(Tia is the ring mistress and the
first speaker)
Tia: okay, who's this?
Russ: Bonnie Prince Charlie. In order to.....
Tia: yes, this.
Russ: his assassination.
Tia: actually I believe Bonnie Prince Charlie died
in.......oh, ask Mark, he's the expert.
Russ: 1798.
Tia: uh-huh, in France I believe.
Russ: France?
Tia: yes. Ask Mark, he'll tell you all about Bonnie
Prince Charlie.
Russ: okay.
Tia: okay, now project A, throw everything out the
window because this needs direct attention. It was
something that you will be able to work on with
Karra and Alana in a healing communication capacity.
Project A is going to be a problem that is occurring
for a young lady that Mark knows and I believe
you've met her once....
Russ: oh, what's her name?
Tia: Ronnie.....
Russ: right.
Tia: who is breaking into operancy. Now, the first
part should be you should get Skip up here soon, as
soon as possible.
Russ: okay, how about Ronnie?
Tia: and Ronnie but Skip first, Ronnie second. So
what we'll do is next week we will get Skip up here.
Right, Mark's going to go down and see her on
Saturday and sit down and work on helping her as
best as he can. But somebody's got to be with her a
fair bit of the time to help her and I don't think
Mark would have the time to go down every evening
after work to sit with her and talk and teach her.
Russ: what about her current flame then?
Tia: they're very close.
Russ: is he becoming operatant or.....?
Tia: he's latent. He's interested but he's latent
and he shy a bit.
Russ: was he there at that session?
Tia: yes he was. When Ronnie left, he left as well
to comfort her.
Russ: huh?
Tia: uh-huh. Okay, what happened was that the
channeling session started, I came on, right? And
because it was an unprotected area there was a lot
of leakage. This does a lot of protecting.
(She was pointing to the pyramid around her)
Tia: but it doesn't matter because because you're so
used to the energy anyway.
Russ: right.
Tia: so what happened was that there was a lot of
energy leakage and she started breaking out in a
sweat and started to get the shakes followed very
quickly by a headache from the energy. So she got up
and left and her current boyfriend or possibly
husband I believe, not too sure on that, got up and
left with her to comfort her.
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: so it's possible that he has latent healing
which would be useful because she also has healing
which she inherited from Skip. She also has a slight
coercive ability and also she's very in tune with
possibilities that can occur which makes her a what?
Russ: a telepath?
Tia: no, a clairvoyant. See the future but only in
limited things. She sees the possibilities of what
are and what could be.
Russ: hmm.
Tia: she's quite a talent actually. See, most people
don't have high shields. There were quite a few
people in that room that started suffering from neck
aches and light headaches.
Russ: hmm. So that's why Omal had us learn shields
Tia: uh-huh. That will be the first thing that you
will teach Skip to use for Ronnie to learn.
Russ: so why didn't Bethany stick around?
Tia: well Bethany is a clone, (?) she's one of those
misknown events. When she tries to come up here and
she succeeds from time to time. Let's say she tries
five times, right? And she gets up once. Okay, now
that will be project A which we will work on for a
week and also, you're a fool, Russ. You really want
Mark to teach you how to fence?
Russ: and I believe it was Mark who initially
brought up the whole subject of wishing to teach me
to fence. I, in my infinite wisdom, decided that it
wouldn't be a bad idea to learn a form of
self-defense that I currently do not know. Where
does the fool part come in to this that you were
mentioning so highly?
Tia: because you told him not to hold back.
Russ: right.
Tia: and if he decides not to hold back, the fight
will be over in I estimate in about thirty seconds.
And Kiri agrees. Kiri has sparred against Mark and
she says he's good. When he doesn't hold back he's
good. Ask him to hold back and let him teach you the
basic movements and work with you and spar with you
but going through a simple or a very slow training
technique where you spar slowly.
Russ: of course. I'd be glad to.....
Tia: we have a visitor who has just arrived.
Russ: great.
Tia: and Kiri is filling her in on what was said in
the challenge. And she's nodding profusely, she
agrees with us.
Russ: tell Lyka I appreciate the concern also.
Tia: Lyka says that Mark has beaten her on a number
of occasions. Mainly with the long, thin ones.
Russ: I believe, let's see if I do a self-analysis
it, it would be our competitive spirit between
ourselves that would lead me to offer such a
Tia: uh-huh. But the best bet would be to ask him to
hold back because once he's worked up, I don't know
how his knees are going to hold up, but once he
works up after probably about five
minutes, his reactions would be fast. It would be
remembering the movements and everything and just
speeding up his movements.
Russ: thank you Tia, I'll take it under advisement
for a solution.
Tia: well, you've seen him practice, haven't you, on
his own?
Russ: yeah, uh-huh.
Tia: you ought to watch him when he does. He doesn't
do it very often which is bad. He should do it more
often. Okay, now then, questions. Oh yes, project B.
Now, stemming again from that channeling session,
was a discussion between Mark and another gentleman
called Mark who worked at area 51. We are going to
restart that project.
Russ: of course, yes.
Tia: and would Friday night be convenient?
Russ: yes, Friday night would be fine.
Tia: okay, midnight?
Russ: once my movie gets out.
Tia: okay, good, good, good. Now we're going to
concentrate on that sub memory blast also, right?
Russ: of course.
Tia: uh-huh. Okay, and that is at Groom, not the
(Groom Lake)
Russ: ahh.
Tia: okay? Now, questions.
Russ: I'm gonna save for you till after Omal.
Tia: okay and I'm sorry to be a bossy boots and
laying down all that for you.
Russ: I'm quite used to that.
Tia: okay, now, I will put on Omal. Are you sitting
Russ: no, actually.
Tia: well sit comfortably.
Russ: I'll sit on the floor. The hard, hard, tough
floor and let my back get really sore.
Tia: do you know what this is?
Russ: one small violin?
Tia: it's playing just for you.
(Omal is the night's first guest speaker)
Omal: greetings and felicitations Russ and how are
we functioning? Yes, you are functioning within
specified diameters.
Russ: no, actually beyond specified diameters and
that's what the topic of tonight's conversation is
all about.
Omal: okay, let us proceed.
Russ: alrighty. First off, prior to that, I was
wondering a little bit about how does sixth
dimension differ from fifth dimension, I.E. Hades to
Omal: okay, the laws of fifth dimension are the
proverbial two twos. Which is bigger? Perception is
the key.
Russ: hmm.
Omal: how do you travel from one side of the room to
the other in fifth dimension?
Russ: see, what I mean is, when I'm on Hades Base, I
don't see any differences between that and when I'm
on Sirius.
Omal: that's because it is a working space within
the fifth dimension which has the same properties as
the sixth dimension.
Russ: oh okay, that explains it. We'll go back to
the subject later on but basically the sixth
dimensional Earth that we were discussing last week
so we could go back into again this week....
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: would have the same properties as both Hades
base and Sirius?
Omal: yes, correct.
Russ: okay.
