no biggie." Or a lot of people say, "wow, the Pope really asked.", it's their choice.

Karra: yes but if you look at it.....and I see what Omal is trying to say, I don't actually agree with what he said but then I'm just a mere sixth dimensional woman as opposed to a seventh dimensional person.

Russ: yeah, neither one of us have got the ideas from that point of view.

Karra: correct but the Pope showing compassion and caring about the lady that was executed in my opinion is commendable and whether or not anyone listened does show caring. I'm trying to understand why Omal would say.....

Russ: interference.

Karra: that it was interference. The only way I could see it was that basically he is sticking his hand into the laws of another country.

Russ: well he's not because they're not going to be.....they're not listening to the Pope as saying well this guy is interfering because that's not...he's not an authority that can actually sit there and interfere. All he can do is offer his own opinion and they can.......the judges or whatever....

Karra: I don't know, I don't know how it goes. Let's talk about something different.

Russ: okay.

Karra: okay? Let's talk about hmmm.....different consciousness', different ways of thinking.

Russ: okay.

Karra: that seems to be the topic of tonight. Looking at the way you think and I think as opposed to the way Omal thinks. Omal tends to see things on a much bigger scale and a much smaller scale which is very hard and contradictory in my opinion. You can't look at both the little picture and the big picture at the same time. It is fascinating to see Omal's thought processes on how he addresses situations and how he uses phraseology and the construction of that phraseology, the analogies and the parables that he draws.

Russ: well, do you think possibly that it is that each dimension you see a bigger picture from the smaller pictures that are presented to you?

Karra: I don't know hon.

Russ: okay well let's see through my eyes......

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: much of what I see.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: you've lived third dimensional lives as I do.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: okay, you know exactly how I view life.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: from the smaller pictures with a small glimpse of the big picture.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: now you on the other hand living in sixth dimension, you see more of the smaller picture but you also see a lot of the bigger picture in a larger extent than I do. For one thing, you have access to your past lives, your mind thinks quicker.......

Karra: yes, yep uh-huh.

Russ: so what's that take to the next level then?

Karra: to the next level, I don't know. I have the lacking in information to be able to come up with a clear answer. If I said I think, that is just thinking, it is lacking concrete evidence.

Russ: all right, let's take some evidence okay? Let's take Sananda.

Karra: okay.

Russ: now, Sananda choose to go through a short lifetime of some 33 years......

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: to teach and in the end, present a grander lesson than had been presented before.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: okay. Could we then say that Sananda saw the bigger picture which includes even today what is going on from that act? Do you think that he, from that higher dimensional point of view he was at before he went down to third dimension, saw to this point what would go on or only the big picture to that point?

Karra: I don't know for two reasons. One, I'm not a eighth or a ninth or a tenth dimensional being and for two, I'm not Sananda.

Russ: I know.

Karra: I can say I think possibly maybe, I could say all those things and it is my point of view on Sananda. Omal is concurring with me, he's saying that it is wrong when dealing with a situation or a person that has shown and taught that much to sit and conjecture is just adding to the myths, stories and legends. But I know what you're trying to say.

Russ: I like to think he did in my own opinion.

Karra: uh-huh, you can think what you want.

Russ: yes, I know, it's a neat scenario.

Karra: yes it is, it is but by me saying that I think, I feel when I don't know Sananda. I've met him as many times as you have, actually I've met him three times. I don't know Sananda so for me to make a comment about somebody of that importance that I've only met three times, how can I do that and come up with the facts? You're talking about myths and stories of somebody that you've only met twice all cobbled together. What is true and what is not true? I've heard a lot about Sananda, all second or third or fourth hand information. From that is everybody's point of view so I can't say personally.

Russ: true but....right. But the opposite to that statement is the fact that he was just throwing dice.

Karra: maybe he was.

Russ: maybe he was?

Karra: who knows?

Russ: who knows? Right, what's interesting though is though he went from the higher dimension that he was at.....

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: came down to third dimension and I'm seeing him among these gentlemen that he's brought together who look up to him and he's teaching them. Peter, Paul, Matthew, John and so on.

Karra: Luke, Mark.

Russ: correct.

Karra: Judas.

Russ: uh-huh and he's actually talking to these gentlemen in a third dimensional realm much as you do to myself.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: and to be able to do that for him must've been just an incredible experience.

