Letter From The Editors

For December of 2024

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Humanity has three things considered myth to a majority of the population yet are considered completely factual by a minority who believe in them with little evidence to go on. Those three are alien races, Sasquatch or Bigfoot, and fairies or devas. They are mysteries to most people but others have devoted their lives to studying whether they are real or not. Quite often what they use for evidence is commonly disputed. Believers disregard the doubters based on whatever evidence they've seen or read and the fact that they stay mysterious just strengthens their belief. We of course believe in all three because of information unavailable to most people. All of our evidence comes courtesy of the archives in the Hades Base News where it was channeled by members of Ashtar Command during the channeling sessions we held in the 90s. Those sessions channeled by Mark Crocker featured speakers who were watching this planet long before man came on the scene. We'll go over each the three in turn.

Taking the first one, the belief in alien races, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi postulated that the reason we aren't being visited by alien races is that they all died out before they could reach the technical maturity to travel between stars but, if they did, it was before mankind existed. Thanks to the archives, we know what actually goes on is that groups such as Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation ensure that other races do not interfere with our evolution. They mainly guard our borders let's say with ships based out of Mars from a higher dimension. They're not always successful and abductions do take place surreptitiously by other third dimensional races. No, the fact of the matter is there are a lot of other races just in our galaxy alone on various dimensions that we will potentially meet one day in person. In the meantime, there are the Hades Base archives and other sources of channeled information from those higher dimensional races wishing to help with our evolution.

A quick check of the cable listings may show some expedition or amateur search for legendary Bigfoot or Sasquatch. The evidence of their existence has been the result of hoaxes or luck. To date no one has found the bones or remains of any creature and the most we have two go one is plaster casts of footprints, hair samples, and grainy videos and photographs. Native American tribes have stories of them and numerous meetings with humans have been reported ever since. With the tens of thousands of hikers and hunters roaming the woods it would seem there would be better cell phone videos or in a worse case, a corpse. With the addition of AI helping people blur the lines between the real and unreal, no one knows what to believe anymore. What people don't understand about such a race of beings is their age. Much like the elemental world coming next, there is two things people don't understand about Sasquatch. Number one, they're psychic. Number two we'll discuss shortly.

As long as man has had stories there have been tales of the beings of the elemental world such as fairies and devas. They have been worshiped and prayed to for centuries for good a reason, they maintain the natural order. They don't interfere with the actions of man and work as an invisible presence in the background. We know them from fairytales and the elemental world includes angelic beings also. Like the race of Sasquatch, they were among the seven races who colonized Atlantis from their home planet of Sirius. As we learned in the archives, the elementals in Atlantis were originally as solid as humans are now. Instead of ascending, they chose to exist between dimensions helping out the planet. They can choose a more solid form and some gifted humans can even see them at times such as what used to happen at Findhorn Gardens in Scotland. With a comparable age of existence, it's possible the race of Sasquatch can also choose whether to be solid or not. It would solve the question of how they stay so well hidden. We hope we've explained the other two examples and why they will stay just as mysterious as Bigfoot.
In love, light and wisdom as one,
Russ and Karra