Omal: there would be no difference between Sirius
and its properties or Hades base in the working
space within the fifth dimension that has the
properties of the sixth dimension.
Russ: okay, excellent. So we could actually say
Hades is on the sixth dimension.
Omal: in essence yes, although it is on the fifth.
Russ: right. Okay, now, elevating the mind to rise
in consciousness is basically what I'm always
striving for and what most humans try to strive for.
Omal: yes, that is correct.
Russ: okay. Now I'm practicing to separate
individual thinking so that I can integrate into
Karra's mind better.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: now while I do this practice, I wonder if you
could tell me what is happening in my aura.
Omal: what is happening is, your aura is changing
its frequency and coloring which matches Karra's and
that is because you are trying to get her into a
frequency so you are on a much tighter note where
you will hear Karra thinking and talking.
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: that she would be able to talk to you much
more directly and you talk to her much more
directly. If you were to look at or scan Tia, Mark
and Kiri.........the reason why I say that is Tia,
Mark, Kiri, little would see that
their auras are very close together.
Russ: and so that's even when he's down here.
Omal: correct. That is why he can hear Tia giggling
whilst she chases somebody around the room.
Russ: now here's what I don't understand, maybe you
can help me with this is Mark's mental set never
seems to be different now than it was when I first
met him.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: does that mean that Kiri and Tia's mindset is
similar to his at that point also?
Omal: pretty much so. You have to remember that they
are very close triplet souls.
Russ: right. So why is it I'm having so much longer
and harder to get to where Karra's and mine mindset
or similar?
Omal: partly because Mark is an astral traveler that
spends a much longer time in contact with them.
Russ: hmm, I see. So basically if I was to spend as
much time with Karra I'd be in the same position he
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay, so that means I have to work a little
bit harder and continue on the way I'm going.
Omal: correct. You see, Mark is constantly subjected
to when he is here, a telepathic barrage from Tia
and Kiri.
Russ: and so am I.
Omal: and vice versa.
Russ: right.
Omal: so that there is constantly, they chatter a
lot on the intimate mode and when I say a lot, I
do mean a lot.
Russ: I'd guess you know.
Omal: yes.
Russ: so basically, what I need to do is just be
able to open up more of myself to Karra.
Omal: uh-huh, yes. And with them sleeping together
in close proximity, I mean their heads apparently,
frequently touch. So that you'll see Tia and Kiri
with their heads close together and Mark with his
head close as he can get to theirs and that helps
Russ: hmmm.
Omal: if you could spend sixteen hours a day with
Karra, you would have that link as well.
Russ: I see. Due to the fact that they are within
each other's aura more constantly than I do.
Omal: correct.
Russ: such for example when I'm with Erica a lot,
her and I have a lot of the same mindsets.
Omal: correct. But it wasn't always the way.
Russ: correct, I've changed more towards her and her
towards me.
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay. Now what are ways that I can improve
this and figure out some self-monitoring techniques?
Omal: hmmm, instead of projecting emotions at Karra
and possibilities in an emotional form, talk to her
directly and listen.
Russ: okay.
Omal: and by listening, you will actually hear her
Russ: yeah, we were practicing that tonight when we
were at dinner.
Omal: yes. Tia is saying that, to paraphrase her, we
three are experimenting with instantaneous thought
at a higher speed ratio.
Russ: hmm.
Omal: for example, Tia is saying that when she
thinks something, she is thinking it faster so then
Mark receives it faster and he is trying to work on
the same thing. Unfortunately, Tia said he's not
quite as quick as we are. Meaning them.
Russ: of course, yes. He'll get a good kick out of
this when he hears it later on.
Omal: oh, I think he's fully aware.
Russ: okay, now, for the self-monitoring
Omal: yes.
Russ: a way to do it?
Omal: oh, yes. A self-monitoring technique would be
to make mental notes of how you hear Karra. Is it
partly emotion and partly her voice? Is it her voice
or is it your own mind.
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: if you hear for example, "Russ, take that pen
and that piece of paper, go to the telephone and
call Carrie and ask her questions".
Russ: oh.
Omal: or, getting the feeling that you should pick
up the phone, right? You should pick up the piece of
paper and not hearing the words.
Russ: oh, I see.
Omal: make a mental note of the fact that you heard
Karra say, "pick up the pen" and then you got the
feeling that you needed to pick up the paper.
Russ: that would be handy.
Omal: eventually you will notice that it will be
Karra saying, "Russ, Russ dear, pick up the pen".
I'm not very good at....
Russ: you're doing quite well actually.
(Russ starts laughing)
Russ: okay, I understand.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: all right, now can this be made into a
constant condition then? Like what Mark does all the
Omal: yes, I do not see why you shouldn't. Although
Mark does not all the time for the simple reason
that some of the time he is up here as well as being
down there.
Russ: right, it cuts him off from that whereas I
would have the ability to do it all the time.
Omal: correct, which will help you to accelerate to
that level.
Russ: okay, which is my next question.
Omal: it will help you with your telepathy and your
next question being where do you proceed from there?
Russ: no.
Omal: no?
Russ: no. Next question being is this a pre-lane (?)
to sixth dimension?
Omal: hmm, it is something that is necessary. Not
100% necessary but it is a aid.
Russ: because it feels like it would be a sixth
dimensional sense.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: in other words okay, it's two different modes
of thought. In third dimensional thought, a person
has anger, self questioning....
Omal: etc.
Russ: etc., right. With this, it's much more clarity
and peacefulness.
Omal: correct, yes. And with a direct communication
does lead to a higher level of consciousness. It is
telepathy, although it is with your twin soul.
Russ: right. So that's why you say open up to Karra?
Omal: correct.
Russ: oh, I understand. And what did you say my next
question was?
Omal: where do you proceed from there?
Russ: ahh yes, that's it, right. Okay, that's a good
question too by the way.
Omal: yes.
Russ: I should've thought of that myself.
Omal: where you proceed from there is being able to
receive transmissions from other people on your
Russ: ahh.
Omal: it is a first step to telepathy.
Russ: oh, I see. Okay, and this is, as we've
discovered before in class, that people with closer
soul notes have a better chance....
Omal: of course.
Russ: of telepathy like myself and Karra.
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay, now then, how does this new mindset lend
itself to meta-concert?
Omal: it speeds up the process. For example, if
Mark, Kiri and Tia were sitting down and they
decided to go into meta-concert.....
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: it is almost instantaneous, they can mesh
quite quickly.
Russ: ahh, I see.
Omal: and Kiri and Tia being quite good at telepathy
up here, can mesh with other minds and bring them in
to a meta-concert.
Russ: now the question I have concerns specifically
in meta-concert is, which position does it lend
itself to more? All of them or just a couple?
Omal: enunciation is very important but yes, it does
lead to all positions. From the low secondary to the
high executive.
Russ: excellent. I would assume that the next step
beyond that then would be teaching.
Omal: hmm, no, to master it.