Karra: it must of been. Let us look at it from a different point, a different angle.

Russ: okay.

Karra: okay? I'm a sixth dimensional being, you're a third dimensional being.

Russ: correct.

Karra: he is 10th?

Russ: 10th.

Karra: okay. The thought processes that we go through are totally different. I think faster than you do.

Russ: uh-huh.

Karra: I have access to my past lives.

Russ: right.

Karra: I can work out things quicker in my mind. Okay, let us look at Sananda and this is totally projection and totally my opinion.

Russ: understand.

Karra: it's not based in general fact, it is my opinion.

Russ: okay.

Karra: obviously to me, he thinks faster than I do. He has access to all his past lives, he has perfect recall of those past lives. Not, my opinions from those past lives but he has.........or not his opinions from this past lives, he has by closing his eyes can actually experience the life as it was and he can play it through his mind, a whole entire life. All the thoughts, feelings, emotions, points of view, all of that in the space of because in my opinion that he thinks faster, he can probably experience a whole entire life in maybe five minutes. Now, being able to do that for many, many past lives, may be able to see patterns where he is not looking into the past but into the future. Seeing all these possible outcomes and how each emotional status and each emotional behavior is going to affect further down the line. By being able to experience not only his past life but the group consciousness of the planet that he is from or the planet that he has chosen to visit, will be able to see how his emotions and behaviors and behaviors of people interact in a way to affect the future. Now the faces may be the same, I don't know, he could actually be seeing into the future by looking at the most likely outcomes.

Russ: so you're saying, and this is only my opinion......

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: Sananda's an artist. Sananda has a canvas in front of him, the picture he started has got these swirls and colors and forms that he's started....

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: but the rest of the canvas is blank but he can project how the rest of that canvas is going to look by which brush strokes he's going to make here and how they're going to interrelate to these other strokes he's going to make later on.

Karra: I don't know hon.

Russ: but if that's true, and it's only conjecture in our opinion anyway....

Karra: uh-huh.

then isn't that true for all of us? We're all artists, we all have our own canvas' that we're creating upon.

Karra: I don't know hon and Tia is pointing at your recording device.

Russ: okay.

Karra: and saying that as we have three more speakers, I've got to cut it short.

Russ: well we end on a good note.

Karra: uh-hmm, "I don't know."

Russ: thank you my fellow artist.

Karra: let me go and find a bottle of claret.

Russ: fair enough.

Karra: okay.

(Tia passes from sister to sister)

(Tia says hi in Durondedunn)

Russ: hi Tia.

Tia: hey, okay next speaker.

Russ: okay.

(Kiri makes a brief appearance)

Kiri: yo.

Russ: yo Kiri.

Kiri: okay, any questions for me?

Russ: nothing but the obvious.

Kiri: okay, what is the obvious?

Russ: the artist question.

Kiri: nope, not going to answer it, don't want to play, nay-yeh.

Russ: okay.

Kiri: and due to the fact that the last two speakers are probably going to take up some time, I shall be off. Besides, I have to go act on some hormones.

Russ: have fun my dear.

Kiri: oh I will.

(Tia's back from barely sitting down)

(Tia says hi once more in Durondedunn)

Tia: okay, let be put on the second from last speaker.

Russ: okay.

Tia: catch you later.

Russ: bye love.

(Leah takes over from Tia)

Leah: hello.

Russ: hello Leah.

Leah: how's it going?

Russ: good my dear, yourself?

Leah: good, excellent.

Russ: glad to hear that dear.

Leah: uh-huh. It's nice having my little sister around for extra time.

Russ: oh yeah, I'm happy for you two.

Leah: uh-huh okay, what are we to talk about?

Russ: well I suppose I should probably get off the subject I'm working on because that'll just take up too much time but......

Leah: how much time do you have on your recording device?

Russ: oh I've got half, a little more than half a tape.

Leah: okay so we do have.....

Russ: I've got about probably looks like 30 minutes maybe?

Leah: okay.

Russ: theoretically.

Leah: uh-huh, theoretically. Okay, theoretical mind exercises for increasing thought processes......thought actions. Karra got me thinking about that.

Russ: okay.

Leah: being an engineer, I have to do a lot of skull work and how that works for me. Okay, skull work is where I take a problem and I try to work it through in my mind to see how it will go. For example, let us say I have to construct a replica of an arm okay?

