podcast added to the current
archives: "A World of
Illusions and Hands-on Healing"
Channeling Session
enter March with a fascinating channeling
session with pretty good sound quality compared
to last month. Following along via the
transcript is encouraged as some parts aren't as
clear. A few of things of note before getting
started. The first is that Tia starts things off
in what could be called a frisky mood which
included interacting with the cats hanging
around Mark's body on the futon. Also, Karra was
still a healer at this point and Alana, her
daughter, was a bit shy and speaks very softly.
Lastly, this recording took place exactly one
week after last month's channeling session. So,
our new mother Tia was just wrapping up feeding
one of her children as things get started. As it
is with most sessions, we begin by going over my
recent farsighting practice and the different
techniques I had been trying out to improve my
range and duration of the trips. That brings us
to the part of the title of this channeling
session which is a world of illusions. This
section is a comparison between the control
systems of this dimension and their dimension.
In this dimension, the control system revolves
around money while on their dimension, the
control systems revolve around the advancement
of the self and the system. We stay on that
subject as we discuss life on their dimension
and the rules in place there which we would
return to near the end of the session. But for
now, Tia had a wild hair and Kiri had to step in
to let Karra speak with her for a bit. More
restrained, Tia returns and we continue. What we
do learn before she leaves is how she lives in a
world full of telepaths. She is able to tune
into the mental babble as she calls it or tune
it out. Karra quickly takes her place to remind
me to get a crystal scalpel before making way
for Omal to finish up the side. A topic we would
return to with Karra later was how certain pain
can bring on advancement in various psychic
skills. In this case, the mental pain of heavy
thinking on serious matters. As he says, that is
when you're really using your brain. That had
been what I have been going through learning new
technologies on the base and his explanation
made sense. We go into the subject of
manifestation and my recent attempts at creating
a penny from scratch. It was similar to what he
was teaching Mark and Kiri's son Alex where Alex
would create something but he would turn away
and get upset when it disappeared due to a lack
of his attention and energy. One thing we end
with that might be confusing is about Mark and
Tia's triplets and how boisterous they were in
her womb. It got so bad I and others would try
to calm them by speaking to them telepathically
to give her some peace. It worked but then she
stressed when she didn't feel them moving as
much as before. It was a tough pregnancy that
had to be completed in two different wombs in
the end. We move on from there to new subjects
on the second side.
We get into stellar physics and a question about
a trip I made in my astral body out to Pluto and
looked back. That then brings up the topic of
why our solar system is elliptical and how
gravity keeps everything in place. He suggests
some experiments to demonstrate how planets move
at different speeds and don't collide. My brain
was starting to hurt so we ended with his
pumping a crystal full of energy and then giving
it to me to refresh my energy from it. What
happens next is surprising as Karra and Kiri
team up so that they can guide me in working on
Mark's knee. We were using energy transfers to
help speed up the healing on a recent surgery he
had been through. Working with the crystal
scalpel, we align some energy and clear up some
blockages. All done, Karra and I discuss the
genetics of the twin children still in her womb
and what we could expect as far as their
abilities. What we learn is that she will avoid
any pain blockage options so that she can bond
more with the children when they were to be
born. That brings up the pain she would go
through and the increase in her abilities that
would come as a result. She needs to end quickly
so we find out what fruits and other items help
as brain food prior to her leaving. Kiri returns
by herself this time and surprise, we discuss
sex. In this case, the rules they have to live
by regarding it that are less the more educated
you are. With that, we learn about her take on
how far she goes on the matter. We end so that
her niece can channel as we are squeezed for
time. Alana and I go over how we would be
sharing time together since Karra needed some
rest from the pregnancy. We finalize the plans
and then let Tia wrap things up with some
program notes from the channeling session. She
then launches into a quick music trivia part of
the session that came as another surprise. We
get through her renditions and discuss her
attempts at keeping one of Mark's eyes open
while she channeled. Kiri had gotten the other
one open and Tia was trying to catch up. Just
before the tape runs out, we talk about
something her daughter was doing which was
turning into a kitten using manifestation. Her
research had discovered it was a rare trait
whose originals she had failed to determine.
When I saw it I thought it was pretty cute. So
that was the channeling session with some very
excellent subjects covered. The sound quality
makes it a good one for the archives.
This month's editorial
is called "Handbook for the Immortal