Russ: oh master it, okay, right. And then after that
would be teaching.
Omal: correct. But you also have to speak up because
as you rightly noted, sometimes your voice is not
heard very well on the recordings.
Russ: right. It's funny because we're the same
distance away.
Omal: correct but I have a much better ability at
projecting my voice.
Russ: true, that's after much practice.
Omal: of course.
Russ: okay, so the key here is to master it and get
it down to where it's a constant.
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay. Would I be able to do this with other
people on Hades base also besides Karra do you
Omal: at present, no. You may be able to do it with
soul notes that are close such as Alana.....
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: but at first, no.
Russ: okay. Possibly my children may have the
Omal: yes. Sometimes they will transmit on your
Russ: oh.
Omal: it occurs with the Cubs and Alex and Leonedies
with Mark sometimes.
Russ: I mean he gets sounds of feeding frenzies
Omal: that is an example.
Russ: I guess that would be an example then. Okay,
excellent. All right, before I go on to this next
part, let me see if I got anything else in regards
to this. Okay yeah, let's go on the next subject
which is on the new world that we're talking about
in which I'm going to be using some of this
information for teaching. In fact, I already got a
little practice the other day with a gentleman who
came here for a regression one time named Dan.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and we were discussing......
Omal: this is the gentleman with the addiction and
some misconstrued beliefs that is overzealous?
Russ: jealous right, but it is good practice for me.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: now then, with this I had a question on
whether the initial shock of translation, what would
stop people from sliding back into a third
dimensional mindset?
Omal: nothing at all.
Russ: oh really? Okay, is that due to the fact that
being on a new world, one would naturally then just
go ahead and accept the sixth dimensional space
around them?
Omal: no, I did not say that.
Russ: no.
Omal: I said there was nothing to stop him from
sliding back.
Russ: oh, oh, oh, I get it. Okay, nothing to stop
him from sliding back.
Omal: correct.
Russ: oh, okay. So, right away I see problems
Omal: yes, you do. What would happen for example if
people started to become very possessive? They would
carry on living out their normal lifespan on the
sixth dimension and when they passed away, they
would be reborn onto the third.
Russ: well wouldn't this have trouble.......? Oh, I
see. Yes, it would have troubles for other people up
there but that would be up to them then.
Omal: correct.
Russ: oh my God, you're wet again. The kitty.
Omal: you have a kitten.
Russ: oh, you saw it?
Omal: I do not see it. Tia was bouncing up and down
and going I quote, "ahh, ain't it cute?" Please,
proceed with the questions.
Russ: okay, with the problems then arising it would
be up to each of the individual people to then learn
and not slide back themselves.
Omal: correct, learn how to handle it.
Russ: okay.
Omal: this one is Ganja, correct?
Russ: that's Ganja, yes. The problem that I came up
with is the fact that when we first settled here on
earth as far as people growng and we developed
weapons as soon as possible and kept improving them
throughout the ages.
Omal: yes, because it was necessary to deal with
hostile animals.
Russ: yeah.
Omal: and hostile animals could also be construed as
Russ: right. Now, what I was wondering, will
teachers be provided or will that be strictly up to
the people who dare to become their own teachers for
everybody else?
Omal: there will be teachers provided but they will
be far superior in their abilities.
Russ: okay. I assume that these teachers would be
then from Hades Base or would they be from Earth
that had that had made the translation?
Omal: they will be guardians.
Russ: oh, I see.
Omal: and who are the guardians?
Russ: well, I'm going to take a wild guess here,
this really wild guess but I would say the hybrids.
Omal: correct.
Russ: I was right.
Omal: that is the guardians. Take for example one of
the guardians or the parents of the guardians. Is he
Russ: no.
Omal: although certainly he is very powerful and
that is part of his function is to teach the
guardians and possibly be one himself.
Russ: I see. Okay.
Omal: he is a super operant.
Russ: oh, you mean Leonedies?
Omal: correct.
Russ: oh, of course, him.
Omal: yes, him.
Russ: I thought you meant powerful with strength,
muscles and stuff. He's just a little kid.
Omal: oh certainly, but knowing what he has now is
equal to a fully grown human adult.
Russ: oh, okay.
Omal: a genius adult at that.
Russ: I thought this was a gray area?
Omal: there were certain facts that can be
Russ: oh, okay, good. All right, now what would be
the people translating to that planet's initial
reaction to these guardians? Would it be of maybe
awe or would it be of fear?
Omal: neither.
Russ: oh really?
Omal: guardians will be trained.
Russ: oh, I see.
Omal: remember what I said last time, tools will be
Russ: so that's why my genes are important in this
also for the communication abilities.
Omal: hmm, your genes are more important for a more
humanoid look.
Russ: oh, I see.
Omal: I'm guilty about that but it is very
(Russ starts laughing)
Russ: I'll take your word for it.
Omal: what would you prefer, a six foot tall
individual or a six foot tall individual that looks
Russ: oh, I see.
Omal: one that is slim and slender like your average
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: or one that is more human?
Russ: human would be more accessible.
Omal: correct.
Russ: I understand.
Omal: okay, let this proceed.
Russ: okay, next subject and that is on to Plan B of
Tia's agenda there.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and I was wondering if you could please
explain some of the benefits of knowing the details
of Area 51?
Omal: it isn't necessary to be able to pass on the
information for a warning on the technology that
would come out of it.
Russ: hmm, okay. Because I notice there's various
disadvantages, that being of course your caution for
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: so these benefits tend to outweigh that and
would this information then be necessary to be
gotten out within the foreseeable, quick future or
Omal: not yet, it would be something you would take
you time about. It would be in dribs and drabs but
very cautiously from different locations.
Russ: okay.
Omal: for example, a road trip with nice rubber
gloves and placing it in a receptacle somewhere like
Fallon or somewhere further away.
Russ: okay.
Omal: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Phoenix,
New York.
Russ: Victorville, Cambria.
Omal: no.
Russ: no?
Omal: those are places that you have had residence.
That is one place you cannot send them from.
Russ: oh, I see. Okay.
Omal: the same as Mark cannot send them to the Napa
Valley or from Great Britain.
Russ: not that he would try.
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay, well that's all I have for now. Thank
you for everything.
Omal: okay, and we have been working with Mark on
his impersonations of Arnold Schwarzenegger you
might be interested to know.
Russ: oh good, let's hear a few.
Omal: you'll have to ask Mark.
Russ: oh.
Omal: you want to ask me if I have any questions?
Russ: oh, okay. Do you have any questions?
Omal: no, but I'll be back.
Russ: okay.
Omal: and of course the tape.....
Russ: yeak uh-huh.
(We hear some rustling and the tape stops and
(Tia makes the quick transition between speakers)
Russ: find something to do in the meantime.
Tia: okay, let's answer questions. Okay, tell you
what, we're going to put her on.
Russ: okay.
(Kiri steps into the channeling
Kiri: yo, dude.
Russ: what up Kiri baby?
Kiri: hey.