Russ: replica of a what?

Leah: a replica of an arm.

Russ: arm, oh arm.

Leah: a Sirian arm.

Russ: okay.

Leah: okay? How would I do it? How would it work? Well, by applying pressure here and here to make it move like this, how do I do that? How do you make that work? And what I do to help in the thought process is first of all, I go and read on the arm, what does it look like? I'll pull up holos of the muscle structure, the bone structure and I will strip it down to its barest essence of just the bone and then I will add in things. Now having seen how this works, I won't get the hologram to manipulate it and make it move, I will try to figure out how it moves, why it moves and what muscles do what to make it move. Now, here's the entertaining part. Having figured out how this part, the upper arm and the lower arm work together to make it to do this to bend, okay now for the replica that I'm making.....the robotic replica of a Sirian arm, you've got to do the fingers. How do you do the fingers? How do you make them move the way that they do? Now I've only looked at this part, this is where it gets hard and entertaining, if you call it entertainment. What I do.....did I make his body move completely there?

Russ: uh-huh, a little bit.

Leah: okay, what I do is, I would make miniature replicas of the fingers.......or not the fingers, of the arm as fingers and connect them all together. Yes this is something I have done.

Russ: hmmm.

Leah: I made a robotic arm years ago.

Russ: now how's this have to do with the mental processes?

Leah: well because the first part is visual, this part, is done in here. I have to work out how to make these puppies work. Now constructing it is part of the mental process because you have to know where things are going to go. You have to have a pre-planned idea whether it is written down or held in your mind or stored as images is all controlled from here. You have to make the decisions and in building it, you have have to what? You have to....look at the images or decide where things go so that is done mentally which takes reasoning. If you were to let's say connect this muscle to here, it's not going to do this is it?

Russ: uh-uh.

Leah: because this muscle here has to tighten as this muscle loosens. I'm having difficulty with your language tonight, you might've noticed that.

Russ: no problem.

Leah: where do you attach the muscle to make it do that? Well if you attach it here and here, you can make it as tense as you want and with the one here and here, you can make it as loose you want. It's not going to do anything so what do you do? You have to attach it in the correct places which is done by making the correct decisions in your mind by doing the correct research and trying to figure things out.

Russ: and to see it all in your mind as one piece with all the interconnecting parts once you have it all figured out.........

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: before it ever takes any physical form.

Leah: correct, that is part of increasing the thought processes is practicing to be able to see it in your mind. That to be able to hold it in your mind, look at it, spin it, rotate it, turn it and think through each process.

Russ: now apply that to life and what do you get?

Leah: that's the next stage.

Russ: right.

Leah: let us get back to the robotic arm.

Russ: okay.

Leah: what uses would a robotic arm do?

Russ: well it would work in a hazardous environment for uses where you could not use a regular arm.

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: for example in micro engineering or just regular nuclear or biological work where a regular arm might be destroyed using it........

Leah: correct.

Russ: but you need the tactile senses or the ability to use the digital qualities of an arm to manipulate the pieces that you're working with.

Leah: uh-huh, correct. Now having constructed your artificial arm, your robotic arm, you have to think of what uses as you've just pointed out. Now, the next stage from that because you have think, okay what's the next stage from the uses?

Russ: are we using tactile senses though with those arms or it's just a dead arm?

Leah: well it's a nonsensical arm at this point let us say. It's a dead arm, it has no senses.

Russ: okay.

Leah: the next stage is, okay how do we improve it and make it do what it's supposed to do?

Russ: add tactile senses.

Leah: correct. Now, having been able to get the tactile senses, how do we improve that?

Russ: you attach it to your brain.

Leah: correct.

Russ: so that you have the input that you need to make the correct decisions based on the tactile senses that you receive from those particular nerves or receptors.

Leah: uh-huh but let us say that that you are dealing with radioactive material.

Russ: uh-huh.

Leah: you can't go in there with your robotic arm and just pick it up and move around because the radiation is going to make your body decay correct? It's going to become radioactive.

Russ: it doesn't matter, it's a robotic arm.

Leah: yes but you're saying that it's attached to you.

Russ: from a set of leads that you're in a safe room.

Leah: okay, now we're getting somewhere. How is it attached?

Russ: well it's attached in the way that your helmets are able to input any thought.......through a helmet system where it's attached to your brain.