(We hear a failed high-five)
Kiri: terrible shot. Okay, what do you want to know?
Russ: we're on kitty watch right now.
Kiri: oh, okay. I'll keep my head facing that way
and I will talk up so you guys that are hard of
hearing can hear me.
Russ: okay, now.....
Kiri: you're not looking that way, are you?
Russ: no.
Kiri: well I was thinking that you've got tons of
wood out there. Tons and tons of wood. Well, about a
ton anyway. What's happening with your raised beds?
Russ: oh, the greenhouse?
Kiri: yes, and the greenhouse, the raised beds and
the greenhouses.
Russ: well, we're cutting.......we're carving out
the things for it.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: I was going to buy wood for the greenhouse.
Kiri: yes, but for the raised beds, you've got wood
there, wood over there, you've got plenty of wood
for it.
Russ: how many raised beds are we looking at?
Kiri: how many do you want?
Russ: a couple or so.
Kiri: you don't have that much wood there.
Russ: not really sure yet.
Kiri: okay, your questions.
Russ: for Kiri, should I practice coercion once a
Kiri: for Russ, what do you think?
Russ: I think it's not enough.
Kiri: I think it's about right. Because what else
are you practicing? Astral travel, healing......
Russ: yeah, well that's just all the basics.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: coercion is one of those things where it is
going to take a lot more work to get it good.
Kiri: depends on how long you practice. Once a day
could be for two, three hours.
Russ: well, I'm talking about coercing somebody.
Kiri: going to try on him?
Russ: who, Mark?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: no, I can't get through his shields.
Kiri: you can when he's having a week moment.
Russ: yeah, but I don't want to take advantage of
his weak moments. I'll leave that to you girls.
Kiri: yeah, we take it. Yeah, we take advantage of
him all the time.
Russ: right, so I mean, it wouldn't be fair for me
to keep doing it also everyday.
Kiri: we use feminine coercion and you can't do
that, nnyyyyhhh.
Russ: nyhhh,
free up my feminine side, nyhhh.
Kiri: you have one?
Russ: do you have a male side?
Kiri: don't know, I've never looked.
Russ: yes, you do.
Kiri: you know, I think Tia talking to your cats
Russ: they seem a little bit more calm than....
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: less concerned with each other.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, now we were going to practice coercion
tonight or you were going to give me some
Kiri: okay, techniques.........okay, I think the
tape's about to run out in a few anyway. Technique
number one, relax. Tip number two or technique
number two is make full eye contact. For example,
what are you thinking?
Russ: how to focus in my brain so that I can....
Kiri: that is tip one right there. I have full eye
contact with you, don't I?
Russ: you do now.
Kiri: yes. Can you break away?
Russ: yeah.
Kiri: takes a little bit of willpower, doesn't it?
Russ: no.
Kiri: why do you keep on looking back then.
Russ: well I'm trying to pay attention to you at the
same time while you're talking. It's rude to ignore
you while you're talking.
Kiri: that's tip number one........tip number two,
Russ: keep people from being rude.
Kiri: correct. People are not rude very often, they
will not look away.
Russ: uh-huh.
Kiri: uh-huh. See, I have you in full contact.
Russ: I look down here, you can't contact anything.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: any more techniques I should know about?
Kiri: yes. Tip number three.....
(They both start laughing)
Kiri: in no way tell tip number two.
Russ: yeah.
Kiri: see, see, see?
Russ: oh good, you want me to sit here and look at
this all night long?
Kiri: no, that was just an example, okay?
Russ: okay.
Kiri: see, it's easy to do, you make eye contact. It
would be easier if I could open both eyes. You
wouldn't be able to look away at all.
Russ: it would be easier if you were down here.
Kiri: oh yes.
Russ: okay. So, tip one, relax.
Kiri: uh-huh. Because if you're all tense and
everything, the energy that you give off is nervous,
jittery energy which makes it difficult for tip
number two. Tip number three, serious tip number
three, learn tip one and two before doing anything
else. That is the most important tip. Tip number
four, keep a level voice. Don't slide up and down
the scale. Do I slide up and down the scale when I'm
Russ: you're not really coercing me, it's hard to
Kiri: do I slide up and down the scale when I'm
Russ: no, of course not. You should know that as
well as I do.
Kiri: correct, but you have to say it.
Russ: oh, yes, of course you do.
Kiri: of course I do slide up and down the scale?
Russ: oh no, you don't.
Kiri: thank you. Okay, that is the tips.
Russ: okay, so why is it when someone is coercing me
that it looks like waves upon your shields?
Kiri: that's because how it works.
Russ: that's how I see it.
Kiri: because it is like sound, sound travels in
Russ: so because this is voice as well as mind, it
amplifies the waves that are coming from you.
Kiri: correct.
Russ: which is mind or sound or both?
Kiri: both.
Russ: both. Okay, so, let me get this straight......
Kiri: the way it works is it's like a radio, right?
Russ: right.
Kiri: radio gives off waves, correct?
Russ: right.
Kiri: your mind is the radio transmitter.....
Russ: uh-huh.
Kiri: and the waves coming out into your mind.....
Russ: right.
Kiri: right? Which receives it.
Russ: right.
Kiri: that is the transmission.
Russ: okay, now everyone has coercion built into
them. It's part of your software that comes with
your hardware package, right?
Kiri: correct.
Russ: like that little analogy?
Kiri: yes, uh-huh.
Russ: okay, now then, does then the fact of using
your brain and your voice together create a certain
frequency that isn't there normally or is it
Kiri: yes.
Russ: oh, it does?
Kiri: it creates a coercive frequency.
Russ: okay.
Kiri: on Sirius it is called the coercive frequency.
Russ: and you can determine between regular
frequencies and a coercive....
Kiri: correct.
Russ: which kind of takes all the fun away I figure.
Kiri: not necessarily.
Russ: well, when you walk into a party, everybody
goes, "whoa, it's the coercive frequency girl".
Kiri: uh-huh and that's what I'm known for. I'm
known for two things, my coercive ability and my
Russ: what about that sexy bod?
Kiri: that's secondary. How many Sirian women do you
know that are not sexy?
Russ: well, your grandmother wasn't all that big of
a turn on.
Kiri: that is different, that is age.
Russ: you asked, didn't you?
Kiri: yes.
Russ: okay.
Kiri: but how many Sirian women have you met that
aren't sexy?
Russ: right.
Kiri: just the one, my grandmother. Please, have
more respect for her.
Russ: I'm joking Kiri. God, Karra's laughing.
Kiri: my grandmother and myself are very close.
Russ: I know, but I mean because of that you should
be able to enjoy a good joke as well as she can.
Kiri: well, you're insulting her.
Russ: I am not insulting her. She's not here to be
Kiri: God, you're so gullible sometimes. You fall
for everything hook, line and sinker. Okay, now
where were we?
Russ: okay, we were at let's see, back on Sirius.
Kiri: that was one of my things. Don't forget, I did
pick up the trophy two years in a row straight.
(The champion coercer trophy)
Russ: oh yeah.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, now, what about Karra? Does she have any
coercive abilities?
Kiri: healing coercive abilities only. She's not an
all-around coercer.
Russ: she doesn't do coercive frequencies as much?
Kiri: she's hopeless in coercive frequencies.
Russ: because I know you helped Mark out.....
Kiri: oh yes.
Russ: all the time.
Kiri: a lot. I just gave him little pointers from
time to time.
Russ: okay, so, to create the coercive frequency,
steps one, two....
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and three are still set. All right......
Kiri: uh-huh.
(The conversation with Kiri picks up where it left
Russ: okay, so, creating the
coercive frequency has to become a natural
extension of your own self.
Kiri: correct.
Russ: because you can't sit there and think,
"okay, now I use my voice, I use my mind",
takes too long.
Kiri: correct. Practice, practice, practice,
practice. Now I'm going to hand over back to
Tia because we have one, two, three more
people that want to talk.
Russ: oh, I got a joke for you.
Kiri: okay.
Russ: okay, remember Ryan who came here
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: now then, I have a feeling that he is
starting to backslide a bit.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: now, if he backslides again, I have
the feeling he might go as low as a flower.
Now, what would his name be?
Kiri: Pettle.
Russ: Ryincarnation.
Kiri: that's terrible. Okay, I'm going have
to put on as Tia's getting antsy with a
joint ending for the tape.
Russ: okay.
Kiri: see you shortly.
Russ: all right.
(Wing Commander Taal
pays an infrequent visit)
Taal: yes, sit up.
Russ: yeah, that caught my attention right
Taal: greetings.
Russ: greetings Taal.
Taal: correct.
Russ: all right, and how are you?
Taal: I am functioning fine.
Russ: excellent.
Taal: first, have joke for you.
Russ: okay.
Taal: the other day I shot the biggest mouse
you have ever seen with my laser pistol.
Russ: uh-huh.
Taal: this thing was huge. However, I don't
think they're going to let me back into
(Russ laughs at that)
Russ: that's a good one, I like that.
Taal: I'm serious. Just kidding.
Russ: thank you for your careful
watchfulness on my trip.
Taal: welcome. And I must thank Mark for his
assistance recently.
Russ: with what?
Taal: research.
Russ: oh, yes.
Taal: Mr. guinea pig.
Russ: oh yes, instead of having a pilot
taken off of duty or something, now you've
got Mark.
Taal: yes, Mr. guinea pig.
Russ: did they throw him in the lake yet?
Taal: yes, today.
Russ: oh, they did. He didn't tell me how
that went.
Taal: I hear he was not a happy individual.
I think, yes, Kiri says he had nosebleed
from depth.
Russ: hmm. No wonder he didn't mention it.
Taal: not a happy experience. Six hundred
feet down, three hours to come up.....sorry,
two and a half hours to come up.
Russ: whew, you guys are really looking at
the worst case possibilities then.
Taal: we have in the past had people rescued
from thousand feet down.
Russ: oh really? The life support functions
of the ship would be quite adequate though I
take it?
Taal: yes, but unfortunately at that depth
vessel unflyable.
Russ: that's true.
Taal: normally when you land in water you
are in trouble.
Russ: now we've had occasions where we've
heard of underwater vehicles.
Taal: correct.
Russ: USO's. And is that a particular kind
that's designed for that?
Taal: correct. Normally they are lowered
from a three-man vessel.
Russ: oh, I see. So they're not like dual
rated for air and water?
Taal: no. They can fly in atmosphere.....
Russ: okay.
Taal: but not in space. They do not have the
equipment to translate space.
Russ: oh, I see. Hmm.
Taal: they have equipment for working in
intense cold and pressure.
Russ: hmm, okay. So depths of deep, deep,
Taal: up to thirty thousand feet, plus.
Russ: Marianas Trench.
Taal: to the bottom I hear.
Russ: hmm, okay. Now is that something that
you guys have to be concerned with?
Taal: no.
Russ: good.
Taal: they are special assignments. News
flash for you.....
Russ: hmm, fire away.
Taal: your friend has a confirmed kill.
Russ: excellent, excellent. So, that's his
first then?
Taal: correct.
Russ: ahh, well on his way to getting up
there in the ranks.
Taal: and how many more does he have to go
before he gets as high as yours truly?
Russ: I'm guessing here at twelve more?
Taal: a little higher.
Russ: ahh, twenty?
Taal: no.
Russ: not quite that high.
Taal: I said little higher.
Russ: so around fifteen. I was really close
Taal: yes.
Russ: all right, how's Katrina? I hear she
comes by once in a while.
Taal: right. She is fine and functioning.
Russ: is she here tonight?
Taal: no.
Russ: oh. Usually when we have a pyramid
session she is here.
Taal: pyramid session? No, she is at home
with little one. It is her turn to watch.
Russ: ahh, I see. Well I hear you're off on
another trip here pretty soon?
Taal: that is correct.
Russ: a long one?
Taal: unfortunately, that is so.
Russ: six weeks I believe.
Taal: correct.
Russ: that's a long one.
Taal: long convoy duties.
Russ: oh.
Taal: it avoids boredom by rotation. At the
time born, but because rotation, not so.
Russ: good. Well, being as you're guarding a
convoy, does anything ever happen that you
actually need to be there for?
Taal: yes.
Russ: oh really?
Taal: yes.
Russ: they get jumped once in a while?
Taal: occasionally, yes.
Russ: that would be amazing. I wouldn't
think that......
Taal: normally through hostile parts of
third dimensional space.
Russ: oh. Reminds me of back in the 1940s
when we had a big world war down here and we
had convoys going from America to Britain to
supply the allies. And the German U-boats
would be out in the water looking to
Taal: yes, I can see the similarities.
Russ: right and they'd have these destroyer
escorts that would be on wolf pack patrols.
Taal: hmm.
Russ: well, good. So you might get another
kill out of this next convoy....
Taal: that is where I have most of my kills.
Russ: oh really? So, is it like a surprise
Taal: yes.
Russ: in force?
Taal: not necessarily in force.
Russ: and it's not just like one on one kind
of thing?
Taal: no.
Russ: you mean multiple on one, right?
Taal: yes.
Russ: that's what I thought.
Taal: it is an advantage for us sometimes.
Russ: because they're working as a pair and
they have to back each other up and you
Taal: not necessarily. Sometimes it is six
of us against one of them.
Russ: oh, I see. Well that's not quite
Taal: what is fighter combat?
Russ: it's survival.
Taal: in its barest essence, it is murder.
Russ: that's true.
Taal: we shoot them down without being seen.
Russ: well, maybe you can answer me a
question on that and that was if you can
translate between dimensions, and they're
only limited to just third dimension, can
you just suddenly like say pop into third
dimension right behind them or something?
Taal: you have to be careful doing that
because it is not always constant
reappearance. For example, third here, wink
out to fourth, wink back in. Instead of you
being back here, you may be over there.