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: having the leads going into your helmet.

Leah: okay, and it's attached to your brain.

Russ: just like the pilots fly the ships.

(the base pilots)

Leah: how's it attached to your brain?

Russ: how is it attached to your brain? It's attached to your brain through the helmet. The leads go into your helmet so you are able to use the arm and feel the senses as if it was your real arm.

Leah: okay, how?

Russ: well now see the helmets we're getting into a whole technological area that Kiri hasn't quite made common knowledge to me just as yet.

Leah: and for a very good reason.

Russ: well yeah correct, I mean I could make a number of hazardous guesses on how it works.

Leah: okay, let's hear your hazardous guesses.

Russ: well, the hazardous guesses I have is that the probes that are inserted into the brain once you have the helmet on attach themselves to various parts of your brain that have to do with motor control, sensory functions, endorphin and so on releasing of various chemicals in your body and so therefore one of the leads or many of the leads coming in from the arm would have to attach to the probe that directly receives sensory input.

Leah: so you're saying that you think that it actually penetrates into the skull, through the skull into the brain.

Russ: correct.

Leah: hmmmm.

Russ: and you'd have to have some leads that went from sensory input to the brain and others that went to motor control in the brain so that you could control the actual arm movement going on.

Leah: I'll have to talk to Kiri about this but I don't think they work that way.

Russ: yeah like I say, Kiri's not been real open-minded about sharing all this information with me.

Leah: probably for a reason.

Russ: well of course, Omal would fire her little tush.

Leah: uh-huh. So.......

Russ: so under pain of having Kiri's tush fried, I have to make these radical, hazardous guesses.

Leah: hmmm.

Russ: but I know that I'm fairly well right because I've been to points where they've had helmets taken off and unfortunately they left rather nasty little pinpricks afterwards.

(from my flight training with Karra's son Nazreal in his search and rescue craft)

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: where they were taken off suddenly let's say.

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: so I'm assuming they do pierce the skin.

Leah: I think it's safe to say that they do pierce the skin, as for the skull, I don't think so.

Russ: maybe not the skull.

Leah: uh-huh, I don't think so.

Russ: but how they get through the sensory inputs through the skull to the brain itself without actually going through the skull, I have to assume is possibly nonmetals.

Leah: I've got Tia looking at me very concerned.

Russ: I can imagine we're deep into gray areas now.

Leah: uh-huh and I think.....

Russ: you start making hazardous guesses then we're both in trouble.

Leah: it would be best if.......I'm reading here.......if I.......if I..........

(I start laughing)

Russ: dropped the bloody subject.

Leah: if I.......oh, let it go okay.

Russ: same "ting".

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: nice try.

Leah: Tia was going......okay, she says if you want, she can go and get Kiri to....

Russ: no, I've already worn a helmet, I already know what they do.

Leah: uh-huh. Okay, but you see that by what we've just done.

Russ: right.

Leah: we've done the mind exercise.

Russ: right.

Leah: now the thing is, how to construct the helmet.

Russ: oh Tia's going drop, drop, drop, drop.

Leah: no, no, no, no, I'm taking it as a mental exercise.

Russ: okay, how do we construct the helmet?

Leah: yes, this is......and I'm not going to......I'm going to tell you how to go through the thought processes. Okay, first of all you visualize the outer shell.

Russ: uh-huh.

Leah: okay, you visualize and think about what you want it to do. Okay you want it to control an object.

Russ: I want to receive images and sensory input and control the object.

Leah: correct. Okay, I was going to get to that before you so politely interrupted.

Russ: my mistake.

Leah: okay, you have it doing what you have said. Okay, how do you get it to do that without causing irreversible harm?

Russ: well it has to act as a....

Leah: no, no don't interrupt, I'm being deliberate.

Russ: oh I'm sorry, sorry.

Leah: okay, how do you get it to do that without causing harm? How do you achieve that goal? And finally, which sucker do you get to be the test pilot? All very important processes in the thought process. Even before you build it, you have to know how you're going to build it, how it's going to work, what it's going to do. Because it's no good building something with no idea on what it's going to do, no idea on how it works. What's the point of doing it if you don't know that? You see?

Russ: uh-huh.