Russ: oh, I see. It's tough to tell where
you will pop back out.
Taal: correct, because it is a wide area. A
good time has elapsed.
Russ: can't your computers account for that?
Taal: there are so many variables that the
calculations are very high.
Russ: oh, I see. But if computers could
calibrate it to that....
Taal: that would give us something to work
Russ: that would be great for practice
sessions, working on getting to where you
can pop in and out at the same spot.
Taal: it is something we work on. In a
hundred tries we may do it only twice or
three times, not acceptable for combat.
Russ: no, not even acceptable. That's
suicidal. You could lose a battle trying
Taal: correct.
Russ: it's like a stealth fighter though,
get that down to where it's a hundred out of
a hundred....
Taal: then it would be fair? No, but it
would work.
Russ: right.
Taal: thank you. Dismissed.
(Tia makes her next transition between
Tia: stand easy Russ.
Russ: oh thank you. Hey love.
Tia: hey. Right, I'll put on let me see.
Yeah, okay.
takes over from Wing Commander Taal)
Karra: when I tell you something, you're
meant not to tell everybody I told you.
Russ: well yeah, but it wouldn't be fair to
pretend like it's my memory.
Karra: I wonder why I bother sometimes.
Russ: because you love me?
Karra: that's it, I'm going to cross my legs
(Russ laughs)
Karra: let's start again.
Russ: all right.
Karra: let's get down to business.
Russ: alrighty we've got a lot to work on
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay.
Karra: and project A.
Russ: yes.
Karra: okay, the young lady. First of all,
we have to get her healing ability
Russ: well, we could have her work on Mark.
Karra: she needs to learn how to control her
Russ: well she could practice on me.
Karra: no, what I'm saying is she has to
understand in advance.
Russ: oh, right. Oh, we'll explain all that.
Karra: yes. Because if you get her to work
on somebody and she gets it wrong, she could
do more harm than good. And she won't be
able to heal Skip because they're too close.
Russ: right.
Karra: but they can learn from each other by
discussing techniques.
Russ: yeah, but I always have these little
cuts and bruises on me.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: she can always help accelerate that.
Karra: but we've got to start off at the
beginning. She is a total novice.
Russ: that's the best kind.
Karra: we will have to teach her healing and
cleanliness. Clapping her hands, washing her
hands is necessary. Something we try to
remind you of from time to time.
Russ: well, I got it the last time.
Karra: well what about the time before that?
Russ: well not all the time, I'm a novice
too here you've got to remember. Catching up
Karra: not quick enough as you know. I'm not
mad at you really.
Russ: I love you too.
Karra: yes, I'll try to cooperate as much as
possible on helping you accelerate with your
one-on-one telepathy.
Russ: hey, we're working on it, tonight was
a great step forward I'd say.
Karra: uh-huh, I think so too. Okay now,
come on, down to business.
Russ: okay.
Karra: Tia is saying that she has others for
the tape.
Russ: okay, questions that I have for you.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, now, let's work on this new
mindset, shall we?
Karra: hmm?
Russ: okay, because that's all I got here to
pay attention to because that is where my
main focus is going to be for the next
however long it takes to get this perfected.
So you'll have to bear with me because I'm
going to be working on this constantly. All
right, now the new mindset reminds me of
being high......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay? Now you were in my mind a lot of
those times so you can see the similarities
but why is this so?
Karra: because it is using a higher function
which is smart. When the neurons fire across
the synapses, it fires across the pleasure
circuits, correct?
Russ: yeah, it does feel good.
Karra: uh-huh and what's happening as we
succeed, is that they're firing as a, "hey,
this is good, thank you".
Russ: I just thought it was the way you
always feel.
Karra: hey, I always feel good.
Russ: well that's like me, seems like this
is the way you would be constantly.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, and so, you sure you don't have
your coercion down to a T?
Karra: no I don't.
Russ: okay. Basically, I'll be working on
getting it to where I can understand you
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: what I need to do is have you help me
the way that Omal mentioned.
Karra: yes, of course.
Russ: you specifically say, "Russell you
pick up the pen".
Karra: okay, I will do so.
Russ: I mean however you do it.
Karra: I will try not to do it the way that
it is normally done up here which is in the
space of a second I can transmit what I just
Russ: right, which wouldn't do me any good
at all.
Karra: no.
Russ: whereas it might be a fleeting mind
image to me......
Karra: uh-huh, to Kiri or Alana or one of my
techs it would be understood and replied
upon in that second.
Russ: we'll get to there.
Karra: eventually, yeah.
Russ: yeah.
Karra: it takes a lot of practice.
Russ: right but we have to start from
scratch so like we're gonna start with
Ronnie and you can start with me.
Karra: cool and quickly sidestepping, I
agree totally with Kiri and Tia on fencing
with Mark.
Russ: oh, okay.
Karra: it would be fun.....
Russ: right.
Karra: but I'm not looking to heal you every
five minutes. So please, with restraint.
Russ: with restraint, yes.
Karra: good.
Russ: all right, now then, and so in the
future what I'll do is, I'll be mentally
always pushing myself to be ready to
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and then I'll be listening for you to
be specifically saying something in regards
to what I'm doing.
Karra: yes.
Russ: okay. The key is even though you
aren't a coercive person.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: I need you to hopefully be able to
remind me to coerce at moments where I need
to coerce.
Karra: I'm going to give the answer that
Mark gave Kiri the other day when he said
that.......that Kiri said to him that he had
to coerce Ronnie to open up to talk to him.
Russ: right.
Karra: and Mark said he couldn't do that
because it wasn't necessary to do that. And
he said even if he wanted to he could not
coerce her because of the respect. And Kiri
said that it was important that he coerce
her and he refused.
Russ: I don't have that problem.
Karra: you're not a full on, hard-core
coercer, are you?
Russ: no, but if I was to become one, I'd
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: as necessary I'd be right there in the
Karra: yes, it is the moral dilemma.
Russ: yes, I won't have that problem.
Karra: and I can't coerce you for the same
reason that Mark can't coerce Ronnie.
Russ: I don't want you to coerce me.
Karra: no.
Russ: all I want you to do is just remind me
to coerce, all right? I just need someone to
say, "hey Russ, this would be a good time to
coerce this person".
Karra: I'm not a coercer.
Russ: I don't want you to, just say it to
Karra: I will try.
Russ: all right.
Karra: I can't guarantee it.
Russ: okay, that's all I want. I just want
to hear a little hint or reminder......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and I'll do the work.
Karra: oh yes, by the way, you have a
mission tomorrow.
Russ: why, what's up?
Karra: healing journey mission.
Russ: Carrie?
Karra: yes.
Russ: I haven't practiced with her for a
while but that was pretty successful.
Karra: you can practice tonight with Alana.
Yes I know, I'm devoted.
Russ: I know, but still, I've got to work
harder on what I'm working with Alana on.