Leah: so how do you do these things? So you have to, when you're doing a thought exercise is, you see the end product and how it's going to look without seeing the internal mechanisms, you think about how you're going to build the mechanism. What materials are you going to need? How are you going to construct it? What's its function? How are you going to achieve that function in the safest possible way and who are you going to get to test it? Because it's useful to have the test pilot from the get-go. Because if you're going to build it, you want to custom make it so it fits snugly for them to start off with. Then you can mass-produce it from there.

Russ: in essence, let's take this cycle over here in front of me.

(an elliptical cross trainer in the room)

Leah: okay.

Russ: all right, I'm sure you see it on the monitor okay?

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: all right, someone had to know what exactly they wanted to do with this.

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: they had it in their mind, probably without the shell, they just had the basic function of what each item was going to do.

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: and they had the end product figured out what it was going to do.

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: from there, they had to construct each internal mechanism that would make it do the end product.

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: once they had that down, then they had to figure out the external parts that would make the internal parts that would come up to the final function that they were talking about.

Leah: well from what I see on it is, it's basically a lever like this way, with a lever across, swinging bars and a bar on the bottom.

Russ: right.

Leah: okay, pivots, ratchets and so on, very primitive, very simple. The bars from the top with the loop arm and down and across are all cosmetic. You can do away with them, it's cosmetics.

Russ: sure.

Leah: but cosmetics are pleasing to the eye.

Russ: uh-huh.

Leah: so you have to factor in how to use the cosmetics for a function. You have to stand on them and use them as levers.

Russ: well as with your robotic arm, first off you have to see the end product. Before you can do that, the end product is all cosmetics.

Leah: uh-huh.

Russ: you've got to start with a framework.

Leah: correct. When I say the end products I don't include cosmetics.

Russ: right.

Leah: I see the end product as....

Russ: well I see it with the cosmetics, I see with the flesh and flesh color and fingernails.

Leah: that's unimportant, that's cosmetics.

Russ: I know, that's the end product though I see.

Leah: yeah that's not my end product. My end product is creating the arm and make it functioning, make it work as I want it to work. What you do with it after that is up to you. If you throw flesh, slap some paint on it, put finger...fingernails on there, fine but I've done my job which is creating a mechanism that works. However, if the cosmetics interfere and make it so it doesn't work, then I get involved again.

Russ: right.

Leah: okay, anything else?

Russ: that's it.

Leah: okay.

(Tia comes back to once again hand off between sisters)

(Tia says hi once more in Durondedunn)

Tia: and off she bounces, out of the bamboo, good. Okay, last person.

(Bunny/Huna ends the night with some classic Bunny comments)

Bunny: hello.

Russ: hi there Bunny.

Bunny: hey, how's it going?

Russ: good darling, very educational.

Bunny: uh-huh, very educational.

Russ: you my dear are the one person who will certainly be able to understand what we're discussing tonight more than anybody else I think.

Bunny: what makes you think that?

Russ: you're an artist.

Bunny: yes I am. Talking......I'm also a medical student.

Russ: perfect.

Bunny: uh-huh. Okay, what do you want to know?

Russ: how to apply the thought processes that your sister was so apt in discussing and using them to create your life.

Bunny: okay, so we're going to start with the hard questions first, fine.

Russ: you want fun and frilly, we'll go fun and frilly first.

Bunny: whatever you want, I was actually going to make some comments. How do you do it?

Russ: okay hard questions first then.

Bunny: okay, how do you do it or how do I do it? Well, you're not going to like this answer.

Russ: I'll take it.

Bunny: I take things from the past, analyze it and work out how it worked in the past and it should work in the same way in the future. What I know as was, I apply it to what is. You understand?

Russ: uh-uh because it doesn't always work that way. Because it did at one time, doesn't mean it's going to do it again.

Bunny: no, but it's a place to start from and I think you don't understand what don't understand what I just said don't you?

Russ: no but I sure would like elucidation on this.

Bunny: okay, what do you think I said?

Russ: that you look at what's taken on in the past which could be a number of things, past lives, past experiments.

Bunny: uh-huh.

Russ: past lessons and then you apply them to what you're working on in the future.....

Bunny: okay, it's actually past lives. I access my past lives.....

Russ: okay.

Bunny: and compare to see if I've had any experience with it in the past, the ones that I have access to and apply it to, "okay, I know it works this way." Okay I have let us say I take a healing where I'm fixing bones okay? A broken arm as arms seem to be the flavor of the moment.

Russ: uh-huh.

Bunny: okay, I'm fixing an arm. I know if I put a splint on it and wrap a gauze with a mixture of hardening materials that I can create a cast to protect the arm and therefore make the bones knit together. I look at all those experiences that I've had and see all the ways that it's been done, that I've done it. I see which ones that are more successful than others and I do that for the first try. If it doesn't work, then I go to another one and another one until I find one that works. Let's say I've done six of them in my past lives. Okay, I've tried all six and none of them work. Then I start improvising and refining and using techniques, a little from one, a little from another until I come across one that does work. The fact that I'm doing this, I know that I've done it before so you see what I'm saying?

Russ: uh-huh.

Bunny: now let's take something a little different. Mental mind probes and understanding how my actions and manipulations can help to heal in using my mind probes. For example last night, you want to hear all about it?

Russ: give me the details babe.

Bunny: okay, one person that I absolutely love and adore and a young lady that was involved in a past life, a recent past life, to work out a karmic hostility problem had to join in an intimate way. Now, this is the first time that I've ever, even in my past lives that I have access to and that's the key word, have access to, I have ever done it, first time. And in doing so I learned several things. For example, I can't watch the auras and probe their minds at the same time to see their sexual readiness. I can see the fact that they're sexually aroused but whether or not it is focused at me or at each other is very difficult to determine by just looking at the auric appearances. Being able to penetrate under their natural mental shields to the selected area to implant thoughts and to read the thoughts to be able to react in a particular way, I can't do that whilst I'm in the visual auric mode, I have to change modes. So I had to learn to decide which was better to use. Which do you think is better to use?

Russ: the auric fields.

Bunny: no, because it's unfocused.

Russ: the other one is interference though.

Bunny: not quite.

Russ: you're talking about implanting thoughts.

Bunny: coercion.

Russ: interference.

Bunny: it's a positive way of using coercion in a healing process.

Russ: (chuckles) okay.

Bunny: okay, the possible outcomes of the hostility is that it got worse and created problems. Serious not only psychological but physical problems because one of the parties is so passive and the other is so aggressive.

Russ: yeah.

Bunny: okay so you're looking at a karmic problem here where two people had to join to overcome a karmic problem to get the ball rolling.

Russ: right.

Bunny: okay, neither of them were willing to do so. Neither of them were willing........and it has to be done at a young age.

Russ: well I have talked to both of them, I understand your problem quite nicely.

Bunny: uh-huh, yes so it has to be done at an early age so that the outcomes are beneficial for a longer period of time which evens up and works out the karmic problem. So I have to implant thoughts to push it in the right direction. They're not commands, they're implanted thoughts that they can act upon freely or ignore freely. They recognize them as their own thoughts but their own belief systems will manipulate whether or not they actually do it. So it's not a command, it is a thought. I'm not telling them, "kiss Lyka, kiss Leah." That is not what I'm telling them to do. I am suggesting, I am giving them options. One of the things that whilst I was inserting thought processes and giving ideas is that I lost sensation of my sexual urges. When I finally got them to stop using me and stop trying to satisfy me because they couldn't because I no longer was interested, my body was sexually aroused, but it wasn't responding. When I finally got them to respond sexually to each other, then things for them started to happen. By putting the first steps into action, getting them to make love, set the rest of the things in action. They're now more freer of their dislike for each other. They now are acting upon the attraction that was there, that they were strongly sexually attracted to each other because of the past life that they shared. By letting them use me as a testing ground for how far they could go, benefited them, not me. But being what I am which is I think you would say strongly promis.....

Russ: promiscuous.

Bunny: thank you......and having a very healthy sex drive, helped them. So I'm using my sexual self as a healing tool of a karmic problem. Now I know where my sister headed off to. I know that because I went in whilst Omal was talking and came back, I know that Lyka is there waiting for her. I am pretty sure that they are starting to, they're probably smooching at the moment. I'm also working with another medical student that is on the base that's a eighth year engineering medic on a few little ideas that I have. Okay, do you have any questions?

Russ: hmmm, so you feel satisfied that your work is almost done?

Bunny: almost done, there is one last thing that I have to do. Satisfied? No, I wasn't.

Russ: why not?

Bunny: because I'm going to have to tinker with it from time to time because I think that they may not go all the way that they should. Let's.....


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