I'm slacking.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: well, it's not slacking, I'm trying to
get the complete feeling of being there
without falling asleep.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: alrighty. Well, that's all I've got
and you said you've got a bunch of people
who still have to get on.
Karra: well we do have one more person. How
much tape do we have?
Russ: that's all, one more person? Oh heck,
we've got about a good fifteen minutes of
Karra: we can talk for just a little bit
more. Okay, now then, yes, we have been
monitoring with interest the terrible
twosome, Mark's knee problems.
Russ: oh, okay.
Karra: uh-huh. He's really jumpy about
people probing and messing around with his
knees even though the pain can really get to
him at times.
Russ: well, we've been told off, haven't we?
I mean not told off, I mean told not to by
Karra: well, the fact that Mark is so
nervous and jittery about having people
probing around with his knees.
Russ: who is, doctors?
Karra: I think Mark is scared of everybody
when it comes to his knees or any part of
his body.
Russ: that's weird because if it was me boy,
I'd be jumping to get them worked on.
Karra: well, Mark is a very strange
individual at times.
Russ: okay, so how's his knees?
Karra: hmm, apart from the fact that the
pins and stuff are gone, they're pretty
messed up.
Russ: and it's not because of the fact that
the pins are gone I take it.
Karra: no, that was more of a help than
anything else.
Russ: okay.
Karra: still not quite sure how he managed
to do that actually.
Russ: I thought we already proved it was
that car?
Karra: yeah, I know it solves the problem
working on them up here but it shouldn't
have dissolved them as rapidly as it did.
Probably explains why he's been a little bit
Russ: hmm.
Karra: yes, he has been cranky recently,
hasn't he?
Russ: that's true.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: but see, this is what I'm really
counting on.
Karra: yes, to catch things that you miss.
Russ: no, but that would help too. No, it
was my crankiness I feel. It's like I've
been in a permanent third dimensional state
that I can't break out of.
Karra: this is something that we really need
to discuss with you actually.
Russ: yeah, and I think the whole thing with
tonight is a final just tired of it. Wanting
to just break out of that whole thing in
front of me. I had to do something to get
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: to break into a more higher
dimensional state because this third
dimensional crap is getting to me.
Karra: that's part of the problem now. When
it happens you've got to go, "okay, fair
enough. So what, what am I gonna do about
Russ: that's why I did that tonight.......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: so that now I have an answer for that.
Karra: good.
Russ: did you notice that though when I
would be like sliding into the game or
getting a set of people at the table next to
me, I would be able to go ahead and just go
back into that state and get out of it?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: well that's the answer I think.
Karra: hmmm.
Russ: see what I'm talking about?
Karra: yeah, I know exactly what you're
talking about.
Russ: see, I mean before now, what were my
options? It used to be I'd go smoke a joint.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: or go hit a bong a couple times and
I'd be out of it for the next four hours.
Karra: yeah.
Russ: but without that to me, it seems like
I've finally gotten that out of my system or
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: to where now I'm looking to find a
replacement mentally......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: to match that which I did physically.
Karra: correct.
Russ: and I think this is going to be the
Karra: yes.
Russ: I just have to, just you know.......
Karra: mind you, the pair of you have been
quite cranky recently.
Russ: well, that's the frustration.
Karra: uh-huh, yes, of course. But with Mark
I think it's the pain and frustration with
Russ: hmm, true.
Karra: that he keeps on getting hung up at
work and hung out to dry every so often at
work for things he did not do.
Russ: well, we'll go ahead and I think
you're gonna see a nice change.
Karra: well, I hope so.
Russ: well, if I can be more in tune with
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: I mean that's gonna be......
Karra: oh, of course, yes, yes. I've got to
go, I'm getting paged. Hey, I didn't say I
was going, I said I've got to go, I'm being
paged. I didn't say that I was going.
Russ: oh, I wanted to finish my sentence.
Karra: okay, go ahead, finish your sentence.
Russ: okay, when I used to get high, I'd be
like with you closer.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: as far as mentally and that was my big
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: hopefully create that bond.
Karra: uh-huh. Unfortunately, you were
deluding yourself because where does it go?
Russ: right, it was a dead-end.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: but, the problem came in was with
stopping it.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: I lost that bond.
Karra: why?
Russ: well, because of the fact that those
synapses weren't firing properly.
Karra: no, they were firing as they should
be but they were taking the stimuli away
that would make them fire at an accelerated
Russ: right.
Karra: which in actual fact is an artificial
Russ: then what is it I'm doing now? Am I
actually still doing the same thing?
Karra: correct.
Russ: okay, so....
Karra: after two years, we're now getting
back to the level where you were when you
weren't taking your habit and you would've
gone no higher. But now that you're free of
it, there's only one way to go.
Russ: right.
Karra: okay, well I am being paged dear.
Russ: okay.
Karra: I'm sorry.
Russ: that's all right. I got you in my
conversation and well I have a free
Karra: yes, I'll see if I can relay rabbit
Russ: okay, love you much.
Karra: probably some fruitcake and roller
(Tia makes her last speaker transition)
Tia: and off she goes with her bag. Oh well,
I suppose I better put on the last guest
Russ: okay.
Tia: okay.
Russ: did I ask you my questions?
Tia: yeah, you did. Let me put on this guest
speaker, she'll be quick.
Russ: okay.
(Lyka is the night's last
guest speaker)
Russ: I saw a mouth move.
Lyka: yo, Russ, hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Russ: yo Lyka.
Lyka: hey, how's it going?
Russ: definitely and how is yourself?
Lyka: begins with H.
Russ: oh, well that, that would explain it,
Lyka: whoaaaaaaa.
Russ: good.
Lyka: forgot what comes after that.
Russ: oh.
Lyka: okay........
Russ: okay.
Lyka: let me get down to business.
Russ: alrighty.
Lyka: battlefield strategy.
Russ: hey, yeah, that's right. We were gonna
work on that, weren't we?
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: I forgot, bitching.
Lyka: and unfortunately, I can't do it
without pictures.
Russ: oh. Well we don't have anything set up
down here to translate pictures for you.
Lyka: no, but what I can do,
I can't do that because I don't have the
hand eye coordination.
Russ: well, didn't you get taught anything
about that in school without having to use
Lyka: it's easier with pictures. I could
explain it to you until blue in the face and
you would not understand.
Russ: okay, I see.
Lyka: the reason being that you don't speak
Sirian, do you?
Russ: not very well, no.
Lyka: there's your answer.
Russ: and I could go up there and I could
spend as much time as I could but I don't
have the mind astral coordination's to
understand it completely.
Lyka: and here endth the lesson.
Russ: I know you have a way around this
Lyka: uh-huh, I'll think of it.
Russ: I have faith.
Lyka: you do.
Russ: so how's everything other than that?
Lyka: who knows around here?
Russ: oh, why's that?
Lyka: you know how to wargame.
Russ: yeah, I've wargammed before.
Lyka: uh-huh. What we can do is Kiri plays
you and I give Kiri strategy moves.
Russ: okay.
Lyka: I have the eye-opening routine.
Russ: uh-huh.
Lyka: and we have the hand eye coordination
and we have my great strategy mind.
Russ: excellent. What materials are going to
need for this?
Lyka: little toy soldiers.
Russ: all right.
Lyka: and an agreed upon rules of
engagement. I'd love a table with hits and
miss and damage points.
Less: wait a minute, wait a minute........
Lyka: also, little scale soldiers.
Russ: hold on sweetheart.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, a couple years ago my brother
sent me this space-age wargame set.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: and how it's got all the pieces and
everything, like little cardboard pieces
that represent units of soldiers with
different arms....
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: different battlefield things. It's got
whole maps and everything all laid out ready
to go with different places. And I can get
Mark to help to set that up with me. He can
go through it and learn it with me and then
Kiri will know it because I'll do it when
Kiri is with Mark.
Lyka: uh-huh, okay.
Russ: and then I can wargame with Kiri then
during a session......
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: and you can coach her from there.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: that will work.
Lyka: okay.
Russ: okay. We've got everything already,
we're set.
Lyka: times up.
Russ: okay.
Lyka: bye.
Russ: bye.
(Tia is back to finish up
the night)
Tia: okay.
Russ: hi darling.
Tia: now, where's my questions?
Russ: okay. Well, I already asked you the
questions I wanted to ask you.
Tia: oh, okay.
Russ: but, we need to talk anyway during
this whole thing. I just try to hide my
Tia: yes, I know.
Russ: going back and forth so we don't just
say hi. Oh, is Alana here?
Tia: no.
Russ: okay.
Tia: chitchat, chitchat, chitchat.
Russ: hey, do you doodle at work?
Tia: I don't understand.
Russ: doodle. You know, when you're sitting
there and you're thinking of something or
you're working on something and drawing
little shapes and stuff on your note pad or
Tia: no, I don't have time.
Russ: oh, you don't?
Tia: no.
Russ: you can tell a lot about a person how
they doodle.
Tia: sorry, potty humor.
Russ: okay. You've been a mother too long
Tia: uh-huh.
(Russ starts to laugh)
Tia: never too long, I adore my cubs.
Russ: I know.
Tia: we had great fun at camping.
Russ: yeah, I heard about the new grill they
made for that.
Tia: yes, surprise the hell out of me,
they've gotten their own.
Russ: did they? Well that's good.
Tia: they love eating rabbit.
Russ: oh, they do?
Tia: uh-huh.
Lyka: but not the big ones. They like eating
young rabbits because they're tender. The
big ones are, especially the ones high up
where we were, are bigger and tougher and
stringer and their ears are longer.
Russ: hmm, I understand.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm, so it looks like you've got some
really nice hunters on your hands here.
Tia: yes, my daughters.
Russ: you had them painted up...
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: I was wondering about that. Did you do
each one separately then?
Tia: did each one in a different design.
Russ: oh.
Tia: normally what would happen if they were
to become priestesses in the hunt is that
they would design their own when they were
Russ: right.
Tia: normally start training when they're
about seven.
Russ: wow, you really got them in early on
this. So what about the other Durondedunn
couple, how are they doing? I haven't heard
about them in a while.
Tia: they're doing fine. She's being cared
for and bedridden from the nose down.
Russ: so she likes being pregnant?
Tia: uh-huh, she thinks it's great.
Russ: do we know how many cubs they're going
to have?
Tia: four.
Russ: four?
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: excellent. And they'll be the normal
Tia: yeah.
Russ: no problem there.
Tia: normal size, no problem at all.
Russ: good. And so how is the transition
Tia: hmm, they don't show any signs of
Russ: oh, they don't.
Tia: none at all.
Russ: was that an expected thing?
Tia: yes, it was expected that they would be
Russ: right.
Tia: and as they have mainly......and I
don't show off my abilities....
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: they're limited.
Russ: well, I always heard about the little
Tia: what little incident?
Russ: Athena and Minerva or Athena and
Tia: yes.
Russ: that little incident.
Tia: hey, you shouldn't get between two cubs
when they're fighting.
Russ: well yeah, but if it happened down
here, that's the first thing I'd do too.
Tia: uh-huh. But your species doesn't have
retractable fingernails that come out that
are razor-sharp.
Russ: well true. I'd have Mark give me a
suit of mail maybe.
Tia: yes. But they've resolved their
problems and everything.
Russ: that's good. So they've become fast
friends again?
Tia: yes.
Russ: excellent. It won't hurt that
meta-concert then.
Tia: that's very important to them.
Russ: okay.
Tia: it's just that Diana thought that
because she's the boss of the meta-concert
that she should be the boss of the pack.
Russ: yeah, there are pack rules, right?
Tia: yes, there are pack rules. The pack
rules are that......
Russ: the biggest is strongest.
Tia: the one that wins the fight is the
Russ: oh, yeah.
Tia: it doesn't matter if they are bigger or
stronger. But in Athena's case, bigger and
stronger and more stamina had the advantage.
Quite frequently on home, it would be the
smallest of the litter that would be the
Russ: why?
Tia: quicker, faster.
Russ: true.
Tia: more agile. But Athena could take a lot
more damage than I could at her age.
Russ: did you get into a few fights when you
are student?
Tia: oh, did I?
Russ: who was the boss in your little group?
Tia: my big sister.
Russ: oh.
Tia: actually, she was first. There was my
brother, there was me and then my little
Russ: and she was just quicker and faster
than you?
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: then you were?
Tia: yes.
Russ: hard to believe, you're pretty quick
and fast.
Tia: she was quite impressive.
Russ: and your brother didn't stand a chance
Tia: he was dominated by me and little
Russ: that poor guy. He would have some
serious psychological problems in this world
if that happened.
Tia: it's natural. Tee was
natural for him to be dominated.
Russ: what's his name?
Tia: Tee.
Russ: Tee.
Tia: hmm?
Russ: what was your sister's name?
Tia: sister's name? Oh yes, sorry. I was
thinking. TEE.
Russ: okay, sounds like Tee.
Tia: no, that's Tee. TEE.
Russ: TEE and Tia.
Tia: uh-huh. And actually my Durondedunn
name is Prew
Russ: oh is it?
Tia: Prew.
Russ: oh, I didn't know that.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: that's great.
Tia: I took a earth name to make it easier
for you guys.
Russ: oh, I see.
Tia: can you go Prew?
Russ: Proo.
Tia: no, Prew.
Russ: Proo.
Tia: Prew.
Russ: I am doing Prew.
Tia: no you're not. You're not putting
enough emphasis on the middle.
Russ: Proo.
Tia: Prew. See what I mean, you can't get me
down for it.
Russ: yes. I found out about being in the
correct my frequencies today. I didn't know
about you, Mark, and Kiri.
Tia: uh-huh. Yeah, I think that's a great
idea of ours is the timeshare.
Russ: well, so how's that going to work?
Tia: carefully.